Shots fired (36)

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EhM announcement after - TWO MONTHS... schoOl is what has kept me up and I am truly sorry, blame my school. Some of you are readers of my books and I have an idea since I know I won't be able to finish my books chapter by chapter. Because of this, I will be putting the ending right up so we can just skip to the end instead of waiting till 2021. If you want to see particular scenes in the book I will put them in cause there were some scenes I were really looking forward to. But don't worry your little minds, this doesn't mean I'll stop writing it means I'll stop writing this particular stories. I in fact have many fillie and one sillie and one stranger things cast book I've been waiting to put out but can't because I'm too over worked, but after this. I don't think I will be. If you have any questions again, ask, this will be also put in my stories!

All of them, now staring at Grace, waiting for her reaction. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down, in disbelief.
"If this was true, his parents would've caught on to what he was doing." She shook her head a bit her nails.
"Grace, why would we lie about something like this." Millie looked at her. "We're leaving here tonight and we wanted to tell you."
"Are you coming or not." Jack asked, rather scared.
"'s just too much to take in, I-" She was cut of by the opening of the door. Jacob. He had heard everything for the past ten minutes and was now mad. They all backed up, got up from their seats.
"Why are you going to believe them Grace? Huh?" Jacob tried stepping up close to her but she backed away each time he moved. "Over your own boyfriend." He scoffed and walked away. Hand in his hand, they saw a black heavy material. They all looked at each other, the same stare wandered around the room. They had all seen what they had seen and they knew what it was.
"Jacob I-"
"No! I am your boyfriend, I have taken my own time and money for you and your stupid friends to go on this trip, just so you can turn on me?! Ridiculous!" He scoffed again.
"We'll pack all our stuff and leave! I-if that's what you want so bad!" She quivered.
"What? And your just gonna give me nothing back- as your boyfriend! Pathetic..." He said. "Your staying here, with me."
"What do you mean, I have college a-and they'll be expecting me and -"
"Shut up! All you do is talk Grace!"
"Jacob just let us go-"
"I said shut up!" He spat in her face. He then pointed the gun at her. Shock ran out throughout the whole room. A deaf silence filled the air. There was suspense and no clue of what was gonna happen next. The only thing Grace do was put her hand up and stand there, tears spilling out of her eyes but did not make a sound.
"Woah, woah! What the fuck Jacob!" Jack said, quietly but his voice echoed.
"You seriously going to kill her..?" Chosen whispered. He then put the gun lower and turned to him, the gun was still aimed at graces stomach but Jacobs head turned around. While Sophia put her hands up she slowly dialled 911 making sure the ringer was off and put the volume on mute so only the police could listen.
"You fucking cheater." He said looking spitefully at Chosen. "You'll regret this." Then turned back to Grace. She didn't know what she was doing but Millie sprinted up to Grace everyone silently screamed and shouted at her while she did it. Finn the most worried.
"Please don't shoot her." Millie's voice trembled. She couldn't even look him in the eye.
"Move out the way, or I'll shoot right through you. Jack gave Finn a look and they both ganged up on Jacob, making an attempt to take the gun off him but Jacob was too strong. Just as Millie and Grace we're going through the door with the others, Jacob gathered up all his strength and shot right the girls. The bullet just about grazed Millie's stomach but Grace wasn't too lucky.

It shot just above or stomach, blood already making its way through her pastel blue top. She shrieked as the bullet went through her, still in shock what just happened. A wave of something hit her and she fell onto the wall. The others had made it out so it was just Finn Jack Millie and now maybe dying Grace. Jacob fled out. It was went Grace fell onto the floor, Millie started getting panicked.
"Oh, no no no!" She whispered to her self, dropping her self to graces level and putting her hand on the wound. "Someone help me!" She looked back at the boys and screamed tearfully. The boys hurried for their phones but, Jacob disconnected the WiFi and they had no credit.
"Shit! We're out!" Jack said glancing at Finns phone. "I'll go get help- I'll be back." Jack hurried out while Finn stood there not knowing what do do tracing around the room.
"It'll be okay Grace!" She said as blood trickled down her cheek. "Oh Finn help please!" She broke down into tears.
"Millie..." he couldn't help but look at the lifeless body. Her chest stopped going up and down and there was no shimmer in her eyes.
"Maybe the bullet went straight through and she's just passed out from the pain." She said gripping onto Graces hand, breaking down into tears once more.
"Don't leave me please." She wailed quietly. "Please don't leave me yet, you can't!" She cried. "Not this way...Not this time!" She balled. But as much as she cried, nothing had changed.

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