Introduction (1)

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This will be a short chapter since more things will be happening in the up-coming.

Finn has been involved with drugs and alcohol since he was 13, no-one can get him to stop. No-one. It was around 12-ish in the night when Finn was making an attempt to sneak out of his horrible house-hold.
"Finn are you coming out now?" That was Caleb, Finns friend who was also addicted to them same stuff he was. "Yeah, I'm coming now." He messaged then escaping out the window. He got down safely and was heading out of that big mansion of his, Finn was probably going out to a club or something or was going to sell or buy something off someone. Not long after, Finn arrived at a closed park, meeting Caleb there. "Finn! Glad you could make it." Caleb said and patted him on the back, they went out for the usual, smoking, drinking, drugs any type of that stuff would 'cure' them.

Millie was chilling with her friend Grace chatting about the usual, Grace sometimes brought up her music and Millie joked around with Grace imagining if she ever acted in a Tv-show or, released a brand of something. One conversation led to another until Grace, had started to talk about parties. Grace was out-going, loved to try new things and was a massive party girl, it was pretty much expected when she started to talk about parties.

"Speaking of parties-" Grace was cut off by Millie saying "look I have a bunch of studying to do so no can do for parties, as much as I want to go Grace!" Millie said, she really did have a lot to do. "Millie come on! It will be fine! I'll help you study after and you need to have fun. You've barely went out all summer! Please please come mills!" Grace said trying to convince her with her puppy eyes, and even if they were the worse Millie was always convinced every single darn time. "Fine!" Finally, she gave up after one begging, now she just had to get ready for the upcoming week.

A day had gone by and Millie was getting ready for school. She brushed out her hair, putting on a white, outlined, red t-shirt with high waisted jeans, then rushing out with a piece of toast in her mouth.
When she got at school, she could hear everyone talking about the upcoming party, almost everyone was going. She noticed her chemistry classmate aka, her best friend rushing up to her to give her a hug.

"Hi girl!" Said the ginger haired girl, mirroring the same smile Millie had.
"So I'm guessing you have heard about the big and awesome party?" Millie said jokingly giggling along with Sadie. "Yeah, I've heard but I'm not sure if I want to go or not. It would be crowded with drunk and sweaty teens so, I probably won't go." Sadie has always been introverted and shy, but she had a very kind heart. Millie wouldn't try to convince Sadie to come and go anyway cause every single time, it has not worked. "I understand, can you at least come shopping with Grace and I?" She pleaded "Sure!" Then Sadie and Millie walked into their first classes together.

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