Officers (17)

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Thank you for reading my story, if ya still here lol. And no this is not the end lmao.

Finn was walking around town, trying to get a job, which was going to be pretty hard. He hoped that nobody would recognise him as the missing boy, though it had been over a month he had disappeared so he thought he was in the clear. Coincidentally, Finn actually found a barista shop, looking to hire. So, with nothing to loose, he went in. They asked him about experience, and how to make coffee and other things like that and surprisingly, he got the job and started on Tuesday. Before going out, the assumed manger, asked him what his name was, and stared at him for a very long time, studying him. He lied saying he was Alfred and walked out the place, not waiting another second, he wasn't sure if they had caught on he was missing but how could news from over a city away, get to LA? He brushed it off and he just thought that possibly he looked similar to someone he had known before who knows. While walking home, he texted Millie saying he got a job and Millie was very pleased about that and while speaking so, she brought up the conversation when he was going to meet again and since, Finn didn't work on weekends he said that she come in a couple of weeks, to be exact she would be visiting him on the 25th, which would be less then three weeks away, and of course they were both happy.
Since this time she would be meeting Finns group of friends, he wanted to talk to them, telling them that to be nice and prepared since Millie was coming. So when they went to go and eat at McDonalds, he told them.
"Okay guys. You know Millie?" He began, everybody nodded at him. "Well, on the 25th you guys are meeting her, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up, be nice and behave!"
"Wow, you really care about this girl.." Jeremy said.
"Y-yeah? She's my friend!" Then everybody looked at Finn with this look, on their faces, it was a very confused serious one.
"You aren't dating?" Wyatt said,
"Well of course we aren't! What made you think that?"
"Well Jack told us you had sex with that girl-" Then Finn looked at Jack and ran his fingers through his hair, out of stress.
"What the fuck Jack! We're never ever did that! And it will stay like that!" But little did Finn know, that would change, very soon.
"Oh..So you never had sex and you guys are not dating?" Sophia asked, and to that Finn nodded.
"So why do you want her to meet us?" Jaeden questioned.
"Cause, she asked!"
"So she's not your girlfriend nor have you kissed her or anything like that?"
"No no and no."
"Alright then.." then they all went back to eat their burgers and fries, discussing about something else.

Millie had just finished her chemistry class, she had been called to the principals office, although she did not know why this time, I mean, he grades were perfectly fine, she had no drama at school nor fights so what could it have possibly be? Well, Millie was about to get an answer about that very soon. When Millie walked into the principals office, she saw two police officers which one, she recognised. She quietly sat down, very very scared.
"Millie no need to look scared, the police won't bite!"
"But..why am I here? I'm doing well in school."
"Well.." he began, "We are doing this to everybody in the school, so no need to worry-"
"What do you mean?" Millie asked
"You know that missing boy? Finn Wolfhard?" Millie didn't respond in anyway, not shaking her head or saying anything, she just stared blankly up into his eyes, like she didn't know. "Well, these officers have been looking for him and, they need to ask our school, if they have any contact with him, anything! Being a friend to him, family relative, know one of his friends, talked to him online, or even saying hi to him once! The point is, do you know or seen Finn Wolfhard?" Millie thought very carefully about this and shook her head, implying as a no.
"Are you sure?" Said one of the police officers sternly.
"Look, we have been heard from a 7th grader that you and your friends have found Finn, and are now hiding him? We need to know if this is real or not." He said calmly yet still stern.
"I don't know. I don't know anybody named Finn, he must have mistaken us for somebody else." She lied.
"Millie, we need you to be honest with us-"
"I am telling the truth!" She cut him off, now annoyed though, he kept calm.
"Would it be okay if we looked through your contacts then?" He asked.
"No! That's private! You can't look on my phone, tell them Mr wheeler!"
"Well, if a student isn't comfortable with something, it shouldn't be allowed, should it?" Wheeler stated, questioning what he had said last.
"But we need Millie to trust us." Hopper said. "If you don't allow us to look at your messages, we are automatically going to assume you know Finn Wolfhard." Then Millie looked down. "Is there a reason why you don't want us to look at your phone miss brown?"
"Yes, because it has my own private things on it..that I don't want anyone to see! Including you!" She shouted. Hopper saw that she was clearly uncomfortable so,
"She told you." Ted said putting his feet on the desk, starting to relax. Hopper looked at Millie, who looked at him.
"Guess our job here is done. We'll be seeing you again Millie." Then the two officers walked out the door.
At lunchtime, Millie sat down with Grace and Sadie to tell them everything that just happened.
"Yeah, it happened to me too, but don't worry I didn't give anything away. I just said that I didn't know Finn and they went through my phone but since I knew this was gonna happen, our teacher told us, I deleted all the conversations we had about Finn!" Sadie said. "You might wanna delete any conversations you had about Finn too Grace," and so as she was told, she began.
"That didn't happen to me, luckily!"
"They asked to look through my phone but I didn't let them. I should smash my phone, tell them it's broken."
"Don't you think they will be suspicious?" Sadie asked.
"They are already suspicious." Then Millie looked at the security camera. "Or maybe I should just get another phone, but only for texting Finn. Nothing else."
"Like your parents will allow you to get another phone!"
"Well actually, I can just use my old iPhone five.."
"Smart idea, anyway, there's this new boy. Everybody says he is hot. Though I haven't seen him." Grace said.
"Grace, you think every boy is hot!" Sadie whispered, and then they all laughed. "Who told you this? Do you even know what he looks like? What if he's a serial killer!" Sadie said, question after question.
"Okay, what in the chances he is a killer?" Grace asked, "Lilia told me that the new boy is in her home room class."
"And, if you wanted to date him, what if he's under age!" Millie said.
"Okay he is actually, seventeen! It was his birthday like two day's ago!" She announced proudly, "Making him, a year old than me, well all of us."
"Still, what if he's not interested in dating, what if he has a crush? He is not looking in a relationship? He is dating somebody? What's if he is gay?"
"Okay, if he was gay, he would be tormented just like that kid Noah! And everybody would now by now,"
"Wait, Noah's gay?" Sadie said confused.
"How did you not know? Everybody knows..The whole school..His street..Everybody.." Millie said even more puzzled then Sadie.
"I swear to god I saw him snogging some other chick!"
"Oh?" Millie questioned, "I thought Noah would've told me." They soon went off topic, to another topic until lunch was over and they went home. Millie queried the thought of why police had finally decided to show up at their school, after Finn went missing over a month ago nearly, unless it took a whole month for them to question the neighbourly schools, then for them to come to this school, and others around the local areas.
When she got home, she did her usual talk with her siblings and then did her usual talk with Finn, she would Skype or face time or call him but, she only ever did that when she was home alone and knew everybody would come back a late time, she only did this because she didn't want her family finding out she was calling the missing boy causing her and Finn to get in trouble.

Millie's phone.
Millie: I'm back from school! What r u up to?
Finn💕💘❤️💗: nothing much just playing music
Millie: nice what type of music
Finn💕💘❤️💗: you already know millie
Millie: anything happen today?
Finn💕💘❤️💗: well actually
I got a job
Millie: cool but wouldn't that be risky?
You know with everything going on?
Finn💕💘❤️💗: it's been a month and I don't think news from over cities away could get to LA
And it's been a month there's nothing to worry about!🖤
Millie: would it scare you if I said something..
Finn💕💘❤️💗: say what...
Millie: I don't want to scare you but
Some officers came to our school
Long story short they had to ask questions about you being missing and stuff
Don't get mad
Finn💕💘❤️💗: I'm not mad
I'm honestly confused
Did your friends say anything?
Millie: no they said nothing dw
Finn💕💘❤️💗: I'm hoping that it stays that way
Millie: yh me too
Finn💕💘❤️💗: my friends are really happy to meet you they are really excited
They LOOKED excited
Millie: lol it's ok
Finn💕💘❤️💗: I'm sure they'll like you
Millie: so do you know what we are doing?
Finn💕💘❤️💗: not rlly
We would go to some theme park I think.
It's really cool glow in the dark
That's why we're hopping to go at night
Millie: sounds really cool and amazing!
I have never went to a theme park in general
Finn💕💘❤️💗: well this time you will be experiencing it
Glow in the dark version!
Millie: exciting 🥱🥱
Finn💕💘❤️💗: clearly 🤐
Then they happily continued talked while Finn cracking flirty jokes here and there. Same old same, nothing unusual.

Oki the reason why I wanted to restart this chapter cause honestly... I hated it. I was feeling very lazy and was putting random stuff in it, and I didn't want to make hopper look bad but I did it there so.. let me know if you liked the old version or the new version, I like this version more cause..hopper is nice's not chaotic?? Lol, if you were reading this when I first published it, you would understand. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and, until then!

Word count: 1880

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