'Friends' (22)

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It was kind of a stressful day for Millie. She had to go to school (which was already a struggle) she was also party planning, which she had never done before but luckily, this time she had help from some other seniors. And most importantly, she was meeting Finn. It was a very awkward day of the week for them to meet seeing it's bang on a Wednesday not a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Millie knew it was going to be stressful but, at the end of the day, she would be with Finn and there was a reason behind why she wanted to meet him on a Wednesday. Like usual, Millie sped through all her classes eventually coming down to the one moment where she would start to decorate for the masquerade party. She had help from  eleven other seniors plus Grace and Sadie, it was much quicker to decorate and everything turned out how they wanted, they had the class of 2020 hung up, there was tables laid out amongst chairs, the speakers were there ready, the 'dance floor' was big and wide so you could fit a bunch of students there. So, after all there hard work, all was left was the food -which was coming the day before- and they're clothing. They had dove themselves so deep into their work, they had forgotten about their own clothing so, right after finishing up they rushed to the mall only stopping to get their money from purses. They made it to the usual Star Court Mall and began to shop. There were many many shops, filled with masquerade outfits and had gotten themselves bunches of masks but barely any dresses or skirts nor shirts. They had been shopping for quite awhile when they had finally reached one of the last dress shops in the mall they had not been through, the shop was very small yet filled with the most finest dresses, perfect for things like prom and parties. Millie, Sadie and Grace had finally found their luck in that store, they found a lot of nice dresses but one brought attention to Millie's eye the most. It was a short, red, dress which sleeves were off the shoulders, it had a silver belt on the waist line, which shimmered in the light. The dress was beautiful so immediately, Millie took it off the rack and raced to the check out section. She happily bought the dress and continued to help Sadie and Grace look for dresses. Soon, they all returned home, bag full of dresses, masks, heels and accessories.
Millie's outfit:

Millie's outfit:

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Now, Millie was going to get ready to meet Finn

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Now, Millie was going to get ready to meet Finn. The reason why she had planned to meet Finn on a Wednesday is because, she wanted to tell him something that wouldn't be important if she asked him later on. She remembered the conversation she had, had with Grace about the masquerade.

Grace: ugh it turns out everybody is getting a date for the party!
Millie: why? It's not like it's prom.
Grace: idk go ask them!
Millie: has Sadie got a date?
Grace: yes that's how I found out.
She told me everyone is getting a date so I freaked out
Millie: when did you find out about that
Grace: like Monday
She's going with this guy Caleb
Millie: I feel like I know him
Have you got a date?
Grace: nope
There's this kid though
I met him like two weeks ago I might ask him
Millie: good! You should go for it
You don't wanna be single and left out
Grace: but Sadie you and I were planning to go for a girls thing
No boys and what about you? You don't have a date
Millie: that's fine I'll can just stick around with you guys still
Grace: you're not gonna ask Finn?
It's been over year he's went missing
Nobody would recognise him and it's a masquerade party
He could wear a mask and possibly he won't be recognised
Millie: yeah but i can't meet him bang on a school week
That's weird unless I do it by text or something
Grace: don't do it with text
You haven't seen him in forever like a month
I know it's weird to meet him now but it's no date or have a date
Millie: why can't I do it with text or Skype or call?
Grace: do that then
But ehhhh
Millie: ok
I'll skype him or something

But the problem was, she had already arranged for them to meet and now thinking back of that conversation with Grace she really did want to just Skype him so, she called it off and then Skyped him. She turned on her computer and called Finn, see if he would pick up. A few moments later, he did.

"Hey Millie! Is something wrong?"
"No it's not that it's just that.." she didn't want to 'hurt' his feelings, "we can't meet today. It's not that I don't want to it's just..Stressful??" Millie said.
"No I understand! Totally fine. Want to just call?"
"So anything important you wanted to tell me? You did wanted to meet on a school day so-"
"Yes actually!" She began, "So for the last couple days, I have been planning a masquerade party for last senior day or whatever and..." Finn saw where this was going. "Well, I was wondering if you could come with me! I-I don't  want to be lonely- we.. c-can just go as friends...?"
"Y-yeah sure! Friends." Finn smiled, even though it hurt him to know Millie felt that way about their 'relationship'.
"I know you have been missing for some time but, you've been gone for a year now and maybe no one would recognise you, it's a masquerade ball- party too. You'd be wearing masks too."
"Yeah, I can make it work I will just order something online." He said. "When is the party?"
"It's Friday. This Friday."
"What's the time? What does it finished?"
"Oh we never really thought about that but it's probably, seven to eleven. Something like that."
"Okay, I'll make it! But is there like a plan? To meet up?"
"Yeah I'll make one on the spot. Okay so, I'll ask my friend Sadie, to pick you up...At..." she was now having a hard time thinking.
"Maybe if I come to Hildy Park, you know that park?" Millie nodded. "Then your friend will pick me up. Then she would drive me to your school, correct?"
"Sounds like a plan!"
"Okay so now all I need to do is, get something to wear. I'll probably rent a suit and buy a mask."
"Thanks you so much!"
"No problem."
Then they started to discuss about something else, sharing their favourite memories, what they were up to, playing childish games and that lasted for an hour and thirty minutes. They were really looking forward to this party. Really looking forward. Maybe that will change...

"So it turns out that she just wanted me to come to her masquerade party."
"What did you say?" Jack asked.
"Yeah! I need to start planning what I'm going to wear now infact."
"Well it's a masquerade party so you'll need a mask and I'm guessing a fancy suit to go with it."
"Yes. I'm looking right now." He grabbed his phone and searched for men's masks masquerade. "Do you know any renting stores, for like, suits?" He asked
"Not that I can think of. We can probably just search for those types of stores and see what's closes to us. But Star court mall has it all so I'll check there." Jack took his iPad and also, started looking at the page of Star Court mall. Finn believed that it would be really simple to find a mask to wear and rent a suit, but it was harder then he thought. Finn was being picky on what to buy and Jack still had a good thirteen stores to look at. At last, Finn found what he wanted. It had a yellow outline around it and also had yellow flower type things going around the design. Half of the mask was black the other gold. And on the second to last store, Jack found a shop that rented suits so they planned to go there the next morning and luckily Finns mask would arrive tomorrow evening, so everything was ready and planned so nothing could stop them from going. That's what they thought at least.

A lil bit of foreshadow here and there and I hope you guys enjoyed. The reason why I didn't make Finn and Millie meet was because...it's bang on the middle of a week I should have thought that thoroughly through, but I still liked the way it turned out and I'm hoping you did too. Until then!

Word count: 1482

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