Love makes you crazy (11)

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Ok well, let's get into it- I said I would stop

Millie was just laying in bed, watching Shane Dawson series with comfort foods along side with her. Sadie had went home since something was up with her brother, so Millie was all alone, just her and her feelings.

Everybody went home and when Jack and Finn were going home, Jack kept asking question about what happened back there and who was that girl, but Finn just zoned out. He felt so guilty after everything that just happened, as much as he wanted to help Millie he couldn't, in ways he can't explain, it he could he would help Millie but he couldn't, but why couldn't he? There wasn't actually any specific answer, I guess he was just focussed on running away or, maybe he was scared, maybe it was both. Jack soon caught on that Finn wasn't listening and kept reacting his name to catch his attention. "Y-yeah?" Said Finn getting out of his daze,
"You need to start giving some answers about everything that just happened, or else." Said Jack trying to threaten Finn but Finn just scoffed.
"It's not really any of you business, Jack." He said blocking him off, but Jack still persisted for an answer until, Finn finally broke and said everything. Jack was surprised, he was just told that he literally saved her and he got to know her then, broke off all contact with her after running away again and now, it was like she hates him but Finn wants to be forgiven and wants just to hug her. They got off the bus and even after Finn blurted everything out, Jack still asked questions, and then when he asked a particular question he just stopped.
"I've literally told you everything you need to know, and your still asking questions?!" He screamed, Jack did not expect Finn to act this way.
"Look if you don't want to answer them you don't have to-" but Finn didn't listen and just snapped.
"You have no idea what I'm going through! And you act like you know everything, why don't you just shut up and act like you care!" Finn didn't even know himself why he was just saying these Finn neither did Jack, he was still standing there shocked.
"Finn why are you acting this way? I'm not acting like I know everything nor am I lying to you!" He said, luckily the streets were empty today.
"Just shut up Jack! Shut up!" He screamed at his face, he was so angry he just wanted everything to stop, so he could catch up but every time he wanted to, it didn't happen.
"Finn, why are you acting like this?! It's like you're going crazy over this girl! This one stupid girl-" He said, nearly shouting, but Finn cut him off.
"She's not stupid." Finn said walking up close to his face, and Jack backed away afraid. "This girl is everything to me, we might have only known each-other for a month, but that month is everything to me, and she is one of the only reasons, I want to live! I get to see her smile, and talk I would do anything for her to see her for a few seconds, and smile but today, I blew it. I feel like a monster knowing I made her depressed, and I let her down." And after he spilled his heart out to Jack, for his feelings towards Millie, he walked away but Jack still managed to get his attention.
"So do you love her?!" He screamed back at him, waving his arms in the air, before letting them drop. Finn stoped dead in his tracks,
"I LOVE her, Jack! Are you happy now? I love Millie so much! Ever since I saw her that day, she was the one who made me nervous, the one that made me laugh, the one who made me feel better, then I just let Millie down! And now, I have NO chance with her! None!" And then they just stood there, Jack was speechless, he never saw Finn so passionate for his love to Millie, and when Finn had seen Jack wasn't going to talk no more, he finally walked away to somewhere else. The city was quite new to him so the possibility of him getting lost, was quite high but Jack could easily find him if he wanted to, after all , Jack had grown up there, and literally explored every part of L.A.
Finn went to go find a quite place, and smoked, never stopping.

Millie had woken up to a message on her phone, 8:32pm she read. She quickly sat up on the bed, realising she slept for, six hours. It was a message from Grace,
Grace: the reason why I couldn't come to yours is cause
Some creepy boy was following me.. I walked for 30 minutes trying to
Loose them but it didn't work, so I ran home.
Millie: yeah I had a similar experience, a boy was following me.
It was the night I had a panic attack
Grace: that's weird. They didn't look like you know who tho
Millie: you can say his name it's fine.
I have the creepy feeling somebody is watching me ever since that night
Grace: yeah I think he had brown hair and brown eyes.
He looks really familiar
Millie: Wait..
I think I saw the same person on a bus I went on
But there's a bunch of brown haired boys with brown eyes.
Grace: true but you never know.

Then they started talking about something else.

Millie went back to her old sad self, she had been so mad with Finn yet here she is sulking about him and all she could think about is Finn. But now, it kind of gotten worse, she wouldn't eat or sleep and her grades started to drop in school, her parents asked her about what was going on but got nothing. She was more closed off and turned down every offer to go out, now all she did all day was read and go on her phone, nothing else. Her mom practically had to force feed her since she wouldn't eat and already lost weight, Grace and Sadie tried to help every day but nothing changed.

The same thing happened with Finn. He wouldn't eat, he would push everyone away and stay in his room all day, even though he had experienced this loss before with Millie, when she came back, he fell deeper into his depression. He was going out more and came back at late hours of the night, wasted or high. Jack was getting tired of his behaviour, but he allowed Finn to stay with him since, he couldn't throw him onto the street like that and Finn needed help and by throwing out would not help. So, Jack continued to put up with his behaviour for a very long time.

Sorry about the near end to this chapter, if you didn't like it, until then!
Word count: 1185

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