Rug Burns! (No I am not roasting a rug)

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I run through the halls with Jane being chase by Jeff who is covered in pink powder. He is flinging his knife wildly and cursing at us. I yell and run with my hands up. Jane is laughing and randomly grabs onto me to get a boost. You Fart sucker!

Jane and I get to the stairs and look at each other with a nod. We jump over the railing onto Candy Cane and Candy Pop.  We get up and see Jeff jump down. We get up and run again screaming. We almost run over Tender who was bringing drinks to the reading room.

Jeff smacks the tray and I run back and duck under his knife sliding on my knees on the carpet. I grab the cups and glasses before they hit the ground. Most of the liquid fell out but I will clean it up later. I barely dodge Jeff's knife again. I give the cups to Tender then I grab the tray and smack him in the head with it as hard as I could. Ha! One punch man here!

Jeff falls to the floor as I continue to smack him with the tray after every word.

"Don't- Ever- Chase- Me- With- A- Knife- I- AM- TOO- OVERWEIGHT- FOR- THIS- YOU- PIECE- OF- DICK!"

Slender stands in the doorway of his office. I stand there with the tray poised over my head. I feel my ears get hot.

"Uh, hi there."

Slender hums at me with his arms crossed. I give the tray to Tender and put all the glasses on it.

"You will be cleaning up this mess, Nightengale."

"I didn't make it!"

I look at Jeff's bloody nose.

"I might have done that though."

"You will clean up this mess maid."

I go to argue but figure it's not worth it.

"Yes Sir." I hiss out quietly.

Tender pats my back with his one free hand and walks into the room ushering his older brother back. The door closes.

I kick Jeff.

"Get up you drama queen."

"You broke my nose!"

"Yeah well you tried to go all stabby stabby on me. Next time just go after Jane."

Jane was at the end of the hall with LJ eating sandwiches watching the scene play out. I grab Jeff's kife and chuck it at them. I goes between them.

"You just stood there and ate a sandwhich!"

"Your knees are bleeding."

I decided to wear my skirt today instead of pants. Bad luck huh? I sigh and remove my apron.

"I need to change you two take this dumb ass to the infirmary. I will take care of him there."

I walk up the stairs my knees bleeding more and beginning to burn. Rug burn and paper cuts are horrible things. I get to my room. It still smells of sage. Is it just me or does sage smell like pot a little bit?

I go to my private bathroom and sit on the toilet lid examining my knees, bloody and burned.

"Looks bad."

I jump and throw my soap container at whoever spoke. They catch it and throw it back at me. It hits my forehead.


"Why would you throw something at me?"

"I thought you were one of them. You scared the breath out of my lungs."

Undertaker steps out of my shower. I want to ask how he got here, but does that really matter? He isn't a demon and he doesn't want to cause me harm so he could get in here easily.

"Rug burns? Those are fun not as much as an exploded appendix."

"You would say that, quick question though." He looks up at me with those pretty eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I can't just show up for no reason at all?"

"Well a visit would be nice, but you mean business."

He laughs as he cleans and bandages my wounds.

"Little rabbit so precious. So fragile. So suspicious."

I nod. I live with killers what else do you expect?

"But you are correct, I need a mixture for a poison that can make you close to dead but not fully dead. I know a certain witch who is good with that stuff."

He laughs. I smile, an Undertaker would happily come to me for help. Warms my heart like a volcano in Hawaii.

"Yeah of course."

I walk to my room and my hutch and open it up. It is full of water, bottles, stones, herbs, candles, and concoctions.

"Well who is the unlucky person to test this out?"

"Nobody specific of course! I am just going to dissect Grell!"

I nod. That should be fun, I hand him the solution.

"You know it might not work because he is a Reaper but try it out. It will work on humans."

He smiles and kisses my hand.

"Why thank you precious."

"My pleasure."

I bow to him. When I look back up he hands me a box with a white rose on top and is gone. I smile and place it next to my bed. I change out my skirt for a more comfortable skirt. I put on black tights to cover the bandages. I change my top too and re-tie my bowtie.

A knock sounds in my door. I look outside as see the stars. I sigh as I open the door to....


"We are gathering in the main room for a game!"

"What game?"

"I don't know but everyone is playing!"

I sigh, I kinda don't want to. I really don't want to I want to look at the box Undertaker brought me.

"Slender told me to get you."

I groan and follow her downstairs. Everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor chatter goes around. I sit next to Puppeteer and Slender.

"Why do you always have to drag me down when you have to do something?"

"I enjoy watching you suffer."

He says with a slight smile to his tone.

"How are your knees?"

I raise an eyebrow.

"Tender said you were bleeding."

"Fine now." I look around at everyone's faces. "What are we playing?"

"Great question Flower Child." Offender smirks. "We are playing truth, dare, or Spin the bottle."

"You can't keep combining games."

"Whose going to stop me?"

I shrug and point to Masky who looked like he was about to kill somebitches.

"Rose Remember that time we went to that mall and played a game."

"Yeah you combined two games there too."

He smirks and pats his knee. I laugh remembering the dare. I sigh and walk to him to sit on his lap. I mean it is more comfortable than sitting on the floor. I lean back on him.

"You are like one of those lazy boy chairs."

"So many issues Nightengale."

I shrug at Slender. Splendor starts explaining the game and we are off to the races.

To be continued...

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