Slut (31)

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Millie woke up from another nightmare. When she woke up, she expected to find Finn by her side, like always, but this time he wasn't there, his 'bed' by the floor was empty. She put on a hoodie, before looking out of Finn's bedroom door and she found Finn pretty easily. He was by the kitchen sink murmuring something under his breath, she was about to approach him but something told her to stay and listen.
"She can't know..shit!" He was walking around in circles. "If he does something, I have to tell. I can't put her in danger."
"Put who danger?" She said, finally coming out of the dark.
"Is this about Jacob?" She cut off.
"How did you know..?" Millie scoffed.
"Finn if someone is being put in danger, then you have to tell!"
"You'll break up with me if I do."
"Tell me, Finn!" Millie said impatiently. Finn knew she was right but telling her would cost them their relationship and it had only just started, he also wanted to keep her safe. He sat down arms crossed looking down.
"It's about Jacob. He's... he's planning to do something really bad on that holiday. Or in college, I don't even know. If we make it through this holiday without somebody disappearing, I will tell you everything."
"Is Jacob threatening you to keep quiet?" She paused. "Grace...Is he going to do something to Grace?!"
"Not at all-"
"If you don't tell me what's going on...I'm gonna break up with you." That was hard for Millie to say. "I'll leave right now if you don't tell me!" She began to go back into Finn's room, beginning to pack her stuff.
"You can't leave now, it's one in the morning!"
"Are you going to tell or not?"
"Millie put your stuff back! I'm not telling you anything until after the trip!"
"Then you can consider this relationship over." She then stopped to look at him, one last time. "Goodbye Finn." But he still tried to stop her by grabbing her arm, but she flinched. She went to go exit the door. Finn couldn't hide it anymore.
"He's coming for you!" He shouted, it was the only thing that would stop her from leaving.
"What?" She said weakly and confused.
"When Jack was acting weird, not remembering things, I saw him one night after work. He said he was going to Jacob. He could barely remember his name. That was the first time I saw him after what he had done to you, I went ballistic. That same day I found out that was Graces prom date and now boyfriend. Jacob even confessed what he was after you. He had been using Jack as a device to get information from me to you, he might be doing the same thing to Grace now. He said some pretty messed up shit back there and what I think he's going to do to you is taking you away..." she was stunned.
"W-we have to everyone else, cancel the trip, I'm gonna call Gra-"
"No. Only Jack, me and you know. If we cancelled the trip, he would be suspicious and who knows what he would do next? If we called Grace and she went crazy on Jacob, Jacob could kill her. I can't tell anyone and here I am next to you. We can't tell anyone else or we all die."
"Why would he want to kill us all?"
"So nobody knows about his plan. And his plan is to take you. That's what I think at least. So we're gonna go on this trip tell nobody and act like nothing's happened. We're gonna try and figure out what we can do while on the holiday."
"What if...what if he takes me while at the villa?" He hadn't thought about that.
"I and Jack will have eyes on you the trip. Nothings going to you if we're there."
"Fine. But I'm confronting him at the end of the trip."
"What?! Are you crazy? Do you want to die?" He screamed. He also might have scared Millie in the process of this. "Look, I just want you safe."
"Well, you kind of aren't." She pushed out of Finn's way and put her bag back in his room. Though she came back out with blankets.
"Where are you going with those?"
"On the couch." She replied coldly.
"I'll sleep on the couch, you take my room-"
"I don't want your room!" She shouted. "I don't want to be in your stupid room. I said I wanted to sleep on the couch, so I'm sleeping on it." She didn't look at him once while talking to him. Instead, she looked down at her balled up fists, that's when she saw the ring on her middle finger. "I don't want this stupid ring either. I don't want any of your dumb gifts anymore, I'm giving them all back on Saturday. I'm also going to leave in the morning. After this trip, don't ever try to talk to me, don't try to contact me either. If you do, I'll get a restraining order, next time I'll call the cops." If she looked up at him, she would break. She already had tears in her eyes.
"Are you..are you breaking up with me?" A year was threatening to fall onto his cheek.
"What does it look like? If you don't want your gifts anymore, I'll burn them."
"This is only our first date!"
"Well, I'm sorry it's our last. I didn't want it to go like this either."
"You can stop this! You can stop us from breaking up!"
"It's not my fault though!" She finally clocked. "It's...It's all your fault! You never talk! You're always so quiet! You're the one who is breaking us up! You're the idiot, you're the problem! I was so blind to love a bastard like you! You're pathetic, you're stubborn, you're a stuck up stupid idiot! That's why you've never fucking dated! I feel bad for anybody who's going to date you! I feel bad for your future children! You're fucking worse than Jacob!" Finn couldn't control himself any longer, his anger was just boiling up after what she had just said and he said some things he...maybe shouldn't have.
"What?! I literally opened up to you! That was the first fucking time I've opened up to anybody and your treating that like trash! Am I not enough for you? Am I too much of a basic guy for you? Is Jacob just the one for you? It's your fault you got fucking raped by him! You were probably acting like a fucking slut at that party! You're just a perfect little bitch for him! You were the fucking whore who jumped onto me! On our first date! Not even the fifth!" He covered his mouth so quickly he didn't even see Millie's hand coming for him. She slapped him. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't know wh-What I was saying!" Tears we're both streaming down each other's faces.
"A whore? A slut?! Seriously?! You didn't stop me coming!" She screamed. "I was going to let you meet my parents! I'm so fucking dumb!" She looked down at her ring- Finn's ring. She threw off. Then glanced at Finn's room.
"Millie where you going?" He followed, but she suddenly started trashing Finn's room. Throwing everything around, ruining his small closet. "Millie stop! This isn't like you!" But she wasn't listening, the voice in her head was louder then Finn's voice and her tears weren't helping either. Finally, Finn grabbed her forcefully by the arm, pulling her closer to him. She spat in his face. "I am so sorry. I am so dumb for calling you all of those wrongfully dumb words. You're not any of those things. I am sorry for putting in a position where you're not comfortable in. I just wanted to keep you safe. It's not your fault at all, it's all mine. I'm going to call Sadie and Grace to come and say what happened and after this trip, you never have to talk to me, cut off all contact. Even if your not my girlfriend anymore, I still love you and that won't change for a while." He let go of her as he saw she was finally calm now. She did spit in his face one more time and slapped him too, one last time though.

When she was back in Arizona, she went straight to Grace's house since she knew none of her parents was home. Grace slightly opened the door, with the lock chain still on. "Millie?" She gasped then opened the door fully. She let her in and they sat in the living room. "What are you doing here, it's nearly three!" She looked at Millie one more time and saw her red puffy red eyes and a pink nose. "Wait...aren't you supposed to be with Finn right now?"
"Yeah well, that didn't go well." She said shakily. "We had an argument we're not together anymore."
"That's why I got a call from Finn. I didn't answer." She sighed. "What was so bad in the argument?" Grace asked.
"Something really dumb and stupid." She lied. "He blamed things on me and we said really dumb things to each other."
"It does sound that bad." She scoffed.
"He called me a bitch, a slut and a whore out of anger." Grace's face turned angry. "Please don't do anything. He already apologised. And don't make the trip weird."
"Of course. Should I call Sadie over?"
"Sure." The rest of the night was the three of them just talking and laughing. Millie needed something like that after everything that happened.'s been awhile...sorry...I'm not dead btw. I think I'm just gonna fast forward to where they have the trip cause, nothing is going to happen between four days except for packing so im skipping to Saturdayyy... I was actually planning to stop the story here when Millie's was saying "I don't want you to talk to anymore" and all that stuff but I didn't sooo.. please remember to stay safe and wash your hands and yeah be careful. I hope you enjoyed this, Until then! (Sorry it's a short chapter)
Word count: 1732

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