Getting ready (2)

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A week had passed and since the party was on Saturday they had Thursday and Friday to find something to wear, which is going to be difficult because, well, Grace is very picky about what Millie wears, or what really anyone wears.

Grace😝💛: ok the plan is to meet up at the mall so we can go shopping there!
I have scheduled it so we have over 3 hours of shopping and an
extra 45 mins for us to eat.

Sadie🙉🧡: so we are going to be standing in our feet for over 4 hours?! That's
Mad! Can't we just order something online?

Millie😜💜: no Sades if we order online it would probably order in looking
like crap and we apparently need to look good for Graces sake.

Grace😝💛: thank you mills now come over to my house so we can get ready!!

Sadie🙉🧡: o thats ok a change of plans

Millie😜💜: but were getting a girls day out!!

Millie arrived first at Graces house then Sadie, and then we all got ready together. Millie just put on some lip gloss and a light touch of blush, while grace put on a red layer of lipstick going subtle on the cheeks, Sadie stayed the same though, apart from Millie aggressively putting blush on Sadie at least.

It was no surprise they shopped for hours, Grace just kept going and going while Millie and Sadie were being dragged along, at least they got some good things out of it, like Millie buying a good dress,

(Images were supposed to go here)
And Grace got a good outfit after Millie convincing her not to look like a legit whore,

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And Sadie found a cute skirt.

(Image was supposed to go here)

"FINN WOLFHARD!" Screams echoed throughout the mansion.
Finn managed his way upstairs to his own room where he saw his father sitting down with a wine bottle in his hand. Finn started at his father who was staring at his hand where a wine bottle was. "What is this..." Finn didn't say a single word he just looked into his fathers eyes. "FINN WHAT IS THIS?" He screamed making the house jump. "You know what it is, dad." He said looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact. "Finn. You know not to do this. So why are you doing such disgusting things in this household?" His father questioned then standing up, towering over Finn. There was silence for thirty seconds, until his father, Mathew, smacked him on the side of his face. Finn was used to this stinging pain after experiencing it for years. "You are a disgrace. Knowing that you have been doing this when I'm not around? I don't even know you anymore, how I dare to call you my son." Then he questioned, "How long has this been going for?!" He demanded "HOW LONG FINN??" He screamed in his face. He stayed completely silent knowing if he told his father, it would be his death day. "If you do not want to tell me," he searched around the room "I'll be taking this." He said snatching his phone away from his desk. "Dad! That had my private stuff on it! Give it back!!" Finn screamed grabbing for his dads arm while he was walking away, he pushed him onto the wall then clenching him with his fist, "You have no permission to go out. You must go straight back to home after school and your grounded for as long as I say so." His dad had once again pushed him down walking away but Finn still had courage to talk to his dad. "You can't ground me! There's this big party going on and I can't miss it. I am not going to miss it!" He screamed back at his dad. "FINN GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" His shouts echoed through the house. "But-" "NOW!"
He stormed to his room, almost destroying everything in his room, thinking how he wasn't going to miss that party, if he was grounded or not.

After sitting on his bed for awhile, he was decided he was going to pack his things. Yes he was going to run away. He put everything into his suitcase, like valuables and clothes and hygienic things. He then heard a clacking of shoes coming to his room, he quickly hid his suitcase and laid down on the bed.

"Finn?" He heard a woman's voice speaking to him, then entering the room. It was his step mom, Karen.
"What do you want." He answered in a low tone of voice still annoyed with everything that just happened.
"I heard you fighting with your dad. I wanted to see if you were fine." She answered calmly standing in the other side of his bed, Finns back facing her.
"Do you think I'm fine?! I've just have my privacy taken away, I can't go anywhere! And I'm grounded, but it's not like that will affect anything, I am NOT fine!" He said looking at her now with angry eyes.
"I was just trying to help-"
"You can't say that! You don't do anything to help! You just listen and do nothing else like you always do! Just leave my room." He screamed at her, and as she was leaving he said words he shouldn't of have. "You aren't my mum and you never will be..." he said as she looked at him sadly, then closing the door. He laid back on his bed again blacking out...

How do you guys like this crappy story so far?

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