I hate goodbyes. (16)

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hI sIsTeRs!

Millie woke up, realising her head was on Finns chest, her arms too and her legs were tangled with Finns. She didn't really want to get out of the position, as much as it was comfortable and as she liked the position. She tried to get out to go toilet, but a grip around her waist, tightened slightly, "Finn, I need to get out," She chuckled, seeing as Finns hair, was covering his eyes.
"Where are you going?" He said sleepily, still not letting go, eyes still closed.
"I need to go bathroom or I'll pee all over you." She said, holding Finns arms around her waist, feeling them release her.
"Go ahead." Now he had let go of the grasp and went back on his side to sleep. Millie carefully tip-toed careful not to walk Jack up, but he was already in the kitchen, drinking water.
"Finn?" Jack called out.
"No, I um, it's Millie!" She said coming out of her hiding place, to see Jack.
"What are you doing here, weren't you supposed to go home the other night...?" Then he stopped, saying something he maybe shouldn't have. "Holy shit! Did you guys-" Jack said now with wide eyes beginning to stand up, but Millie stopped him in his sentence.
"What?! No! Jack no! We just slept in the same bed.." Millie said going quiet. Jack looked at her and just nodded, squinting his eyes.
"Anyways, do you know where the bathroom is, I kind of need to pee."
"Yeah it over there." Then he pointed to a door, before sitting down again.
"Thanks." Millie then walked over to the bathroom and did her business. When she came back in Finns room, she saw him sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm guessing you have to go now." He looked down, but Millie's eyes were kept on him.
"Yeah, I do now..wanna walk me?" She questioned, now Finns gaze on her.
"Yeah, I would like that." And with that answer, they got dressed. Millie put on the same clothes, but decided to keep Finns hoodie on, and Finn just put on the same clothes as yesterday. They walked to a stop, hand in hand, where the Über had planned to pick Millie up. They wasted time by chatting about anything that came to mind, and soon after the Über came and was now waiting for them, it was the same dude from last night and he sighed. They all did. "Guess this is goodbye." Finn said sighing, Millie hugged him tightly.
"You know I don't like goodbyes with you." She said going all pouty in the face, eyebrows starting to furrow. She finally let go of the hug, to look back up at Finn, she knew this will be the last time in a month she would probably see him again, so that was why she didn't want to leave.
"We'll see each other again." He said reassuringly.
"Promise?" She put out her pinky finger.
"Promise." He wrapped his long pinky around her short one, then having their last hug which would be in awhile so they hugged for a very long time, which pissed off the driver, though he didn't want to ruin the couples moment so he impatiently waited.
"Bye Finn."
"Bye Millie." After Millie got in the Über, tears in her eyes, and began to wave as the driver started the car, Finn waved back of course, until she was driven to a point he couldn't see her anymore. It was after this point in the day, he was extremely saddened but that only lasted for a few minutes as Millie started to text Finn back, like always. When Finn got back, Jack tried to lighten the mood seeing as Finn was sad,
"I thought you guys had sex last night you know." Finn gave jack an embarrassed look.
"What?! No! What the hell Jack?!"
"That's exactly what she said." Then they both chuckled. "So what did you guys actually do last night?"
"We went on a picnic, then she didn't want to go home so I brought her back here." Jack nodded.
"So how did you guys end up in the same bed?"
"Did you watch us?!"
"No she told me."
"Does she tell you everything?"
"Just answer the damn question." He said finally ending the going back and fourth answers and questions.
"Look she just asked me to sleep with her in that bed.." Finn said going red in the cheeks.
"Did you cuddle?"
"Jack!" He exclaimed, smiling. "Stop asking questions!" But Jack was still waiting for an answer. "Fine we did cuddle just a little bit-" Finn said quickly but was interrupted by Jack.
"Ooh! Finns got a girlfriend! Finns got a girlfriend!" Jack said chanting it over and over again, and Finn tried grabbing him to stop him jumping around.
"I think next time we meet up, we're going to have her meet, well everybody in our 'group'."
"That's fine, we just need to plan a date-"
"What? Jack? It's not a date we're just meeting l-like usual-" Finn said, taking it the wrong way.
"No, I don't mean that type of date! We need to choose a date! Remember your dates? Monday..Tuesday...Wednesday?"
"Oh.." Jack walked over to him and punched him lightly in the arm.
"Come on! Wake up!" He smacked his shoulder once more.
"Ow, okay." Finn said pushing Jacks arm away, preventing him to hit Finn again, but even though that was still his way, Jack didn't stop hitting him, for a joke.

As soon as Millie got home, she was greeted by her mum by lots of hugs and kisses,
"Millie love, you need to get ready, soon the Beckham family will be coming over! I'm cooking Sunday roast." So, as requested, Millie went to her room to get ready for whoever's family was coming. She put on her pale grey dress and brushed her hair, putting it in a bun which her mum helped with. When she came back downstairs she saw, her mothers Sunday roast on the table, all her siblings lined up, ready to meet the family who was in front of the door. She saw a tall man with a beard and brown hair and alongside with him was his assumed wife and four kids, the one that caught Millie's eye though, was a boy, he was tall and had brown hair, he looked about Millie's age. When they all greeted, they sat down at the table, though Millie felt a bit awkward knowing that, that boy was looking at her and every time she looked at him he looked away and when they were greeting, he looked at her dead in the eye, and shook her hand coldly, physically and mentally but one of the strangest thing about him was, she had noticed him from somewhere like, a lot, she remembered when she was leaving Finn, the same morning she saw a familiar boy that looked like him and on the bus, the night she met Finn, now that was definitely him, or was it all just a coincidence she saw him a lot. But, they enjoyed the roast dinner and happily ate before saying goodbye to the family, all of the family was nice even that strange boy, Romeo, it was like he was so evil yet he was so nice, Millie didn't know how to explain it, but overall she got a weird vibe from him... Millie after asked her mum, why they had came over for dinner and apparently they're good friends to her mum since they gave her a job where no where to go, I guess it was normal so, Millie went to her room and got changed into something comfortable, Finns hoodie and some Adidas shorts, then she Skyped Grace and Sadie, to tell what went down today.
"You slept in the SAME bed, as Finn fucking Wolfhard..." Grace then stared into her lens motionless. "Did you..."
"For your information, no we didn't."
"Did you cuddle at all?" Sadie asked grinning.
"Okay, just a little bit!-" Then both Sadie and Grace squealed loudly.
"How?!" Grace said.
"Jeez, if you want to know so badly..."
"Tell us!" Sadie said impatiently,
"Isn't this like personal information?"
"As your bestfriends mills, we share everything."
"Yeah." Sadie said backing up Grace.
"Nope, I'm not telling you! It's embarrassing!"
"Once I knocked a table over and fell over, breaking some kids leg! Now I have told you something embarrassing, tell me about your cuddling!"
"Ok first of all, that's not embarrassing!" Millie said in her British accent.
"Uuh, yes it is?" Sadie exclaimed.
"Uuh, no it isn't?"
"Uuh, tell us that embarrassing thing?" Then they laughed as Graces comment.
"I'm not so I'll just tell you about what happened when I got home-"
"Miilliee!" Sadie and Grace said at the same time, but with no guilt or shame, Millie continued.
"Yeah so when I got home, my mum said we were meeting some family, anyway they came and there was this boy and I swore I've seen him before. Brown hair, dark brown eyes, devilish grin."
"Sounds oddly familiar...but there are a bunch of boys with same colour hair and eye!"
"I mean I guess.."
"But did you kiss?!" Sadie said.
"What no! I would never kiss Romeo! He's a creep!"
"Not fucking Romeo, FINN!" Grace shouted, which made everyone jump a little, even herself.
"No! We have not kissed yet!"
"Then how could you call yourself boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"I never said we were boyfriend and girlfriend."
"You wish!"
"Oh Finn! Stop it!" Grace teased and then Sadie joined in saying,
"Oh Millie I love you so much! Uuuh!" They started to groan and moan until they were laughing uncontrollably. After a long hour of chatting, They decided to both leave the chat and say goodbye so they did, and with nothing left to do, Millie went back to chatting with Finn.

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