Few more minutes (15)

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Hii :3

Millie was excited for today, as this day, she was meeting Finn and, she really wanted to see him the whole week but hadn't had the chance too since they lived so far apart. Millie had put on a nice light purple skirt, a white vest and black trainers, they were going to have a picnic so, her outfit would appropriate. She had a waffle or two, before heading out with her phone and bag containing, stuff she might have needed. Usually what they did when they met up was goof around and talk, they were like little kids with feelings they didn't know how to feel about or express, Millie and Finn were the little kids. Millie got a Uber and went to L.A which took fifty three minutes coming from Malibu, but it was always worth it to see Finn always. Time went quickly since, Millie was talking to Finn and when she got there, she waited for Finn to pick her up at where she waiting, so then they would go to an empty field and have their picnic there. Shortly after, Millie saw Finn walking down the street and Millie greeted Finn with a hug which Finn wouldn't refuse. Then they took a bus to that field, they often went there because it was one of their favourite places to go, it was nice, had a great view and isolated from other people, so they would have their own privacy. On the bus journey they talked like nothing was holding them back, one of the things Finn noticed about Millie was, she liked to talk a lot, it wasn't a bad thing to him though because that's how he liked Millie, she looked so happy talking to Finn and Finn was happy she wanted to talk to him. Shortly they arrived at the field and set up their picnic, there was sandwiches, quesadillas which Millie had brought, fruit, juices, cakes, kababs, crackers, salami sticks, it was a pure sight of food, just delicious food. Quickly, Finn was filled up, but Millie? Nope, she kept on eating and eating until nearly half of everything was gone. She had a little cake on her face so Finn pointed it out to her,
"You have a little something here." He said pointing at Millie's face, who was confused like a dog and chuckled.
"Where? Have I got it?" She said wiping away some cake, but not all of it, licking off the remaining off her finger.
"No look." Finn then moved closer to Millie, and licked cake off her face, Millie immediately moved back and started laughing, from disgust and she didn't really want tongue on her face.
"Ew! Why you licking me?" She said chuckling moving back.
"Well if you don't want to embarrassed come here, so I can lick that cake off your face!" He said chasing her, and Millie squealed.
"You can use your finger then!" Millie said out of breathe, starting to now regret the amount of food she ate. And since Millie was started to slow down Finn caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist and shoulders pulling her face closer to his, trying to lick the cake off while Millie tried to move her head back.
"Ew! That's disgusting, Finn!" Now he was intentionally licking her face, just for the fun of it. "Okay, okay, stop now!" She said finally getting out of his grasp then they both sat back down. "I have a stitch now."
"It was a possible bad idea, eating all that food." Finn said smirking at Millie.
"Yes, it probably was." Then they both chuckled.
"So, what have you been doing the past few days? Apart from texting me of course."
"School, I guess. What about you?"
"Well, I'm trying to get a job to help Jack around, though it's going to be hard. I help out around the house as often as I can." He replied.
"And when you aren't?"
"I'm watching tv, with friends. Out and about."
"Next week, is our school holiday, we won't be in for a couple weeks. I hope I spend most of that time with you." She smiled.
"Yeah, I would like that." Then they silently laughed.
"Is there like any time I could meet your friends and we like, go somewhere?" She questioned looking at Finn.
"Why not? I think you'd like them. They can be a little judgemental at first though. But once you get to know them, they're a cool bunch they are."
"Jack must be like family to you."
"Yeah, I've known him since we were like little kids, and I kind of owe him a lot so.." Millie checked her phone, seeing as the sun was setting. 5:12. She had to go, it was getting late and the sun was setting. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to be with Finn and not leave him. "You have to go?" Asked Finn disappointed, he always knew the answer.
"Just a little more longer." Then Millie put her head on Finns shoulder as Finn put his head on top of hers and they watched the sun went down. After that, they laid down to look up at the stars and continued to talk. Talk about what they would do in their futures and what colleges they would go to as well as universities. 6:18, time does fly past when you are having fun.
"You really need to leave now. Your parents will be worried." Finn said concerned.
"No, just a few more minutes." Oh how stubborn she was. That's another thing Finn also knew about Millie, as soft she was, Millie is stubborn.
"Please. Just a few more minutes." She said closing her eyes, then looking up at Finn with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. Why do you want to stay with me so much anyways?" Finn questioned
"Because. I want to. I don't want to lose you again." Then she cuddled up to Finns arm as tears started to form in her eyes.
"Millie please don't cry. You won't lose me again!" He said putting his arm around Millie holding her tightly.
"I'm not crying, it's cold." She shivered which made Finn take off his jacket and put it around Millie. Then they laid there looking at the stars for a few more minutes like Millie said, talking like they were before. Then, they walked out into the cold streets and waited for a Über to come, as Millie had her arms wrapped around tightly Finns waist, while Finns hand rested on her back. Millie then saw the Über from around the corner coming.
"Can't I just stay with you?" She pleaded looking up at Finn with those puppy eyes like once more.
"Millie no, your parents!" He said.
"I can call them, say I'm.. s-staying with a friend!" The Über was now aside them, waiting patiently.
"It's already late at night, I'll just call them." She said now taking out her phone.
"I'm not sure if Jack will be okay with it and-"
"I'm staying! Okay! That's final I'm staying!" Finn looked at the Über driver and he was looking back. And since Millie was already dealing her mum who had just picked up, Finn walked over to the driver and apologised, who then drove away saying he was in a rush, atleast they didn't have to pay!
"Jacks not going to be too happy about this." Finn said holding Millie's hand as he led the way to the bus stop. They then took a bus home then walked to Jack and Finns apartment. Luckily Jack was working that night, and wouldn't come back home until eleven.
"Nice place." Millie said wandering around putting her bad down on a sofa she saw. "Why did Jack move out?" Millie questioned now going into the kitchen, Finn following.
"He wanted to be independent and his parents 'controlled' him too much, so he moved out. He didn't regret it." He said. "Wanna a drink?" He picked up a water bottle, waiting for an answer.
"I'm good. So where are we gonna sleep?"
"Oh in here." Finn opened the door to his room, which was a basic room. There was a desk and a bed with a closet, everything you needed in a room, he was even lucky Jack had provided Finn a bed.
"Nice." Millie said sitting on the bed, picking up one of the books left there.
"I'll be sleeping on the floor and you can sleep on the bed."
"That's nice of you considering it's your own bed."
"We can always share." Finn said, winking after which made Millie blush and slightly laugh. "You probably don't have any sleep wear, cause who would? So you can borrow a pair of mine. If you want."
"Thanks, can I have them please?"
"Sure," Finn then went in his closet and grabbed out a hoodie and shorts, which were way too big for Millie, but passed them to her.
"Yeah." Then they stood there in silence for a minute.
"Finn you need to get out. I want to change." Millie said blank in the face.
"Oh my god! Yeah, I'm so sorry. Please change." Finn said stumbling out the room while Millie laughed in amusement. She ended up just putting on the hoodie since the shorts kept falling off her waist. When she let Finn in, he was some how already magically changed. Finn then stared at her, for a bit which Millie felt a bit creepy but cute.
"You look...good!" He said then started laying put a blanket and a pillow, showing as a bed. Then he laid down and covered him self while Millie did the same. "Goodnight Millie." He smiled.
"Goodnight." Then she smiled back, falling to sleep easily. Kind of. There was a space too empty in the bed she couldn't fill, even though it was a pretty small bed. "Finn?"
"Yes Millie?" He instantly replied.
"Come up here please." And Finn obeyed and got up on the bed, he awkwardly slipped his legs under the cover to feel Millie's bare ones underneath, and that single bare touch made them both shiver. Then, Millie finally went to sleep finn next to her...

Ok this is a long chapter, and it has to be my favourite.
Side note: I know this is random but I only found out now, that Millie is dating Joseph Robinson irl and I'm happy for Millie cause it ain't Jacob saggytits- but I also feel guilty writing about her and Finn even though they're not unfortunately a couple, and I feel like I'm making Millie cheat on her boyfriend because I'm writing this, it's weird and complicated and really stupid but... that's just me, stupid and complicated. Until then!
I should probably get to sleep it's like 1:30 am in England

Word count: 1810

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