Episode one to disaster. (33)

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I need to upload more.
This also me trying to remember what happened when I first went to America, except I can't remember anything-

The day had come. The day that everyone was excited for but others like, Millie, Finn and Jack, they were scared. Since Millie was still ashamed to see her parents Sadie went around and collected more of her things, her toothbrush, toothpaste, soap anything like that. It had also been a while since Millie went out of the house, three days to be exact. She also hadn't told anybody anything about what Finn said about Jacob, that was also the reason why she hadn't left the house, because of Jacob, she didn't even know if Finn was alive or not. They hadn't spoken since. The last thing that Finn sent was a paragraph apologising. She tried to remember what Grace and Sadie said about acting like you don't need him, acting like she's ten times better without him, even though it was the opposite. It was three when they woke up. Four hours of sleep definitely wasn't enough, luckily they took a shower in the night but it still took an hour to get dressed, wash their face, brush their teeth and eat. They took an Uber to the airport and waited three hours before the next plane arrived. They nearly missed the plane actually and when they did get on the plane, it took a lovely five hours to get to Utah. All they had to do was patiently wait a few more hours for everyone else to come and when I meant a few more hours I mean another six hours.

While everyone was having a great chit chat, Millie and Finn we're hiding from each other, awkwardly glancing at each other. Jacob was the only one who hadn't arrived, yet.
"Finn my main man!" Jacob jumped from behind. He was practically squishing Finn's shoulder. Millie shivered. "Hi, Grace." He said blankly and kissed her,  but then he looked over to Millie, she couldn't even look at him. "Everyone looks great! Hope you got an early nights sleep." He winked at Millie then went to her side, she tried moving away but he only put his arm around her. Grace took no notice of anything being wrong cause she just knew Jacob was touchy like that.
"So! Are we just gonna stay here all day? I came here for a reason." Finn interrupted.
"Yeah, let's go already! No adults at all for a whole month!" Sophia screamed.
"I feel like I haven't slept in days, how are you so hyper? As soon as we get there, I'm taking a nap!" Jeremy replied.
"Yeah our Uber is coming, four people will be in each Uber. I'm taking Millie, Finn and Jack with me."
"W-why can't I go with Sadie and Gr-"
"You know why," Jacob whispered quite irritated to Millie. "So, the rest of the girls will go together and so will the rest of the boys. The Uber is coming in five minutes so get ready." They didn't want to be 'bossed' around by Jacob but this was his idea of a holiday and he did pay for them to all go. They all got in their assigned groups and were driven off on the same route, except for Jacobs...Car. They went on a rather long road, with strangely no cars. Jack sat in the front then Jacob sat next to...Millie... which sat next to Finn. Millie was biting her lip so much, she nearly went through it. Just then, Jacob started laughing but it soon changed into anger, him screaming and kicking the car seat like a toddler. "Finn you're a fucking snitch! Why can't you ever keep your mouth shut?" But Finn stayed quiet, they all stayed quiet.
"I'm feeling sick, can we pull over?" Millie asked.
"No. You're just gonna run and either way we'll catch you."
"Why can't I go home? Why do you want me here so bad?"
"You know why." Jacob snickered. "After this trip, it will be like you never existed."
"I'm going to tell the police as soon as I'm back in Los Angeles-" Finn tried to speak but was soon cut off.
"No, you're not." He shortly paused. "You'll be dead by then." Millie's heart dropped.
"If he's dying...I'm not going with you."
"He knows too much he's going to snitch, he already has. Even then, you'll still be forcefully dragged in my private jet." He grabbed Millie's thigh but she flinched.
"Don't fucking touch her! You can see she's clearly uncomfortable. You've already done enough damage to her already plus she's never gonna love you back, your horrible and disgusting, I feel bad for any girl he likes you." Finn didn't know what he was doing but, he put his arm over Millie's shoulder and pushed her close to him. It might have done nothing to stop Jacob touching her, but he still wanted to have a protective grip over her.
"She's mine! Don't touch her-"
"She belongs to nobody she's her own person!" Jack butted in.
"Yeah, I'm not yours Jacob! You make me sick, I would rather be dead than be with you!" She shouted. "And... I don't need your help either." She shoved Finn's arm away and he gritted his teeth. Jack held in a laugh.
"Whether you like it or not, you will belong to me and only to me! You will live with me twenty-four seven and the only outside you'll see is from a window. I've got this plan covered for way too long and it's worked every single time. Nobody's stopping me now."
"Jacob I'm gonna fucking kill you. I'll rip you to shreds, right here right now."
"Pft, you're a fucking twig you can't even break a stick."
"Finn leaves it, he's not worth your time," Jack said.
"Yeah, you'll just lose anyway." And that was the final straw. He was trying to be helpful to Millie but she was just pushing him away every single time. He opened the car door, forcing the driver to stop, he then got out and waited on the empty street for Jacob. Jacob scoffed, got out and spat on the floor then he stood in front of Finn. Immediately, Jack and Millie got out, they swear they had seen Finn turning red from anger.
"Okay then Finn, let's fight." Jacob shoved him.
"Jacob steps the fu-" Millie tried speaking to Jacob but he only pushed her too. Really push her though, with force, to the ground and then Finn lunged at Jacob. He corned him to the car and started punching him, hard. Finn grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him to the ground, who knew he was that strong. Millie and Jack tried to stop him and even try and pull Finn off Jacob but he would ignore them and continue to punch Jacob. If Finn continued any longer, he would have beaten Jacob to death so, one last time, Millie tried to pull him off, but accidentally he elbowed her in the nose, causing her to bleed. That finally made him stop and he backed up. Jacob was bleeding from the nose, lip, head and cheek, bruises were starting to form and even Finns knuckles were blistering and were all red and bloody.
"Let's just go already."

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