Crazy First Dates (30)

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⚠️ TW ⚠️ May cause trigger to past memory of being sexually abused or anything, you have been warned, so if you continue to read on, read on.

In the morning, Grace and Sadie through water on Millie's face - repeating yesterday. She immediately jumped up to say, "You really need to stop doing that!" She rubbed her face.
"Well you have a date today!" Grace replied.
"Yeah come on, it's only six in the morning!" Sadie said after.
"Yeah and my dates at seven! That's in over ten hours."
"What? You said the date was at nine in the morning!"
"Yeah, because you wouldn't back me up if I said it was at seven! That's enough time for a beauty routine, picking what to wear, makeup and hair! Also food."
"But I'm tired, Grace.." Millie said tiredly, hardly opening her eyes.
"Good thing! I just made you coffee, now come on! I have your mask ready." And so, Grace dragged Millie to the bathroom. It took two and a half hours for all her masks and special creams, then it took another forty five minutes for her make up to be done. While Millie was eating downstairs, Grace and Sadie were going through outfits that Millie could wear, most were okay, some were just bad and others were over the top. One jumper though went well with a pair of jeans, it was dark red laced vest and on top of that was a black leather jacket. "Finns gonna freak when he sees this!" Grace squealed.
"And so is Millie! She's not gonna put this on. And what if they go to a fancy restaurant?" Sadie said.
"Like Finn has that kind of money!" Grace snorted, "Now go get Millie!" So, Sadie ran down the stairs to go and get Millie. At first, her expression was horrified, but it slowly changed to a concerned expression.
"What is my mom going to say about this?"
"You're going to be covered up with your jacket!"
"What if Finn things I'm a whore?" She looked at them.
"Then we'll kick him where it hurts!" Sadie joked. "It's not too bad. Do you know where Finns taking you?"
"He hasn't told me anything yet." That's when Grace paused.
"Oh. Maybe take these as a spare change of clothes then. Change into them when you go his-"
"Hold on! This is our first date! Haven't you heard of the first date second date rules?"
"What? What are those?"
"You know, first date no make outs. Second date get comfortable. Third date get intimate?" Sadie asked. "How do you not know that! You have a boyfriend yourself, don't tell me you didn't hit off the first night..."
"And if we did?" Grace questioned rhetorically. "Look Millie, you take your time and don't do anything you don't want to do, if you wanna change into your second clothes change into them if you don't then don't. It's your relationship you can decide, don't let anyone pressure you into something especially Finn or us. You don't even have to bring the clothes!"
"Okay..I'll bring them."
"What?!" Both Sadie and Grace said. Sadie was shocked and surprised but Grace was also.
"Just to make you happy, I'm not wearing them or anything." Now that was undecided. "I'm gonna go change into a dress or something, I'll be a minute." She took a white turtle neck with her and a orange denim floral short dress. She even changed her makeup slightly cause it didn't go with her look and instead put on mascara and lipgloss.
"You still look really nice Millie." Sadie smiled.
"Yeah, really nice."

Finn was a bit worried, like anyone else would be but he was also excited. He wasn't sure Millie would like his stupid picnic idea or his boring rose necklace or a dumb box of chocolates, he would always be so insecure about himself when it came to Millie. The date was at their field, where they watched the stars at night and would chase each other with smiles on both mouths, where they would have their little picnics together in the daylight, laughing about stupid stuff. I don't think he could've done it without Jaeden's and Sophia's help, it was Finns idea to have in the date in the park yes, but Sophia's idea to have it as a picnic, it was Finns idea to get a gift, but he suffered with finding gifts and that was the reason why it was Jaedens idea for the rose necklace. All he was praying for now is that she liked everything. Finn arranged for a taxi to pick Millie at six so she would arrive somewhere around seven, it was already seven o two and at seven o five was when his princess had arrive. (i cringed too don't worry). His worried frown was turned into a relieved and happy smile and even though Millie dressed simply, she looked stunning to Finns eyes like always. Millie walked over to Finn and hugged him.
"I'm sorry if the park wasn't what you expected- I did tr-"
"It's fine Finn, it doesn't have to be over the top expensive you just need to be there." She smiled. "Now, where are we going?"
"You'll see." Finn said before putting out his hand for her that she took. He lead her up a small hill just beneath the stars, a blanket was already laid out for them with food on it. "It's just a picnic." He laughed.
"Well I like picnics lucky for you." She giggled. "I call dibs on the biggest slice of cake!"
"I don't like sponge cake anyways." He said sitting down next to Millie. "Would you mind if we had picnics every date? I know we wouldn't but it's just a question."
"Probably if it's new food every time." She laughed.
"Okay well, I'm new to this thing actually so, this would probably be an alternative for a date."
"You've never been on a date before?"
"No not really. Have you?" He asked.
"Nope!" She chuckled nervously. "What was your first impression of me?"
"I don't know. I was so panicked when I first met you, I just thought to protect you and I see myself as quite selfish so, that was definitely different."
"You looked right stupid when I saw you. Taking on such a..big guy and you looked weak. I thought you were dumb. It's not everyday you meet someone like that, other people would just stay to watch or simply leave awkwardly not telling anyone." Finn decided it was time to change the topic.
"I was surprised that I got help with this date, just to let you know. Some people can take you for granted and...and I was still helped by people I barely know. It was really weird coming back to Los Angeles, I didn't really recognise it. I didn't even keep in much contact with Jack and suddenly I show up at his place and he decides to let me live with him. He's practically a brother now."
"Do you have any other family?"
"My mom and brother, I don't know any uncles or aunts. My mom she's in France with my brother. I've only visited her once a year after everything. I really do miss my mom and brother, the last time I saw her she said she was really close of getting custody of me, she knew about my abusive dad that's why she left him and she knows he's abusive to me. Shes seen every scar and bruise or cut that my dads given me and always threatened to call the police and she has a few times after I called and told her what my dad did, he would deny it and said I tripped or fell down the stairs or got beat up by a guy on the street, said I was playing with my brother. My brother did come and stay with me sometimes for a week or three days, he would always be between me and my dad. He was the one who got me into music, the one who helped me started my underground band. He still texts me everyday like I'm still there and it hurts to not reply. The most painful thing I was told from him was I had a little sister, English name Brooklyn. It was painful because I wasn't there to be an older brother. It feels like I am invisible to my own family." Millie could barely talk, she felt like crying for Finn but he was stoned face the whole time maybe a few smiles and laughs but nothing else. "What about your family?"
"It's really simple. I have two older siblings, my oldest sister Paige, then my brother, Charlie. I also have a younger sibling Ava. My mom and dad are divorced but it's mutual, they still talk rarely but they don't hate each other. I live with my mom but my dad is always there for stuff like thanksgiving or Christmas, sometimes even Halloween. He sometimes comes for dinner if another family is around. I sometimes think there's a little hope for my mom and dad and I don't see them as divorced sometimes i see them as awkward friends. He sometimes comes on weekends and sleeps on the couch." She laughed. "What do you think about Charlie Heaton?"
"I don't really know actually. He wants me to see him tomorrow and he's coming here. I probably would accept the chance of being adopted because I won't have to hide anymore." He replied. "How long have known Sadie and Grace?"
"Sadie I met in middle school same with Grace. I was in a really toxic friend group with Sadie but we had no one else so we stuck together with this other girl I can't remember. They make us get in trouble a lot, it was these two kids particularly, then it was seven other innocent kids I think we just wanted friends. Then the other nice girl left to go live in Russia or something and then we met Grace, she was the one who made us cut off all contact to this group. Though in high school the other six kids, they still stuck together and it only got worse in high school for them, they were extremely harsh and with becoming a teenager made that even worse, so worse a boy in the group couldn't cope because they tormented him. He left and never came back." Finn scoffed.
"Our school was bad too. There's loads of brutal fights and our school nearly got shut down because they weren't teaching properly. They didn't teach algebra until we were seniors and somebody set our prom on fire." He sighed. "Let's move onto less depressing things and talk about something else before this date ends." They laughed.
"Okay then, so... if you were the most powerful and richest person in the world for one whole day, what would you do?" She laughed.
"That's a weird question, but okay. I would buy the company Gucci and...make everyone buy underground music cause that can be really underrated sometimes. What about you?"
"I would buy McDonald's and have the biggest Chinese mukbang in the world!"
"What would you grab if your house was on fire?"
"I mean my siblings are pretty annoying so I would get my dog, phone and parents." She said jokingly.
"Siblings are annoying." He laughed.
"Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world right now?" Millie asked.
"Hawaii...What about you?"
"Japan, their technology is amazing! Their hotels are on another level!"
"Maybe we could go there first if we ever traveled together." He smiled. "If....If- you got stuck in an elevator and was forced to sing one song, what would it be?"
"Hot and cold, Katy Perry!" She said immediately. "Would you change anything"
"No, you're absolutely perfect." He smiled which reflected on Millie. "If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?"
"This is hard... Chick-fil-A chicken burgers!" She said. "Okay last question because I want it to be, what's your favourite movie?"
"Lion king, ten out of ten! Should we pack up now?"
"Yeah, let me help." They neatly put all the unfinished fruit and sandwiches away in the basket but before leaving and putting the blanket away they watched the stars for a sometime while talking. After they finished they decided to walk back to Finns apartment since it was only a ten minute walk and yeah their date wasn't long but they still had a date. Plus who said it was over yet? Its only get more surprising...

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