I'm sorry (13)

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Helloo how is your day going?

Sadie woke up to her phone ringing and when she answered it, Millie was on the other end, crying.
"I..I think I m-messed up!" Millie said sobbing. While Sadie was decoding what Millie had just said, she answered quickly.
"W-what do you mean messed up?! Messed up with what?!" She questioned tiredly. Millie shook her head.
"With Finn, I need to do something, I- I-"
"Okay, start from the beginning! I don't understand!" Sadie said making an attempt to open her eyes.
"I need to go back to Finn! I..I need to apologise, I did something wrong!" She whispered into the phone. Sadie still stunned, tried to talk things out with Millie.
"So you're saying, you want to apologise to him? For whatever reason?"
"Yes I do! I've made a mistake!"
"Ok, as much I would love to help you, we don't know where Finn is, and it's four am in the morning. Tomorrow, we can talk okay Millie?"
"Ok. Goodnight Sadie." Sighed Millie.
"Goodnight." Sadie then hung up and threw her phone on the bed, including herself. Soon, it was sunrise, and Millie and Sadie got to talk. Millie explained to Sadie how she was thinking deeply last night, about Finn and she feels like she was the problem to what was happening and for that reason, she wanted to apologise. The problem was, they didn't know where Finn was, the last time they saw Finn was at the mall and he didn't give any information where he was staying. Millie did have his number but, he most likely changed that since text messages wouldn't go through. So, even though Millie wanted to talk with Finn, she couldn't because of the situation they were in; no idea where he lives and no contact. 
"Wait you once told me Finn had a band? Do you know their names? Maybe we can contact Finn that way?" Sadie said looking up to Millie, who was thinking.
"I don't know. They might not have his number and maybe they stopped band practice or something." Then she sighed with a look of disappointment in her eyes. Sadie saw this and she was struggling to say something.
"Sadie are you okay?" Millie asked since Sadie was now looking worried.
"Nothing! It's nothing!" Sadie lied, but Millie could tell.
"Sadie...I know you're hiding something. Spit." Millie said poking Sadie before finishing.
"Okay okay! Maybe I know a friend, who knows Finn and has contact with him?" Sadie said stuttering out. Millie looked into her eyes deeply and she immediately jumped out of Sadie's bed where she was sitting.
"You what?! Why didn't you say earlier!" And Millie ran out the door.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Said Sadie running after her, her voice fading with her footsteps.
"Were. going. to. that. friend." Millie said stopping shortly after each word. And so, with a lot of prodding, Sadie led the way to another friends.

Not long after, they reached a red door where Sadie knocked on. A girl with red hair, just like Sadie's, opened the door. Millie watched as the girl with the short red hair, hugged Sadie before shaking Millie's hand. The girls name was Sophia and she had actually noticed Millie before from where the last time she saw Finn. They talked and talked and talked until they reached the conversation of Finn again. Millie explained how she wanted to say sorry to Finn and asked where Finn was now.
"He's staying with a friend until the conversation cools down about him missing. I'll give you the address on a note." And she wrote nicely on a piece of paper she ripped from a notebook.  23590 park south st. Huh, what a nice place to live. They later on left thanking Sophia for everything promising they would try to meet again. And with a smile on their faces, they brought back a address with them. They searched the place up finding out it was in L.A, a train away from where they lived, so they planned to go tomorrow and see Finn there, if he was even there. The night before they went, Millie had slept over at Sadie's house, well attempted to sleep. She kept tossing and turning on the floor while bad thoughts ran through her head, like not knowing if she would be forgiven or if he even wanted to see her, it was a rough night and Millie barely got any sleep. When morning, they quickly got dressed and headed out to the train station, where they waited for the train...

It was around twelve in the morning when Finn was awoken by Jack, saying that he had to go to work or something and he had a package coming soon. Finn woke up and sighed his way ready, he was planning just to watch Netflix all day and do nothing else while eating. Halfway in a episode of thirteen reasons why, he heard a knock on the door, he got up thinking it was Jacks package and, it wasn't. He opened the door to see Millie but he immediately slammed the door shut. Not because he was mad nor he didn't want to see Millie, it was because, he felt so guilty after making her depressed, he felt like seeing her again would destroy her even more but, it didn't.
"Uuh..Finn? I know you're in there, I just want to...talk...please?" She said calmly, it was hard to make out what she was saying because she was behind a door. Finn slowly, unlocked the door and to that, Millie nervously smiled. They needed up going on a quiet walk to talk about things. Barely. "It's been weird...I know it may sound cheesy, but it's feels weird without you, Finn."
"Yeah, you too. Everything is..well..boring." And then Millie chuckled at his response.
"I didn't mean for anything that dramatic to happen back there. I was just so mad."
"No, no you had every right to mad, and hate me. I would hate myself too."
"Finn I don't hate you, far from hate Finn, you just do stupid things and make stupid decisions!" Millie said. It then stayed silent for a bit.
"I'm sorry, Millie. You don't deserve anything bad to happen to you but, it feels like I'm dumping all my mess onto you for some reason, I'm really sorry." Finn said, squeezing Millie's hand tightly, forcing her to look up to him.
"I'm sorry too, I made you stay when you needed to go." Then, Finn pulled Millie into a hug, and that hug never stopped. 

I'm trying to think if this chapter was too fast, lol. I want to get things moving fast so I can put more stuff into it, and with my slow writing that isn't helping lol.
Word count: 1150

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