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'I am here'


All Might through himself over the sofa and landed in the empty space next to me. With his booming voice he struck a heroic pose once again.

"Now. What information on the villains do you have young Bakugou?"

He began to point at the plans we had set on the coffee table. I didn't speak instead four-eyes jumped up as if this were his time to shine.

"Sir! We know that the villain that captured Midoriya and Uraraka was the same one from USJ."

All Might nodded and stood up.

"If that villain captured them we know that he was working with All for One, and Shigaraki."

Raccoon Eyes placed a her finger under her chin. "But what could have been their motive for capturing them?"

All Might shared a confused look with the five of us as she silently thought to ourselves. 

Flashbacks back to when I was kidnapped by the some villains. That villain with the black misty body was there too. If he was there then the other villains there are most likely involved too. 

Damn those morons. 

"What if their motive was too kidnap me again..." I said in a low voice. All Might was the only one to hear it. 

He kept wearing his smile but his eyes told me something different. He was worried. 


After school the next day, we initiated the plan. 

We all took the train to the next city over all under the supervision of All Might who was constantly swarmed by crowds of fans. 

This felt all too familiar. It was getting dark, class 1-A on a rescue mission to save their friend. Although I was confident we would get them back I couldn't help the feeling deep down in me screaming to stop the rescue. 

The train came to a sudden halt. All the passengers turned in their seats and peered out the windows to look for what was creating the commotion. All Might was no longer surrounded by happy and excited fans but by worried and scared fans asking him to go check what was going on. 

The five of us felt that something was wrong. A feeling that was a constant reminder that something is definitely wrong. 

"Do not worry citizens! For I am here!" He struck his signature pose before directing everyone to remain calm and be seated. 

Not before long there was loud steps from the top of the train causing the entire train to tremble and shake. All Might noticed and focused on where the sounds was coming from. The steps suddenly stopped and the door swung open to reveal no one. 

Every single person on train shot their heads to that door to only find themselves staring at an empty space. 

What the hell? 

Suddenly the steps continued. However there was something different. I looked up to clearly see the steps forming at the ceiling of the train. 

What the hell was this dude's problem? Could he really be that stupid? 

All Might took note of this and immediately grabbed on to whatever was making the shadow of steps.

The quirk faded and uncovered a man who had features like a chameleon. He was nervously laughing. 

"O-oh All Might! I didn't know you on this train. I was just leaving!" He stuttered in a shaky voice. He was obviously trying to escape unnoticed but obviously failed. 

All Might spoke with such power in his voice. "Are you the man who stopped this train?"

He shook his head quickly. He was lying. 

"Oh really? Who else could of done it?" All Might firmly grasped onto his shirt tightly sending the man hanging by his shirt. He flung him upside down causing the man to become dizzy. 

"I can hold you like this all day if I have to. Tell me the truth." All Might sounded much more serious now making the man tremble in fear even more. He winced. It must've been the fact that his blood was rushing to his head. 

"Ok! Ok! I did it! Please I'll get the train to move again, I swear!" He said as his face became more and more red from the cut of circulation. 

All Might flipped him over and set him upright. That villain was probably hoping to pickpocket everyone on the train. 

"Fine. Go start the train." All Might sternly said. The entire train was silent everyone was frozen watching All Might in action. 

The man left using his quirk to climb above the train and head towards the front. I stood up and rushed towards All Might. 

"Why'd the fuck you let him go?!" 

All Might let out a laugh. It was heavy and almost deafening. I clenched my fists awaiting a response. 

"So we could follow him to the villains hide-out, young Bakugou!" 

Thank you!

I've already made plans
for my next book
after this one!

I'll reveal what it is

Don't worry the
book isn't done we
still have many many
chapters to go!

Thanks again!

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 ; bakugou x uraraka AUWhere stories live. Discover now