Jacks been drugged (23)

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Finn was going to the store where Jack said they had rented suits. He was entering the big store, which had many many suits. Some were ridiculously expensive or surprisingly cheap, though the cheap suits were in good condition. Some suits were designer clothing like, Gucci, Versace, Channel, Armani, Fendi, you name it. It took Finn some time to look at suits he could afford and at the same time, look good. He ended up finding a really nice suit renting at twenty nine dollars, it was still pricey but a really good suit. It was like a normal tux except, it had silver flowers over it, perfect for a masquerade ball. To buy it, it would be eighty dollars yet the price had been tripled down. Anyway, he left the store and returned home. Jack was still at school and Finn didn't start another shift for an hour so, to double check his case hasn't been viewed for a long time, he checked online and searches name. He saw a lot of things about him about, how he went missing, who he had relationships with and other details but, that was after a month he was missing and the last 'recent' update about him was eleven months ago. He could now breathe, not being stressed out if he would get noticed even though, the risk was very high. Then, he went to go and try his tux/suit and it looked good he was just waiting for the mask now. He was going to chat with Millie but, she would have still been in school so, he just went on social media until Jack came back or school was finished, so he could text Millie.

Everyone had been dismissed to lunch and like usual, Millie sat with Noah, Sadie and Grace. They were just chatting normally about boys, which Noah had most interest in and Millie not, homework, gossip, teachers they liked and hated, but most importantly graduation.
"So Grace, you told me you knew a boy and you were taking the to prom?" Millie questioned.
"Yeah, his name is..Jack?? Or something? Jackson...Ja...Ja....Something starting with Ja. I always forget his name."
"Funny, I know a Jack. It probably isn't them though."
"Sadie, are you taking anybody?" Noah asked.
"Yeah actually! I'm going with my brothers friend, Caleb. He's surprisingly sweet." Sadie answered. That name to Millie rang a bell.
"So Millie is the only single Pringle hey?" Noah said.
"Single Pringle? Really now?" Millie said confused.
"No she's going with that other dude..what's his name?" Grace questioned.
"Liam, right?" Said Sadie.
"Yeah, that's him."
"You guys have a really bad time remembering names!" They all laughed after. "So, is he older? Is he already in college or graduated from high school?" Noah questioned.
"Yes, he is eighteen. Though I'm not sure about the other stuff, but he has a part time job meaning he's not lazy!"
"So Noah, you're the single Pringle now!" Sadie shouted, which made everyone turn their way before they bursted into laughter.
"Are you guys all going to the same College?" Noah asked
"Yeah, it's a college in Cali." Grace answered. "It has a bunch of people going there so, why not go now?"
"Awh Noah I feel bad! You still have to wait a bit before you can join us." Millie said, giving him a side hug.
"I know! It's so annoying." Noah said, "A way you can make me happy though is, taking me on your tour!"
Soon after, school was finished. Millie, Grace and a bunch of other people, finished off the last finishing touches. It was a silver and gold type theme, there were tables set out, a dance floor there was going to be a snack table and everybody would send in their messages and photos of the school. Tomorrow, was going to be a great day, including all the pranks they would pull. Grace, Sadie and Noah, went to Millie's house, after they had finished with decorating. They messed around talking about all the silly pranks they would pull on the last day of school and they also tried out their clothes they bought as well as their masks. Grace had gotten a dark blue sparkling dress, with silver shimmer on it, waist down, it's sleeves were as well off the shoulders and Grace got a silver mask. Sadie, had a light, pink, flow-ey dress, she also got a golden mask with feathers on the side. Millie of course, had gotten her red of the shoulder dress, with a silver ribbon on the waist, dripping in glitter, her mask was silver and had a white flowers but one blue one standing out the most. Noah watched in amazement watching them come out one by one, wishing he could rock a fabulous look like that, and although they all had their dates for the party, they'd still enter together all in style and, hopefully things wouldn't go downhill.

When Finn came home, Jack wasn't there. He was confused since Jack would've finished school by then and even if he didn't, he wouldn't stay out until nine pm. He also didn't have work on the week days, he only worked on the weekends. He would have told Finn if he was going out with friends or skating in the park late but, he checked his phone and no messages so, Finn got worried, he didn't panic he was just worried. He left Jack a voice message  saying 'jack you didn't say you were going anywhere so if you see this text me back so I know you're okay.' And maybe Finn was overreacting, acting like a freaked out parent but he was just worried.
Around an hour later, Jack came back home. Finn went up to him and asked where he was but, he didn't even acknowledge the fact he was there. Like Finn was invisible or...Jack had been drugged.
"Jack?" Finn waited for him to answer but he didn't even look in his eye he just stared at right behind him. "Uhm...Jack..? Can you-.." Then Jack looked at him blankly and walked away into his room. Maybe Jack was just tired because when Finn walked in on him, he was fast asleep with his shoes on. Finn shook Jack. No answer. He shook him again. And when he didn't wake up, being the kind friend he was, he took of his shoes for him. He didn't know why Jack acted like this he had never acted like this before so he was confused but, he didn't let them ruin his 'mood' so, after talking to Millie he went to bed.
"Hey Millie!" Finn said waving into the lens.
"Hey Finn, whats up?" She asked.
"Everything is fine I guess. Jack did act weird when he came back from school today though."
"What did he do?"
"Okay so, I came back from work and it was nine. I didn't get any text from Jack or calls saying he was going out then, an hour later he came back. He didn't look right, as if he had been drugged, he didn't even talk to me when I asked him stuff. He is sleeping right now though."
"Creepy. You should probably ask him about it in the morning."
"Yeah." Finn said, "but enough about me, more about you!" He smiled and Millie smiled back seeing hims smile.
"Well, I'm good! We just finished decorating the hall and we have all our dresses and masks so!" Millie said. "Have you got your stuff ready?"
"Yup, my mask arrived thirty minutes ago, I'm pretty excited. And not just for the food." They laughed.
"I know we have talked so short but I have to go give my sister a bath before she goes sleep and she's nagging me."
"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you!"

How is this stuff I just threw in your face? I was actually planning to make them kiss on the 25th chapter but I'm doing it a whole lot earlier than I expected! It's going to be a kiss out of the blue so yeah. AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE THEY'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE A CHILD OMFG SO MANY STORIES I READ THEY HAVE A CHILD AT FUCKING 16!!!! LIKE NO!! (It doesn't mean I like it tho) anyway, until then!

Word count: 1404

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