Abuse (35)

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⚠️! Warning! There will be mentioning of physical and verbal abuse, if it triggers you in away skip this chapter, it's just about Jacob being a rude betch.

They all came back laughing. Really happy. Everyone went to the lounge, everyone except for Sadie and Millie. They went upstairs since they were the only ones who hadn't changed at the bathroom, in shake shack, it was seriously disgusting. Sophia snuck into the workers bathroom just cause of girl's bloody tampons and pads were there. They went into Sadie's room starting to remove their shoes.
"Finns friends are actually not too bad! They're all really funny." Sadie smiled. They shouting from above them. It was Grace and Jacob.
"Do you think they're happy together?" Millie frowned
"They don't really show that their unhappy, well except no—" Crash. Her voice was cut off by something crashing, then it followed by shouting. Only from one person.
"I wonder what broke." Millie awkwardly said.
"D-do you hear Grace shouting? Or is it just Jacob?" They paused for a second to listen.
"Should we go che—" that's when they heard a scream. They ran up to the main floor as the screams got louder and the shouting got louder. They tried to open the door but it was locked. "Grace?! Are you okay?!" Millie shouted, still struggling to open the door. They heard the others coming up the stairs, they were also confused about what was going on. Finn was coming up too and once Millie gave him a look, he rushed everyone back down, reassuring nothing was happening.
"Nothing wrong! Go away!" Jacob shouted though you could still hear crying from the other side.
"If nothing is wrong, l-let us in." Jacob opens the door a crack and tried telling Millie and Sadie something but they forcefully pushed the door open, entering the room. It was a wreck. The covers of the bed were messed up, pillows on the floor, clothes on the floor, smashed objects everywhere but the worst of all was Grace. She had bruises all on her arms and legs, she had a bloody nose, a cut lip, you could even see where Jacob dug his fingernails on her arms.
"Get out!" Jacob screamed. They did, but they took Grace with them. Jacob didn't care though. They went back into Sadie's room and went into the bathroom.
"How long has he been doing this?!" Sadie asked worriedly. She didn't answer though, not for a while.
"Second week of dating."
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Millie said.
"J-Jacob said it was normal in every relationship." They both gave her this look though like she was lying. "He said he would kill me if I told anyone or left him. He also said he would kill you guys." Millie's eyes went wide and Sadie left the bathroom.
"H-he said that?" Millie stuttered.
"He told me he would take you two away."
"Grace, he's not gonna do that! Not while everyone else is here." She said. "The reason wh-" she was going to say, but Sadie came with the right stuff to fix her up. It was probably for the best Millie didn't say anything.
"Are there any more bruises or cuts I don't know about?" Sadie asked.
"I don't know. They're probably all on my back." They let Grace turn around and take off her top. The answer was yes. She had whip lashes on her back, scratches and bruises. One big bruise was forming around the back of her shoulder, going all yellowish.
"How come we didn't see this at the beach?" Millie said confused. Not expecting an answer.
"Jacob always makes me put on a shit ton of makeup. He has an expensive kind of foundation that was waterproof, he makes me wear it anywhere I go."
"And we are the only people that know about this?" Sadie said and Grace nodded. They were so confused and shocked by what to do. If they had known before Grace was in an abusive relationship, they would have gotten her out of it but now it's too late.

They patched her up and covered her face with foundation, not to worry anyone else and Grace was okay with it. They went down to the lounge where everyone else was, luckily Finn had kept everyone occupied playing charades. They watched for the first few rounds watching as everyone tried to guess. On the first team was, Finn, Jack and Jaeden and on the second team it was, Sophia, Wyatt and Jeremy then Chosen were constantly swapping sides. But they left afterwards to go and make their own dinner, which was really chaotic. In the end, everyone sat down with their plates of 'food.' Everyone except for Jacob, he just stood there watching everyone make their food.
"So...Jacob? Aren't you gonna eat anything?" Wyatt nervously asked.
"Not that hungry. I'll eat something later on." He smiled creepily. Jack chocked on a piece of food after hearing him say that and Finn tried not to laugh.
"What was all that noise upstairs earlier on?" Jeremy said and it went all silent.
"We were just arguing a bit. It's all sorted now." He said doing the strange creepy smile again before getting up. "Grace, let's go to bed."
"Oh! She'll be sleeping with me from now on," Sadie said unexpectedly. She didn't want Grace to go through torture tonight and so she said that. "Caleb's sleeping on the couch so we'll just share the same bed!" Caleb awkwardly smiled and Grace let out a sigh. "We just thought it would be better to sleep with friends."
"Yeah, why not let them, Jacob?" Millie said before Jacob opened his mouth.
"No-no, no-no—"
"-Sorted!" Jack cut off. "If we're sleeping with friends they can too. You can go upstairs now." They all waved at him saying bye. After he left in anger, they all laughed.
"What is up with his smile?!" Sophia chuckled.
"I know right he gives me the creepiest vibe ever!" Wyatt cut off.
"He has such a punchable face-" Jaeden said.
"He's freaking weird!" Jack whispered. They all talked bad about Jacob behind his back while continuing to eat. After they finished, Sadie, Millie and Grace stayed behind to wash the plates.
"I'm not gonna let him touch you," Chosen whispered into to Grace before leaving the dining room. The girls giggled as Grace walked over to the kitchen.
"What did he say?" Sadie teased.
"Yeah, spill!" Millie elbowed.
"He just said he wouldn't let Jacob hit me, that's all!" She smiled.
"Then why you smiling?!" Sadie said
"I'm not smiling!" She grinned even bigger.
"Who has a crush on Chosen??" Millie teased.
"Oh shut up!" Grace squealed.
"I mean I get it! He's sweet and charming. He's less more chaotic than the others!" Sadie said.
"Whats she's trying to say is, would you ever date him?"
"Millie!" Sadie whispered.
"No no, I get it. Why not give him a chance? He's not dating anyone is he." The girls screamed quietly and talked until they finished washing the dishes.

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