Domino affect (9)

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Are you ready for what happens next? Cause I'm not lol

Millie, Grace and Sadie, sat down at their table once again, as Millie was clearly nervous of what just happened. An 8th grader knew about Millie's secret, which was told to Grace then Sadie, now to a chatty 8th grader, which would possibly say everything to anybody which could be reported, making Finn at risk of getting in trouble of...something she didn't know yet, maybe he wouldn't get in trouble at all? Maybe they would just find him again and, let him free again? But the more she thought about it, the more panicked she got. "Millie, look everything will be okay, we'll just go over after school, to make sure..he is okay! I'm sure everything will be fine." Sadie said, so she listened and that was the plan.
The day went fine, nothing dramatic really happened, but she did hear possibly six murmurs related about Finn, which worried Millie.
And as planned, at the end of the school day, they went to Finns bus, with Sadie and Grace blindfolded even though Grace already knew where he was.
Millie knocked on the rusty door and as expected, he was there! But he had to ask a Millie, Sadie and Grace a few questions before letting them enter.
"Millie why did you bring them here? You can't tell anyone, you already know this-" then he was interrupted by Grace,
"Wow no hello? That's kind of rude-"
"Who said this was your conversation?" He cut Grace off, yeah they weren't going to get along very well.
"Grace!" Sadie smacked her lightly in the arm, while Millie was facepalming herself.
"Well Millie are you gonna answer the question?" He said, with a lone tone of voice,
"Look. They know, Grace followed me here and then she blurted it out to Sadie and a random eighth grader heard it-" Millie said quickly, who was stopped by Finn,
"Millie! How could I even trust you now?!" It hurt to say that but it was the truth.
"Finn, I'm sorry, and I know sorry won't do it but, please!" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. Finn gave in and let them all in for them to have a real discussion, about what happened in the last few days.
"So you're basically's not safe here anymore?" He asked slowly looking up to Millie who quickly put her head down.
"It's only a matter of days before they find you here Finn. People are going to be told, you could live with Caleb?" She suggested squinting her eyes,
"Does he know? If he doesn't please. Tell him." And with that he left the bus. They were pretty confused on why Finn left them alone, like that so, Millie went out to check on Finn while everyone else stayed inside and waited.
It took some time for Millie to find Finn but, she did eventually find him. He was peacefully smoking, sitting down on the grass as he watched the sun go down. Millie joined him and say nothing, they just stared into the sky like, it was just their moment and theirs only. "It's going to be okay, Finn that's something I can promise." And then she took his hand, and held it tightly as Finn did the same and they sat there until the sun went completely down in silence. They called it a night and everyone went back.

Before going to school, Millie ran down to the field, to see Finns school bus, still in place, she entered and saw no-one there. She thought that maybe Finn just went to go use the bathroom or something, but after waiting and waiting, he didn't show up. Millie was now worried, thinking of everything that might of happened while she was gone, she wasn't there to protect Finn, so then he must have gotten found, or killed, or kidnapped?! All these horrible thoughts ran through her head as she started to dial Caleb's number, it was the only option left, to tell him everything. He soon picked up after a few missed calls, and Millie told him every little detail, not leaving a bit out. Caleb was shocked, and asked to come over when, she saw some people heading over to the bus. She couldn't see their faces and ended the call quickly then hiding under a seat. She texted Caleb what was happening but didn't have time to send as, the people were coming in.
"See! Nothing here. Just stupid rumours dad. Kids will be kids." A woman's voice said.
"Yeah, but something tells me that boy is telling the truth. Not sure, let's search the bus." A man said. Millie knew she was in danger, then she froze, unable to move a muscle and because of that she was caught,
"Hey! There's a kid down here!" He shouted back at the woman, who was already sitting down at the drivers seat, Millie had quickly pushed the man away, an made a run for it. They chased after her, yelling at her to get back, but obviously, Millie wasn't going to go back there. Since she didn't want anybody to follow her, she ran and ran in circles until they lost track of her then, she called Caleb telling him everything which ended with him telling Millie where he lived.
She dashed through the apartment complex, and ran to the door where she thought where Caleb lived. He opened the door to a terrified Millie in shock.
And after telling him everything over again he questioned something.
"And Finn. You haven't seen him since?" He looked at Millie who then nodded back at him for an answer, Caleb then, thought and thought where he might be, all of the places they went as kids and explored, but he got nothing out of it and ended up giving up.
"Look, I think we should just wait for Finn. He will probably turn up at the bus! I'm sure nothing bad has happened.." he said and Millie shook her head,
"Yeah, I'm hoping that, thanks Caleb." And surprisingly she was reassured that nothing bad would happen.
When she left Caleb's apartment, she went home and when she went on her phone, she saw a missed call and a voicemail. Finn wouldn't text or call Millie often, unless it was an emergency, so Millie was worried. She clicked on the voicemail and it started to play. "Hi Millie, um, I'm fine. I can't tell you where I am for reasons but, I'm OK and nothing bad is happening bye Millie." Millie played the voicemail repeatedly, over and over again, she just wanted to hear his voice and her wish was granted. She didn't want to call Caleb after she's called him so many times, so she didn't inform anybody about this information instead, she laid  down listening to the voicemail until she fell asleep...

When she woke up, it was seven in the night. She opened her phone to see it was on a low percentage, so she left it on charge leaving all her messages, unread, she needed a break anyway from her phone. Instead she took a walk around town and just thought. Thought of everything that was happening, and everything was just crashing down on her. She couldn't think she barely had time to breathe, and she felt like everything was going to collapse, to fall even though she had so little things to deal with, but to Millie, those little things affect a part of her own life. She felt, sad, sad that she didn't know where Finn was for starters, sad she had let herself be drunk and let all that other stuff happened, sad that she closed everyone off, sad that, she was was feeling these feelings she didn't want to feel towards Finn. She had felt the feeling before, but it was a way stronger, like a burning sensation and she couldn't get to go away when she, saw him or heard his voice or even thought of him. And after just reflecting on everything that was happening for about thirty minutes, she went home. She ate dinner, painfully and dropped herself on the bed after her 'attempts' to eating.

The next day was a huge haze, she just remembers staying up all night, watching stupid YouTube videos or going on Instagram or snapchat for too long, meaning that, she was tired for the rest of the day. She fell asleep in class and was often awoken by her classmate or something, sometimes even by her teachers, exposing her or just giving her a light tap on the back. Now and then, or more like every hall she passed, she heard voices saying stuff about Finn going missing and all these stupid rumours on how he had killed his dad and moved to live with his cousin Eleanor in Sweden, that was the most random and bizarre thing she had heard, some were, extremely over the top rumours, weird rumours or the truth rumours, which made Millie worry most. Luckily the principal didn't take attention to it for the first few days. The first few days.

It had been a week and she had heard no signs of Finn anywhere. Millie thought he was gone, and he wanted nothing to do with her no longer, but Finn didn't want that, he wanted to be safe and make Millie safe but by Millie knowing where he was, he was putting her in danger and he didn't want that, so he gave her one last voicemail then cutting off all contact with her. It was possibly the most painful things Finn had to do in his life, who knew in such a small period of time Finn could like someone so quickly.

I'm sorry this took a long time to publish, with school starting less chapters will be coming out like, three chapters a week at least. So, I hope you can wait patiently while I'll publish quickly!
Word count: 1685

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