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'Sleep Over/Part One'


There was no way in hell I was going to let Uraraka go to a sleep over at ponytail's place with Deku there.

That shitty nerd better not get near Round face. He's just going to be in my way.

Something was up with him. He's started acting differently as if his whole personality was altered into a smart ass and a douche.

I walked into class and took a seat next to Uraraka. She seemed really happy.

"What's up, Round face?"

Uraraka shook her head and giggled. "Ah, it's nothing. I'm just glad your coming to the sleep over. It'll be fun." She said with a broad smile. 

I rested my head in my hand and sighed. "mhm." 

Uraraka put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey.." 

I looked at her with the corner of my eye. 

"I'm okay. We're going to have fun. You don't have to worry about no one." 

She was probably implying that I was upset at Deku. And she's right. I closed my eyes and took a long exhale. 

"If Deku puts a fucking hand on-" 

The corners of Uraraka's mouth lifted up into an understanding smile.

"Don't worry." 



It was close to the time Mina told me the sleep over would start at. Katsuki left with Kirishima and told me he would meet up with me there. It wasn't nightfall yet and the desired time Momo wanted us to be there was at around 6:30 pm.

I went with Mina. I had a bag with extra clothes. What I had on at the moment was a plain white t-shirt, some sweatpants, and some slippers.

I could never fall asleep with long pants since they always made me feel too hot during the night. So I brought some shorts and a shirt.

But honestly I just picked up whatever and barely thought before taking the clothes I packed with me. So there was a chance I didn't even have an extra shirt in that bag. 

I stepped outside to see Mina lounging on the sofas in the main room. 

"You ready?" She asked standing up and readjusting her bag to go over her shoulder. 


Mina skipped over to me in joy. She had a black tank top with white and pink polka-dot pants on. She seemed even more excited than me. She began to hum to herself as we exited the building and followed the the address that Momo sent Mina. 

"What's going on with you and Bakugou?" Mina blurted out all of a sudden. I glared at her as I tried to formulate an answer. 

"It's complicated...I don't know." 

Mina sighed. "Aww, that's it?" You could tell she was disappointed by the lack of drama. 

"I told him that I'm not ready to start dating, and he understood." 

Mina stopped and began to panic. "What?! He confessed?" She asked followed with a gasp. 

I laughed awkwardly and shook my head. "We confessed that we both liked each other but that we would start dating when I was ready." 

Mina nodded and started to walk again. "Oh, I got it now." There was a bit of sadness in her voice as she said those words but she kept a beaming smile skipping about. 

That's what I admired about her. She could always stay positive no matter what.

When we arrived we were greeted by Momo is her pajamas. 

"Mina! Uraraka! Welcome to my home. Please get comfortable. I was about to make some tea." She opened the door for us to walk in. 

Momo closed the door and hurried into a room. I was guessing it was a kitchen. The house was extremely grand. I wondered if I could make this a possible future for my parents when I became a pro hero. 

When I went further in I noticed some of my classmates in the main living room. Upon further investigation I noticed that there were only a couple present.

"Uraraka! Mina!" I heard someone call. I walked in to see Hagakure waving towards us. I waved back flashing a friendly smile. 

"Oi, Uraraka." 

I turned my head to see Katsuki sitting near Kirishima. I waved to him and ran up to him taking a seat next to him. 

"Hey, Katsuki." 

I looked over at Katsuki's clothes and all he had was a black t-shirt and some sweatpants. 

"What the hell are you looking at?" 

I blushed and looked away. "N-nothing. Are those your pajamas?" 

Katsuki tugged on his shirt. "Yeah, you got a problem?" 

I quickly waved my hands. "No, you look really good. I don't have a problem." I rapidly said. 

Katsuki smirked and quietly chuckled. "I was just teasing. What you got in that bag, Pink cheeks?" 

I peeked in my bag and pulled out a shirt. It was black t-shirt with...Oh no....Skulls.

I pulled out Katsuki's shirt and my face instantly heated up. Katsuki pushed the shirt back in the back and stared at me. 

"Why the hell do you have that?" 

"I don't know, I took a random shirt out of my drawer without looking." 

Katsuki sighed and face palmed. "Dammit Uraraka, if anyone sees that we're going to get a lot of unwanted fucking attention." 

I whined. "I know, I'll just wear the shirt I have on." 


Everyone in the room suddenly focused on the newcomer.  

Deku entered the room and his eyes went straight to me. I had a strange feeling. A feeling of unease.

Oh no...

Thank you
for reading.
941 words

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 ; bakugou x uraraka AUWhere stories live. Discover now