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Jimin had spend hours mulling over this theory in his head, but he wasn't a hundred percent sure of it. Suga spent every summer at the port, and Jimin had spent almost every summer at the port till he was fifteen. Suga had a friend that hated fireworks, Jimin hated fireworks. Suga had a sailboat tattoo that looked identical to the drawing that he'd given Yoongi when they were younger, and the most recent one was that Jimin had discovered that Suga's birthday was approaching. It was on the 9th.The same day at Yoongi's. There were also other factors to take into account. There was what his mother had told him that night at dinner, the way Suga acted around him, or how he still didn't know his real name, but that he was positive he heard Namjoon say it under his breath at the game, or that he could have sworn he saw MIN YOONGI written on the back of one of the jerseys at the game as well. But even with all this, Jimin wasn't entirely sure it was him, because Yoongi would tell him that it was him right away...wouldn't he?

It confused him. Because if Suga and Yoongi were the same person, why wouldn't he tell him? What was he afraid of? Rejection? Fear in general? He was going to have to confront him the next time he saw him. But what if he was wrong, and they weren't the same person. Then he was just going to appear stupid in front of Suga, and that was the last thing he wanted, because he liked him a lot, and didn't want to look like a fool.

Stressed,he ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. He was at a lost of what to do. He was just going to have to trust himself, and do what he thinks is best.


"Are you going to Jackson's party next week?" Jimin asked, as he and Yoongi walked across the campus towards their dorm. The sun was shining brightly, and there was little to no breeze at all. The weather was finally warming up, and the snow had begun to melt. Grass could be seen in small patches as the snow melted into muddy puddles that littered the ground. Jimin couldn't wait for warmer weather to finally arrive and he could ditch the winter coats and boots, and go back to shorts and t-shirts.

Yoongi nodded his head twice, before turning to face him. His hair shone in the light almost. The green had drastically faded, and was in need of a touch up. He slung his arm over Jimin's shoulder and pulled him against this side. "Are you?" He asked.

"I think so, Mark invited us, and Hoseok and Tae are really excited about going, but parties really aren't my thing as you know,"

"Oh trust me, I know," he smirked, nudging the younger with his hip. Jimin let out a laugh.

"Shut up," he joked.

"Hey, don't be mean," Yoongi pouted. He ruffled Jimin's hair, messing it up.


"Watch the attitude," Yoongi mused.

"Fight me," Jimin said, making a fist and pretending to look all tough. Yoongi let out his own laugh, and kissed the younger's cheek.

"You're adorable."

They had reached their building at this point, and Yoongi had grabbed onto the handle of the door when Jimin raised a hand and stopped him. "Suga?"

"Hmm?" he said, tearing his eyes away from the door. He lowered his hand slowly.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin asked, eyes narrowing slightly. Yoongi turned his whole body towards the younger. He surveyed his face. The younger looked nervous, unsure about something and it worried him.

"Sure, love, what it is?"

"Well,I-" Jimin swallowed, and exhaled. He should have thought this through more, because he had no idea to approach the subject. He felt like an idiot just standing there trying to rack his brain for something to say, but he couldn't think of anything that didn't involve him being blunt about it. This isn't something you just throw at someone, he needed to ease into it but he couldn't figure out howto. "Never mind," Jimin sighed in frustration.

"No,what is it?" Yoongi asked again, bringing his hands up to cup the sides of his face. "It's something love, because it's bothering you. What's wrong? Did Mark say something to you or-"

"No, he d-didn't say anything to me, this has nothing to do with Mark, I just...I don't know, it's nothing," Jimin sighed, looking away from him.

"Are you okay, Jimin?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," he said, trying to reassure him.

"You sure?" He nodded. "Come here," Yoongi whispered. He pulled Jimin in for a gentle hug, resting his chin atop the younger's head.The scenario reminded him of when Yoongi became much taller than him one summer and would hug him like this. There were so many similarities between the two that it drove him absolutely crazy. He nestled his face against his shoulder, and sighed contently. "Did you want to do something to take your mind of it?" Yoongi suggested, pulling out of the hug. Jimin nodded. "What did you want to do?"

"Can I dye your hair?" He asked, peering up at him with wide, childlike eyes. "Please?" Yoongi chuckled softly. It was easy to make the younger happy, and it made him happy and how sudden his mood change was, and that he was smiling again.

"Sure, why not,"

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