Chapter 4; My Head Kills

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Aria's POV:
"Once you've done the first sheet you need to do sections A-F on the second sheet." Miss Conroy said and I groaned quietly at both the reminder that we had homework and the pounding in my head. It had now been three days in total that I was 'sick', I was okay most of the time except from the frequent throbbing pains in my skull.
"Is there are problem Miss Moretti?" Miss Conroy said as she probably heard my response to the homework, I snapped my head up watching as everyone turned their heads to me as my name was called out.
"No." I snapped and she raised her eyebrows at me as tapped the rubber end of my pencil onto the desk repeatedly to stop myself from going crazy and screaming that there actually was a problem because I was about to stab someone since my head was pounding like crazy. "Excuse me?" She said sternly and the more I was put on the spot to talk to her, the more my headache got worse.
"No miss, there is no problem." I said through gritted teeth and she gave me one last disapproving look before she turned to the board again, along with the rest of my class. I slumped back in my chair and placed my head against the brim of the back part trying to distract myself from the algebra that Miss was teaching us on the board along with the pulsing of my brain in my skull.
I looked around the classroom and my eyes caught Aaron's concerned ones, 'You okay?' He mouthed to me and I shrugged earning a sigh from him, it only triggered me to sigh and I did so as I slumped further into my chair practically unseen by anyone.
I pulled out my phone seeing two texts from Ryder and I felt my headache increase with lightning speed at the sight of the notifications. "I'm sorry, am I boring you Miss Moretti?" Miss Conroy snapped with evident attitude and I rolled my eyes as the whole class turned around to me again. "I'm asking you a question." She said sternly and I sucked in a big breath before speaking up.
"Yes, you are boring the fuck out of me and to make things worse I have a fucking headache so if you don't mind I'm going to leave this hell hole." I said picking up my things and walking out the classroom not bothering to look back as she was calling me. "ARIA COME BA-" She shouted but I slammed the door shut on her classroom walking towards the exit of the school.
My head was now spinning and it was coming to a point where I thought that I wasn't going to get to my car without fainting, I felt tears brim my eyes at the pressure that my head was impacting. It literally felt like my brain was swollen and pulsing furiously in sync with the beat of my heart, I pressed my temples pulling out my phone and checking the two texts that Ryder had sent me.
I had him under no caller ID but I did know what his number was therefore I knew they were from him.
From: Unknown
Received 10:36AM
Need you over NOW.
From Unknown
Received 11:54AM
Why are you ignoring me, I texted you over a fucking hour ago.
I choked back the sob that I was keeping in as I looked down at the text, not only was I just physically hurting but now I was mentally hurting. I turned off my phone and placed it back in my pocket not bothered to text back right at this moment, I walked to my car stumbling a little as the pain was blocking my senses and momentarily paralyzing my body in small shocks.
Once I finally got to my car I got in and started the engine, I looked at the time seeing that it was half one.
I was only going to miss one more lesson.
I drove out the school premises but the more I drove the more my headache got worse, since I've been sick I've had an on and off temperature and stomach aches. They faded away last night but in place of that I have had the worse headaches and I don't think I'm scared to say that I'm most probably dying because of how bad the pain is.
As a precaution of increasing the risks of me dying, I pulled over into the Starbucks that was ten minutes away from my house and killed the engine. I didn't even want to call anyone because I didn't trust my voice at the moment as I knew that the minimal amount of sound would probably make my head explode.
I exited my car locking the doors before walking into Starbucks, I walked up to the counter and one of the staff took my order.
Hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.
Once I got it I sat down in the corner of the café on the back side of the big booth, I brought my knees up against my chest and sipped at my hot chocolate every few seconds. I groaned when I tipped it over too much and it spilt a little, I took the tissues the guy had given me only to roll my eyes when I saw the small message of 'call me sexy' paired with a few digits which was probably his number joined with a lop sided smiley face.
I looked up to see the guy with a small smirk on his face when I locked eyes with him, I squinted my eyes at him but that only caused the pain to reach my eyes. I hissed before looking down and cleaning off the spilt hot chocolate. A few minutes later I felt a shadow cast over my side of the booth and I looked up seeing the same guy who was smirking, "Can I help you?" I asked, my own voice echoing in my head making it burn.
"You sure can, I was wondering if you wanted to go get dinner some time?" He asked and I mentally stabbed him.
Now was not the time for this shit to be happening and did he not see that I actually saw his lame attempt of asking me out on the tissue?
I was about to open my mouth to say something but another person joined us, "That won't be happening...ever." I heard the family husky voice say and I looked to the side to see Justin standing there with a coffee in his hand. The guy gave me weird look before looking back at Justin, "I'm her boyfriend." He said emphasising on the relationship part making me choke a little on the hot chocolate and it went unseen by both of them.
But by the looks of things Justin did notice and I saw a little smirk form on the edge of his lips, "Oh...shit um." The guy said looking around as he scratched the back of his neck. "Go." Justin said with slight attitude and the guy scrambled away making Justin roll his eyes, he slipped into the opposite side of the booth and gave me a questioning look as I thanked him quietly for getting rid of the creepy guy.
"What you doing out of school?" He asked opening the lid of his coffee and emptying the sugar packet into it, half of the small sweet crystals scattering around the cup making me smile lightly but the pain of my headache brought me back to reality. "My head kills." I mumbled looking at him and he gave me a frown, "How long has it been hurting for?" He asked and I thought about it. "Since the middle of the night." I said and he gave me a disapproving look, only reminding me of the face that my dad gave when I did something that I shouldn't have done.
"Why'd you go to school then?" He asked and I sighed, "Justin, it's my last year I can't afford to miss anything." I said wincing slightly when I felt my temple pulse. "That doesn't matter; you literally look like your dying A." He said sternly and I put my head in my hands as I lost my appetite, "Don't shout." I whispered and I heard him sigh, "C'mon." He said and I snapped my head up only to groan as my world span.
I heard him get up and a few seconds later I felt his presence next to me, "Come here." He said and I looked up at him and he motioned for me to go to the side, "You look like crap A." He said and I sighed. "You know how to make a girl feel special." I muttered sarcastically and I saw a small smile tug at the corner of his lips.
"Where does it hurt?" He asked and I pointed at my temples and he placed his hands on the sides of my face before using his thumbs to massage the area I pointed to. "How come you got let out of school?" He asked as I closed my eyes enduring the small amount of pressure he was creating that was actually helping the pain die down. "I wasn't let out; I got pissed off at my teacher and walked out." I mumbled and I heard him chuckle and I opened my eyes momentarily only to realise that he was closer than I expected.
His nose was a few inches away from mine and I could feel his breath tickle my lips, "Do you feel better?" He asked and I tore my eyes away from his lips and to his eyes. The action only made me fall into a daze as I looked at his eyes; they were a light hazel colour but had little flecks of gold giving them a jewel like effect. I was mesmerized as he tilted his head slightly and the sunlight hit off his face giving his eyes a gradient effect as they turned a burnt orange, the gold flecks still present and contrasting.
It was like his eyes were just as amazing as him.
Did I just say that?
Holy fuck.
"A you in there?" He asked with a slight smirk and I got out a small noise that was supposed to resemble a yes. "I asked if you felt better." He said still smirking and I guess he caught me staring at him and the realisation of the situation made my face heat up and my cheeks were probably as red as a baboon's ass.
"Aw she's blushing." He teased and I looked everywhere but him only producing a chuckle from him, "So I'm guessing you feel better then?" He asked and I gave him a small nod, "Thank you." I said and he gave me a small smile before he let his fingers go and he set them down in his lap.
"Wait, how come you're here?" I asked him and he briefly had a panicked look on his face like he didn't know what to say but he paused and looked at me before speaking up, "Aaron said you walked out of school and told me to check Starbucks because I'd most probably find you stuck here." He said quickly and I gave him a small smile nodding.
"Well thanks for coming to my rescue." I said and he chuckled, his phone vibrated on the table and he took a look at it before huffing. "What's up?" I asked and it only hit me that my headache had practically vanished.
Damn he had magic fingers.
Oh shit, that sounded wrong.
But I bet he does, imagine him-WAIT.
What the hell is wrong with me?
"I have to go, but if your headache pops up again take some painkillers or call me." He said a small smirk evident as he said the last part and I laughed lightly as he shuffled out the booth. "I'll probably see you tonight at your dads." He said and I nodded smiling at him before he did the same to me as he walked away.
But just as he walked away he stopped, "Oh and Aria." He said before pausing, turning back and leaning down to me. "If you want to find out how magical my fingers really are all you have to do is ask." He whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek and walking out the door leaving me in a daze.
Oh my fuckity fuck, he heard me.
I am so screwed.
Justin's POV:
I chuckled at Aria's dazed face as I heard what she did say and it was true. All she had to do was ask; but if that actually did happen Dean and Blake would probably have my head on a stick.
Now that I'm thinking about the consequences, the idea isn't that appealing.
I left Starbucks and I jogged up to my car as my phone rang, "I'm coming man." I said to Dean as he talked about how he hasn't had any guy time only for me to roll my eyes as I starting the engine, "Bro hurry up, where the hell have you been?" He asked and I heard something shatter and him mumble 'fuck'.
He was probably in the kitchen.
I wanted to say, 'I've been looking after your damn sister whilst you fucked off with your slut of a girlfriend who is actually the cause of this mess.' But I decided not to since it would have been slightly harsh.
"Been busy Dean." I said turning into his road and he hummed indirectly letting me know that he wasn't actually listening, "I'm at your house, buzz me in." I said and I heard him say 'okay' and the gates opened to their property.
I hung up the phone before killing the engine and walking into the house as Dean left the door open for me, "What's up?" He asked me and we got into small talk before I asked him what I was wanting to ask him.
"So how was the wedding with Clarissa?" I asked Dean and he shrugged as he sipped at his beverage, "It was okay." He said finally and I nodded, "Why?" He asked curiously and I looked at him with an annoyed look and what I wanted to say previously flowed out of my mouth without any thinking. "You stood up looking after your sick sister because you had to be your girlfriends date to some stupid ass wedding, which you then found out to be shit." I said to him and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Dude, she's your sister. She should be way more important than some girl who just popped up into your life." I said to him and he shrugged making me sigh in anger, "Dean that's not fair on her at all." I said and he waved me off. "She'll be fine." He said and his infrequent responses were pushing me over the edge.
"Where the hell did the guy I knew go, the guy who would put his sister before anything?" I asked and he looked at me, "The guy who would put family before anything." I said and he huffed.
"Since you've been with Clarissa you've changed." I said and in a split second I was pushed to the wall, "Don't bring her into this." He spat at me and I raised my eyebrows, "So you know she's the reason you've changed?" I said and he sighed letting me know that my assumption was true.
He knew he had changed because of Clarissa.
"Dude, what the hell?" I asked finally and he just mumbled a fuck off at me and I clenched my fists by my sides. "Dean, for fucks sake." I said grabbing him by the shoulder but in lightning speed he turned around and socked me right in the jaw and as soon as I endured the slight pinch of pain I looked up at him.
"What the fuck?" I shot at him and he spoke up, "I told you to fuck off." He said and I gave him a 'really bitch' look.
"No, I'm not going to fuck off." I said pausing slightly as I touched my jaw, "You need to get it into your skull that your sister needs you more than Clarissa, your family is way more important." I said but that only caused him to be more enraged as he pulled back his fist to hit me again but I reacted quickly and ducked pushing my fist into his stomach making him double over in pain.
"Don't fucking swing at me." I spat at him as I stood up but just as he went to punch me again we both froze when we heard Salvatore's booming voice.
"What the fuck is going on?!" He asked and my anger dropped as the intimidation rose sky high, "He is being a fucking prick." Dean said and I glared at him, "I'm being a prick?" I paused giving him a look, "Says the one who goes on a fucking date instead of looking after his own flesh and blood." I said and he went to swing at me again but Salvatore pushed him away so we were in distance of each other.
"Don't bring Clarissa into this when my sister is just fucking ill!" He spat and I rose my eyebrows, "Oh so now she's your sister?!" I asked rhetorically and he growled before shoving off his dad and walking away. "FUCK YOU BIEBER!" He shouted before the door was heard as it slammed shut.
"What the hell was that?" He asked me and I sighed, "Fucking drama, all I know is that I was mad at him for standing up Aria when she was sick." I said not realising that I hadn't used my mouth-to-brain filter and I sounded really soppy and caring which wasn't what I was.
At all.
"Looks like someone cares for my daughter." Salvatore said with amusement, "I've always cared for Aria this is no different than any other time." I said quickly and Salvatore gave me this smirk and I huffed knowing he probably thought that I liked Aria which I didn't.
At least I think I didn't.

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