College visit (29)

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TeSeAr (That might exactly not be in the upcoming chapters)
The noise of the gun shot was still ringing, though no-one seemed to pay attention and stood there in shock. Name tumbled back and looked down at gender stomach all gender could see is red...................

Millie woke up to water being splashed on her face, she looked up and saw Grace and Sadie, that's when she remembered them staying the night over in preparation for the day after (which was today)
"What the hell? What are you doing!" She shouted.
"Waking you up, we have to go in like an hour!" Grace replied.
"What? Where are we going?"
"Redwoods college? Does it wring a bell? We're going there for our college tour!" Sadie said. "It's gonna be a pretty long ride!"
"Wait you never told me we were driving there! That's gonna be over twelve hours!"
"No were going to the airport-"
"I'm not ready to go on a plane!" Millie cut off
"Well you're gonna have to!" Sadie said beginning to drag Millie out of bed.
"Okay! Okay! I'll get up!" Millie said, snatching back her arm. "Just give me thirty minutes, I'll be quick." Then she ran to the bathroom then blindly grabbed some clothes and a towel. And in those thirty minutes, she brushed her teeth, took a very quick shower and got dressed in her big, pink, fluffy jumper and put on jeggings (jeans and leggings). Grace and Sadie had finished eating while Millie was still struggling to put her Fillas on while going downstairs.
"Try putting on your shoes when your downstairs maybe?" Grace laughed "Come on hurry up, we're leaving!"
"What?" Millie shouted. "I haven't eaten yet!"
"Well then maybe you should've gotten up earlier."
"I get angry if I don't eat. I will throw a fit on that plane if I don't eat." But unfortunately, no one really listened to Millie and do they left without her eating. And like explained, Millie was very grumpy at the airport. On the plane, Sadie and Grace sat next to each other, Millie sat with a stranger who had to put up with her angry mumbling for two to three hours and all Sadie and Grace were doing were laughing at a very pissed off Millie.

At the airport, they were picked up by a taxi and since their tour didn't start for another hour they decided to go and explore the place. Eureka was quite old, and you could tell by the ancient buildings but other than that, the town looked completely normal and in fact unique. They visited their work places where they would be applying for later in the day and looked at other small stores and at one of the stores they saw Finn and Jack.
"Oh!" Sadie said bumping into Jack. "Your here! Jack, right?"
"Yeah, and your Sadie?" She nodded.
"So is it just you here or Finn too?"
"Oh Finns here, I think he went to go look at something else. We're here for our college tours, Redwoods."
"Us too! Is Finn applying also?"
"Oh he can't, he never graduated from high school he's just here to look at it."
"Bummer. Millie would love for him to come there. If Finn did get a diploma, do you know what he would major in?"
"Easy, music or business. I'm going to major in engineering, you?"
"English, hoping to be a journalist." Just then, Finn ran up to them after noticing Sadie. "Fi-"
"Is Millie here?" He cut off desperately.
"Yeah, I think she's coming over now actually. I hear her voice." And just like that, Millie appeared.
"Sadie we're leavi- Finn?" She stared, happily. "Hi, what are you doing here?" She hugged him.
"I'm going to the college tours with Jack. I'm not applying though."
"It's still nice to see you here," she smiled. "We are actually just about to go the college tours now, you could come with us now."
"Why not, Jack?" He stared at him for a nod of approval which he got and since the college wasn't that far away, they walked.
"Do you know what your going to do when Jack moves out?" Millie asked while joining hands with Finn as they walked.
"I have a part time job so I will make that a full time job. I can't really buy the house of Jack because of my record but I will be living there, probably, while paying the bills in Jacks name. What I would really like to do though is travel the world, with you hopefully." He glanced at her and she smiled sincerely. She felt bad for him because he would forever have to hide in secret, not getting to live the life he always wanted and now instead of living, he would become his own shadow; never to be seen again.
"I would gladly travel the world with you." She laughed. "How hard do you think it's going to be?"
"How hard of what?"
"How hard it's going to be in a long distance relationship. I've heard of many that's resulted in somebody cheating."
"Millie, I would never cheat on you. Even if a million guys or pretty girls showed up, you would be nothing compared to them, even if it was a one time thing. I love you Millie and it's gonna stay that way. Forever."
"I know." She sighed. "It's the college girls. Most of them are so, older, horny and over the top stunning. And I know you're not coming to college but...Finn your- let's say, 'one of the kind' and like one of a kind, everyone wants it even if it's just ten minutes of it. And when your out and about in LA, think about all those stunning models."
"Yeah, I understand. But you also need to understand no matter how pretty someone is, that pretty person for me will always be you. Millie you need to stop comparing yourself to other people because it's making me really mad." He chuckled. "And what do you mean by one of a kind?"
"You know what I mean!" She lightly shoved him, but he stayed silent. "Haven't you like..." she paused. "Ever been hit anybody??"
"Yeah but that's totally normal, isn't it?"
"Okay, Finn look. You're 6 feet tall, you have black bouncy curls, you have a sharp jawline, pink rosey lips, glossy brown eyes, nice smile...?"
"Yeah and you have brown nice hair, you have a nice smile and many other good features." He said. Millie couldn't tell if he was joking or not, though it really seemed like he was clueless. "Hey look, it's your college!" He smiled. He pointed at a rather short building, only two stories tall. Though it was very wide, at the front there was a bush in a shape of a letter and white marble stairs that led to the red brick building, with a flat roof. When they got to to the entrance, they saw a clearer image of what seemed to be people waiting at the doors, which soon opened. They were greeted by a very young man, only in his late thirties possibly.
"Hello everyone, come in please." He said in his British tone. Everyone came in and they all stopped at a large desk that read 'reception'. "So as you all know, this is Redwood college. I am your tour guide and your headmaster, Charlie Heaton, but I would like you to call me Mr Heaton. Thank you, now as you all see we are at reception..." Finn began to look around. There were about 20 people and he was quite jealous of them since the college was very nice and chic. "Young man in the back," he pointed at Finn. He might have been recognised, he was starting to panic and noticeably mumbled. "Don't be worry, I just want to have a little chat with you in my office. Everyone else, stay in the main hall but feel free to look around." Finn didn't want to leave but if he didn't he would make scene do with no other choice, he followed him to his office. One the way Finn asked, "Any reason why you want me-"
"Don't act dumb Finn. Finn Wolfhard." He stopped. "You went missing nearly two years ago. And now your trying to blend into the crowd."
"A-and?" He stuttered. "What you gonna do, hand me into the police?"
"Give you chance in life. You want an education don't you? A good job?"
"It's all I ever wanted. But how could I even do that when I never graduated? I don't have a diploma."
"There are many ways to do this Finn, ever heard of student loans anything like that? You can take GED school-"
"My record?" He cut off. "I'm still missing." He mumbled.
"Yeah. There's also another way though, it's kind of long and a bit complicated but it won't ruin your record. It would clear it."
"What is this exactly?"
"I'm not sure if you would be up for it." He paused. "You could get adopted."
"And who would do that? They would probably hand me into the police."
"Well, your dad's abusive correct? He's been put in jail. If you were ever handed into the police, you could be adopted. I would adopt you."
"Really? I'm not sure."
"I will buy you your own flat, pay for it even. You don't even have to visit me."
"What do you want from it?"
"Nothing! I...just want you to have a good education." He replied.
"I'll have to think about it..." Finn backed up, which led to him running outside. This was a stranger, a stranger he could be a potential killer but could also be a potential father, but this was an opportunity an opportunity to have a good life and the best thing was he wouldn't have to do half the work it was also an opportunity to have a fresh start. Head buried in hands, he heard a door open from behind him.
"Finn..." Millie said softly approaching him. "You okay? What happened?"
"It''s nothing." He said turning around, to grab Millie's hands. "Go inside, you need to look at your college."
"Then come back in with us, conform its a good college?"
"I need to think."
"Then I'll think with you, until you come inside."
"Millie, go inside!" He said a bit frustrated.
"Whats wrong? Tell me and I'll go inside then."
"Nothings wrong!"
"Then why won't you come inside?" She pestered. A another voice came from the sidewalk.
"Hey is this dude bothering you?" It was Jacob.
"No...were just talki..." Then Millie stopped. His eyes, something about them made her shiver, get goosebumps over her body.
"Jacob were fine why don't you go to Grace?" Finn said sternly. Jacob?!? No.. it couldn't be. She remembered that night, the night she was nearly... and prom..she realised it was the same person behind the mask. That hideous mask. She started to panic, she was sweating her heart couldn't stop beating. All of a sudden she felt tired and loopy. "Millie? What's wrong." But she couldn't answer that question in time as she fainted.

The next time she woke up, she was in hospital. Finn was by her bedside and no one else.
"H-how are you feeling?" Finn asked. That's when she remembered what happened.
"You- you knew!"
"You knew! You knew this whole time who Jacob was and you didn't warn me about him! And you expect me to go on holiday with him?"
"I only found out yesterday who he was-"
"But you could've still remembered his face any easier!"
"I didn't know, I was easily as drunk and stupid as you!"
"So I'm stupid now?" She frowned.
"No I didn't mean for it to come out like that, you know that!"
"No.. maybe I don't."
"Come on Millie! This is stupid and you know it!"
"Maybe I don't know you anymore."
"Look I'm sorry, I had never seen him before after that night and I just found out a few days ago what he looked like. I didn't even know that was Graces boyfriend at prom, I didn't know she was bringing a prom date. I really don't want things to end between us because of a boy, we haven't even went on our first date yet, give me a chance then." Oh how Millie couldn't resist those glossy brown eyes.
"But we can't keep things away from each other anymore. If you want me then it's the truth from now on."
"Okay promise."
"So are you gonna tell me why you were outside earlier on." He looked away. "Finn! You promised."
"The headmaster wants to adopt me."
"He knows I'm missing and wants to hand me in. He'll adopt me after and pay for my college. God he's so desperate for no reason."
"Take it!"
"What?!" Millie laughed.
"It's a fresh start. New friends, new home, new family, new girlfriend. You get to live life instead of hiding in your own shadow." She smiled. Finn smiled too but it faded soon.
"What are we gonna do about Jacob."
"I don't know.." he really didn't wanna tell her for her safety but he had to, also because of her safety.

Millie needed up missing her coffee interview but she did make in time for the bakery interview and she got a job, starting off as a dishwasher. Finn and Jack ended up going their separate ways and as soon Finn went, Millie was grumpy. It was nearly 8pm and she hadn't eaten all day and she would have to suffer another three hours going home, things were going to get really messy.

Millie was raging by the time her dad was picking her up and her friends. "I'm so hungry. This is all thanks to Sadie and Grace! They starved me all day and wouldn't let me eat!"
"Uh, you had your chance to eat! At the mall at the bakery!" Grace said.
"Shut up! Can we go and eat!" Millie cut off impatiently.
"We can't it's going to take to long and I'm not going to fall asleep on this wheel Millie. It's your fault, your gonna have to wait until we get home!" Her dad said. Millie was already furious but when she had heard Sadie's and Grace's giggles she lost it.
"What?! That isn't fair!" But that didn't stop everyone from laughing. "I waited TEN HOURS! All I want is french fries!" Millie shouted while continuously slamming her chair. "Now can you FREAKING DRIVE!"
"You're gonna have to wait Millie and stop screaming!" Her dad laughed and so did all her friends.
"Awh Millie can't have her french fries!" Grace teased.
"I'm FREAKING starving Grace! What did you eat today? I ATE NOTHING! NOTHING!" She screamed back and this continued for another hour or so before they pulled over to a McDonald's drive through and ordered food. And just like that she finally calmed down.

I just wanted to finish off a bit funny since I saw this video on tiktok and wanted to 'recreate' it lol, tell me if you know it. I'll try and upload more and I know I say this all the time but I'm still slowly planning and even though I thought no school would be more time for me to write (COUGH COUGH BORIS) it's really not. I hope you enjoyed, Until then!

Word count: 2594

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