Liar (10)

312 9 4

Date: 9th of January 2020. Back again I see! I should really stop-

"Finn, come on we're leaving soon!" Shouted his roommate. That was Jack, he had kindly offered a place for Finn to stay after hearing what happened, they used to be friends before Finn moved away to Canada. Finn rushed out to put on his shoes and comb his hair.
"Ok we can!" He said doing the finishing touches of his hair.
"Ooh! Who are you trying to impress finnie?" He teased, while Finn got a bit flustered because he was embarrassed.
"Nobody Jack! I just don't want to go out with my hair looking a mess!" Finn replied actually caring for the first time what he looked like, when not around Millie.
"Sure..." Jack looked at him smirking, "Ok the others will meet us there, like a good old family reunion!" Jack joked which made the two of them laugh.
Since Jack didn't have a car to drive to the bowling alley they were going to, they had to take a bus. Finn was ecstatic to see his friends, he hadn't seen in awhile, he kept talking and talking to Jack about how excited he was to see everybody again the way there, which Jack gave his full attention to.
When they got there, they all hugged and shook hands with each-other. Finn was with Jack, Wyatt, Jaeden, Jeremy, Sophia and Chosen, though after Finn was greeted by them, he barely even talked to them. He saw how differently they grew and how they didn't have all the same interests, Finn just sat down in the corner of the room, while the others bowled.

Grace and Sadie we're convincing Millie to go with them, saying it will great fun to go to the mall "It'll even be funny seeing Grace making an attempt to hit on a worker-" Sadie said, which responded to Grace smacking her lightly on the arm, making Millie giggle a bit.
"Millie, please! You see much sadder and we just want to make you happy." Grace said taking her hand, Millie looked down and thought about it.
"I mean I guess, it'll just be a pretty small group!" Millie said looked up at the girls, who were now, ecstatic.
"That's fine it'll just be a girls day out!" Squealed Grace, and then looked at Sadie, "When we go shopping, we need to get you some help-" Which Sadie responded to with hitting Grace with a pillow, but they all laughed soon after, and after the plans were discussed, they decided to get ready then meet up at Graces house, since her dad let her borrow the car. Millie got dressed in, a white shirt, being covered by a jean jacket and wore high waisted shorts , Sadie wore a red outlined t-shirt with some casual black fabric shorts and Grace wore a black mini skirt with a polka dot jumper.
They decided to go to the old, Star Court Mall, seeing as it had interesting history behind it and then began their shopping spree. For once, Millie was very happy when Finn wasn't around, she was smiling more and laughing more even talking more, Grace and Sadie were finally happy to see Millie happy.

After what felt like hours of bowling, Jeremy suggested we went shopping to look for silly stuff to own. Finn didn't have any money on him so, Jack said he would buy him something if he really wanted it but, he didn't really catch on eye on anything and mostly just wandered around the halls of Star Court Mall. He left his friends alone for a bit in a mall, said he needed to go and use the restroom for a bit but really he didn't, he just wanted to get out of there for a bit, he realised how so much they changed as they grew, Finn didn't like most of that stuff anymore and had grew out of it while the others, didn't relate and instead, Finn felt left out even though he had once been the leader. He made his way over to a shop, every now and then, he heard laughs echo throughout the walls of what sounded like three girls. He was looking through jackets when, he saw a familiar face but they didn't see them, Finn looked and that's when he clocked, it was Millie! He hadn't seen her for so long and yet, she looked so happy without him but Finn was secretly depressed without her. He continued to follow her, without her knowing, he just watched secretly hoping that she would see him but that never happened. Just when Finn was about to walk away from them, he heard a voice. It was Jack calling out for him, then Millie looked around to see the one and only, Finn Wolfhard. She walked up to him with a furious expression on her face, and that's when everybody around them heard a big clap ring through their ears, Finn had just been slapped by Millie. And even though he had been slapped by his dad on numerous occasions, he had never felt a slap so stinging before.
"How could you do such a thing? Leave me with a goodbye message and never come back!" Everyone stared at Millie who was now shoving Finn, who stayed stunned and silent. "I thought you were dead! Everyone did!" She started, everyone around them, was looking at them starting to record.
"No texts, no calls, no nothing! Don't expect me to not forgive you after!" And then she just glared at him, Grace nor Sadie nor Jack did not interfere. "Do you have anything to say?" She said crossing her arms now staring at Finn.
"It was for your own good! I didn't want to put you in danger!" He shouted, grasping Millie's shoulders, who then pushed him away aggressively.
"But I don't understand! Why you didn't say anything if you were leaving?! I don't understand! I don't!" She repeated now shoving him, again and again.
"Millie look-" but she wouldn't listen when Finn spoke, she was now shoving him when ever he came close or hit him, even if it didn't affect Finn.
"Stupid piece of shit! Fucking disgusting liar! Son of a bitch!" She screamed insulting him name after name, now hitting him more aggressively then before, and then Grace, Sadie and Jack finally intervened, pulling them apart, while Millie was still screaming liar at Finns faces, breaking down into tears.
"Alright...SHOWS OVER!" Jack screamed at all the other people watching and shoved them away as all of Jacks other friends, came into scene. To give you an idea of what everything looked like, Jack was screaming at the top of his lungs telling everyone to go away, or fuck off, Finn was standing, watching Millie wanting to help Millie, even though it was partly his fault, and Jack was trying to take Finn away, Millie was having an emotional break down, screaming liar to Finn over and over again while Grace and Sadie were trying to pull her away, Jacks friends rushing to the scene, making a barrier between seeing what was happening behind them. It was a huge mess and security had to come over, escorting everybody who was watching them. Finn went to Millie, who was in the hands of her best friends sobbing, he went up to her ear and whispered a sorry before he walked away with Jack and all his other 'friends', Grace and Sadie took Millie home after that cause, obviously who wouldn't?

Millie spent the rest of the day mostly in bed, being comforted by Sadie, as Grace had to take her dads car home and would be home shortly after. Millie wasn't really talking and that was expected of her so Sadie stayed by her side, just being there with her, because she just needed someone. Anybody. Finn.

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