Graduation (24)

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Millie woke up crying. She was balling her eyes out because this would be her last day at her high school. She was going to miss most of her teachers, the disgusting lunch food, the gum under the tables, the classes, the lessons, the girls bathroom, the auditorium and a lot of other things. Millie got dressed her high waisted shorts and a crop top. She ate her breakfast and went to Graces house to wait for her so they could go get Sadie and meet Noah on the way to school. It was like any other school day but, seniors really learn. Some seniors were going around the school just messing around really since they had nothing to do, like some were inside their class rooms talking or outside. When Grace, Sadie and Millie were walking past the library Grace had a 'brilliant' idea.
"Okay, guys I know it's crazy but on Instagram or something some seniors, on their last day of school, flooded the library."
"What?!" Millie and Sadie said the same time.
"Yeah! We should do that-"
"But what about all the books in the library? They would get soaking wet!"
"And it's not like we have a bunch of water laying around!" Millie tuned in.
"Yes, but we can make it work some how! Look we'll get some help from students."
"But what about the books and stuff. There's a lot of important stuff in there you can use for exams!"
"Then we can do it in the old library! Nobody goes in that library and it's practically empty. Every book has been moved to here!" Then Grace pointed at the door. "Come on guys please!!"
"Sadie?" Millie looked beside her.
"I guess it would be fun?-" and instantly, Grace took Sadie and Millie by the arm.
"Could we even flood the library? It would be physically impossible since the water would seek through the door cracks." Sadie said. Then Grace stopped, she thought for a bit and thought more.
"Okay then...let's flood the school halls!" She said.
"Oh gosh, that's even worse than before!"
Grace then, gathered up some seniors who were willing to do it, which was almost everyone. They first started out by spilling cups of water on the halls, then they figured out that would be too slow so, those cups turned into jars that turned into, gallons so nearly everybody had a gallon of water in their hands spilling it everywhere. By the time the bell had rang, they had finished flooding the halls and when everyone got out their classrooms you could hear screaming, shouting and teachers also shouting at their students. The water wasn't that high at all, it was reached below the ankle so it wasn't that bad. Everyone had to continue with their lessons still and the school wasn't evacuated since it wasn't that bad although, the electricity had been switched off. The seniors still continued with their pranks with the classical, clingfilm on the stairs and polo cups filled with water in the halls, as if water wasn't there already, classrooms filled with balloons, graffiti on the back of the school, and a lot more others.
Lunchtime came and the seniors were surprisingly given pizza even after all their pranks, it was just a senior thing so Noah couldn't join.
"Man, I just can't believe we're finally here! Going to graduate soon..."
"Then we'll be in college," Then Sadie looked up, thinking. "I don't even think I'm ready. You have got it all figured out! Millie your going to do plant biology and get your dream job at Florence." Sadie sighed.
" have an amazing chance in the acting industry Sadie! Remember all your plays in Annie? And Grace! You will be amazing at the music industry. Noah, could be a model for goodness sake. Any of you can!"
"Millie you're ten times better then all of our singing, dancing and acting and let's not forget you could be working for, one of the best companies in the world!" Grace exclaimed. "Who wouldn't want to hire you? You're nice, caring, helpful, selfless, funny!"
"And so are you! But, let's stop thinking for the future for just a minute. It's giving me a head ache just thinking about. How about the past? Now?" But before they could continue, lunch was over. In less than thirty minutes they would be graduating, meaning it was half day today. The seniors, had to go in the cloak rooms and get ready and when they entered, there were pictures of them from when they were younger on lockers and a banner reading, 'Goodbye class of 2020!!' They explored the place for three minutes before getting dressed into their graduation suits. It was the classical black gown with a black cap, now all they had to do was possibly put on makeup and go out to the school field. They went outside to see, all their uncles, aunties, parents, friends, grandparents, siblings and any relatives including boyfriends and girlfriends. When they were walking on to the field, they saw their relatives holding up banners like, 'were proud of you Emily!' And 'you go do this Olivia!' Alongside other embarrassing things. The one that stood out most to Millie though was a purple banner reading a paragraph, one to long to read from far away but she saw her mum holding it and her dad came too, the paragraph said, 'Millie, you have made us so proud, we couldn't wish anything more for a daughter like you. I can't believe you made it so far and it only felt like yesterday you were taking your first step, saying your first words. And now look at you, you're grown up and ready to begin your life. We may haven't been the greatest parents and you may have not been the perfect child but, you were perfect to us. We love you Millie and were so proud,
Love, Mom and Dad xoxo.'
Millie waved to her parents and they waved back, tears in their eyes like every other parent. Name after name got called but it wasn't long before before Millie was called. She was trying to hold the tears back as she went up, memories started flashing before her eyes and when the teachers had finished talking and was expecting Millie to talk she froze for a minute, then let it all out.
"I can't believe how quickly time went, I wasn't expecting to get graduate so quickly and thank you everybody. Thank you my teachers for helping me with my work and sorting out friend problems, thank you principal for the fascinating dress codes, thank you my friends, Grace, Sadie and Noah along many others.p, Thank you classmates And thank you mom and dad. Mom and dad, I love you so much and thank you for getting me to this point, I wouldn't have made it without you and all my family, teachers and friends. I love this school and I hope to see it again." As soon as she was finished, she ran to her parents, brother and sisters including her grandparents and hugged them while they all cried tears of joy except for Ava, she was too young to understand. After everybody had their diploma, they brought out drinks and snacks like cake and biscuits. Nearer the end, Millie went over to Sadie, Grace and Noah that had came, he was already eating all the food.
"Noah you fat shit! Come here stop eating." Grace said dragging Noah which made everybody laugh.
"I was literally in the middle of eating an Oreo. I could have chocked!"
"Guys I'm going to pee my pants stop!" Sadie said clutching her stomach.
"Can't believe you guys did it!" Noah said
"Yeah, it feels weird. Though I feel no difference."
"Definitely, anyway are we getting ready at your house?" Grace asked.
"Yes! Bring your clothes and be there around three-ish. Noah you'll be there right?" Millie said looking beside her.
"Yup I'll go with you now." So when they had finished talking and eating, Noah went back home with Millie's family and they went up to her room. It was going to take a very long time for all of them to get ready so that's why they arranged to meet at three. Millie had been smart and started getting ready  before hand. And even though her makeup would be partly covered from her mask, she did a bronze look for her eyeshadow and she coated her lips in a red lip gloss. She was just about to start putting on her dress before she heard a knock on the front door, so she hurried downstairs to open the door.

I was gonna shove all of the party and graduation in the same chapter but if I wanted to have the thing I wanted to happen on the 25th chapter... it's right there sooo... and I wanted the title to be something different so ya.

Word count: 1506

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