Promise (4)

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Hello welcome back. And please excuse my knowledge of music lol.

It wasn't long before Finn woke up from his blackout, he was now dripped in sweat and extremely tired.
He woke up to his headache cured, and sounds of a girl crying. He looked around to see who it was and in the corner, he saw an upset girl who looked traumatised.
"Hey.. hey.." he said in a soothing voice, getting up to walk to that girl.
"It's okay.." she backed away, afraid.
"Look it's all over now, I won't hurt you." He said keeping his distance but still making an attempt to calm her down.
She stayed completely silent and looked at the blonde haired boy laying on the ground afraid to move a muscle. "I want to go." She said quietly, Finn honestly thought she wasn't going to speak.
"Then trust me, I'll keep you safe." He said handing out a hand to help her up.
"Promise." And just like that, she took his hand. He led her out holding her hand never letting go, as he felt a fuzzy feeling in his stomach start to form.

They went outside to a bus stop and decided to wait there since Finn didn't bring a car with him.
The bus came and no-one was there well, except for a boy with brown hair.
Millie kept her distance from Finn, being closed off with everything Finn had said.
"Did anyone come to the party with you?" He questioned expecting an answer but got none for at least a minute.
"A friend." She replied, avoiding to make eye contact by looking down.
"Do you know where they went-"
"No. I don't." She said even colder then before, she was getting aggravated.
Finn got the hint and stopped talking, he really didn't want to annoy her after a what she went through.
"Where are we going?" She asked Finn, he was taken aback that she was talking, but he still answered.
"U-um- you'll see." He stuttered, Millie chuckled a bit as she thought his stuttering was cute.
"What's your name?" Finn asked smiling then Millie blushed.
"I-uh- it's Millie." She also stuttered and being embarrassed, she blushed even harder making Finn smile more.
"I'm Finn. It's nice to know you millie!" He said, Millie smiled.
"Nice to know you too." They then had a short chuckle and smiled at each other.
"I like you Millie." He simply said grinning.
"I like you too." She said now warming up to him. They stayed silent but, it was a nice silent.

It was around ten to eleven in the night, when they got off the bus. He woke up Millie, who was peacefully sleeping on his shoulder,  he didn't wanna wake her up as much as he hated it.

Finn held her hand while walking through a sketchy alley. He promised to keep her safe.
Not long after they reached a building that looked like a work tower, and they entered the building taking the elevator.
"You know who he was?" He asked. And again she didn't answer for a bit,
"I don't wanna think about it. I'm sorry." She said taking her hand back.
"No I'm sorry, I totally understand." Finn apologised then stayed silent.
They got off and entered a hallway, Finn opened a door and let Millie in.
It was a music studio. Millie looked around fascinated, she saw records spread about, posters hung on the wall, a few guitars and music played softly in the background. "Do you like it?" Finn questioned "Its mine. I usually come here to hang with my band-"
"You have a band?! That's cool, what kind of music do you play?"
Finn just had a surprised happy look knowing that she liked it and wanted to know more. "We usually do indie music and play covers from songs we like. It's also a place I could relax when... really anything happens."
"I don't really know much about indie music, could I listen to some?"
Finn of course happily accepted and let her know extra information about indie music. He rambled on for an hour but Millie enjoyed his rambling, seeing how deeply he loved his music, if anyone would listen to Finn for life it would be Millie, Millie would be the first to volunteer. "So you understand indie music now?" He asked. "Yeah I guess I do. I like how you have a passion for it." Millie smiled and so did Finn. "Thanks." And for a a few seconds, they just stared into each others eyes, those brown golden eyes they drowned into for almost a minute. "I like your eyes Millie.." and she blushed, when Millie heard Finn say Millie, it just felt nice to hear him say it, like no-one else made her feel that way when anybody said her name, only Finn said it the way that it made Millie feel a funny way. "Thank you. You have nice eyes as well." They smiled and sat up since they were laying on the ground.
"I think I should go home, it's pretty late and I promised my mom I would be back before twelve and it's twelve so.."
"Yeah yeah! Of course! U-Uhm, don't mind if I take you home?" He nervously said making Millie giggle that Finn liked. "Sure." She beamed and they exited the room then exiting the building, hand in hand.

When they were on the bus ride to Millie's house, they warmed up to each-other and found out something's about one another like, they go to different schools or Millie shaved her hair once for her grandma who had cancer.

"Thanks for.. really everything tonight." She smiled and Finn did the same thing.
"Anytime." He replied. "Any chance I can have your number?"
"Sure!" He gave her a pen and she started writing her number on Finns soft warm hands.
"See you round?"
"Yeah." Then she opened the door and went in. When she got to her room, she silently took off her shoes and took a shower, trying to somehow scrub off those disgusting touches she was given by that blonde boy. Then she got dressed and cried herself to sleep...

Also a pretty long chapter 1036 word count, so yeah! You can give me advice about things and tell if it's good or bad and if it's bad, let me know in the comments!

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