He's back and bad. (27)

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This is gonna be one hell of a chapter. Atleast the intro is.

It was getting darker, since it was now eight, and they were about to enter a empty looking bar. Its wooden walls was a dark brown and on the front It read, Red Dwarf, the bar sounded familiar. And just like Jack described, It was very small.
"So you don't remember his name and his face but, you remember where the bar is?" Finn scoffed.
"Yeah! I-I can't forget it. That's the one thing I can never forget. It's like I know the back of my hand." Finn was kind of creeped out, just by the way Jack talked, cold and deep no humour in his voice. Almost like it wasn't him speaking. They entered the bar and saw a counter and three tables, pretty cramped. Jack could remember how Jacobs bar looked like also knowing where it was, he just didn't remember Jacobs name. Everybody was stunned to see Finn enter in with Jack, someone even dropped a glass because of how shocked.
"Jack what have I told you about bringing other pe-" he stopped walking and took a look at Finn. Finn had the same look in his eye except it was filled with anger and hatred. If a look could kill, Jacob would be dead.
"Oh so you're the dickhead who runs this place!" Finn crossed his arms. "I still remember your fucking ass. You ain't got shit!" He pushed him, but he didn't move. "You're the man who fucking RAPED a girl!" He shouted. "Why would you do that?! What's wrong with you! I feel like fucking slitting your fucking throat!" So much anger was boiling inside of him and he would knock him out and beat him to his death, if his two workers weren't there.
"Wait how do you even know this guy?" Jack asked, so confused wanting to know everything.
"Please don't tell me you dating fucking Grace." He shook his head. "Please don't."
"You got a problem with that?"
"You're a fucking rapist!" He pushed him, hard. Two of the workers were heading to Jacob, to help him in some way but he stopped them.
"And so what? She won't remember a thing! She was passed out that's when I touched her all over-" Suddenly, Finn interrupted him by punching Jacob in the face, knocking him to the ground and once again, his workers were coming over but they were stopped again. He was about to punch Jacob again but spoke instead.
"What are you planning?" Finn shouted but Jacob only pushed Finn off on top of him.
"I don't understand what you mean." He chuckled. "One minute you wanna punch, another minute you wanna talk like normal civilised humans."
"Tell me! Stop messing the fuck around!"
"Tell you what?!"
"You know why! Why did you show up when Millie did? Why are you going to the same college as your girlfriend, when you don't even have a high school diploma? Why are you back again when you left over a year ago? What are you doing to Jack? Why are you making him forget everything?" He asked over and over again. Finn was so mad and confused he just wanted to know and get out of there.
"That's a lot of questions!"
"Just answer them the fuck already!" He spluttered.
"I'm surprised you didn't work it out.." Jacob scoffed. "The coming back to this shithead,"
"Hey!" Jack shouted
"Oh shut up! And the dropping out of school and the getting Grace as my girlfriend, going to the same college as her!"
"Who is her?"
"Millie Bobby Brown. You don't even know she has a fucking middle name. I known her since middle school, then I had to move away. When I came back and she wasn't there, I just did some research. I haven't her address yet but when I do..." he licked his lips. "I only got Grace as my girlfriend cause she was Millie's closes friend, she's such a mouthy little bitch, I can't wait to get rid of her she talks to much. She has a job at my house and Millie's gonna come work there too, I know it. Then I remember Jack, I talked to him and I found out he was friends with you, you went missing and I knew there had to be a connection. Later on found out you're dating Millie and I'm gonna kill you for it."
"Why you don't even love her emotionally! You love her body and even thinking what your thinking about doing to her makes me sick, I would never invade her privacy. But why do you want Jack then? What have you been giving him?"
"Special drinks." He smirked. "We drug him. With truth drugs or whatever the ones that make you go loopy. We ask him what he did, about Millie, about you, we look on his phone, we do a lot of things. But it's too late, I have so much information I don't even need him. I know when your first date is, I know where you live, I know fucking everything. I'm gonna get Millie back, if you like it or not." Crazy. Jacob had gone crazy and it was scaring everyone, even his own workers and they've seen worse out of Jacob, things they can never un-see but maybe it was how he said it, like he just committed to a horrible lethal crime and acted like he did nothing. He kept his smirk on and his smile had gotten bigger, knowing everyone in the same room feared him.
"I'm gonna let you go. If you breathe a word to the law or social or any of your mates, she's gonna get it, you understand? So do me a favour and shut the fuck up. Don't make any excuses why you can't go to that villa in Utah, you're coming alright." Then he laughed once more.
"So what you gonna do after the villa? Are y-you gonna kidnap her or what? Everyone is gonna notice she's missing and her college. It would all look a little suspicious if you disappeared the same time as Millie."
"Like I would be dumb enough to tell you." Jacob laughed. "Yeah I'll take her way. She doesn't even remember what I look like. I know how I'm gonna take her away and I know how I'm gonna cover it up so you don't have to worry what I'm doing. Now please fuck off, I have some stuff to do." He pointed to the door, "And before you leave, again, don't tell anybody. Thank you."
"You're not gonna get anyway with this, the police will find out what your doing and lock you up." Finn said. Jacobs workers started to approach Finn and Jake, ready to throw them out.
"If you say anything, then yeah! Don't say anything to Millie and she won't be worried, you wouldn't want to ruin your first date would you? And if you do say anything, it won't be fun your relationship. Just act normal, ey?" Then, Finn and Jake were physically pushed out the bar. They were panicking, more like Finn. He was afraid what would happen to Millie if he didn't say anything to her but he did say anything, he would worry Millie causing Jacob to find out risking their own safety.

They first walked away from where they were at before speaking again, walking home.
"What the actual fuck, just happened?" Finn spoke and by his tone of voice, Jack saw he was panicking.
"Look, m-maybe he was just joking maybe it was a sick prank and if it isn't we could work something out, alright? Like in sec-"
"And if we did work something out, what would it be about?" Finn said. Jack stopped and thought. "Exactly, it's Millie gets in trouble without knowing or, Millie gets in trouble with knowing. We would all die, even if we told somebody after he was long gone, with Millie. There's nothing we can do." His voice was trembling and stared to shake, Jack didn't know what to do now. He had never really see Finn cry, Millie turned him into such a softie.
"I-if you really love this girl, we will figure out a plan. I promise you." And now, Finn was hoping that promise wouldn't be broken.

So...I split it into two cuz it's getting pretty damn long. How did you like it? I mean I found it pretty good, I really like that one sentence Jacob said, 'if you breathe a word to the law or social or any of your mates, she gets it, you understand?' Since it's a sentence Kingsley said in the show dumping ground- lol I'm sorry, the original is 'if you breathe a word to the law or the social or any of your mates back at the kids home, she gets it, you understand?' I love that sentence so much lmao. Hope you enjoyed, Until then!
Word count: 1517

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