Just a short song (25)

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Some stories I read don't even go past the chapter 20 yet this can go to forty  ; ) the chapters title was originally going to be inspired by the book Physco~Fillie by @_Ishipmostthings_ (sorry I haven't finished your book yet lol) dkidkdmdj

Finn was surprised to see, Sophia? She wouldn't usually come around by herself infact, she never has unless she's with Jaeden or the others.
"Sophia? What are you doing here? Is Jaeden with you or someth-"
"I can come here without my boyfriend? He doesn't control me Finn!" She chuckled stepping into the flat.
"Okay, but why are you here?" He asked closing the door while Sophia sat down.
"To give you advice."
"Advice? A-about what?"
"Well," she started "I know you like Millie. I'm not dumb! I have met Millie before she met you, it was around the time you went missing and I'm pretty sure she came to me to look for you. Nobody would do that for you, not even me or Jack. She has known you for a year and that's not a lot of time but, she has grown really closer to you so tell me, how do you feel about her?"
"I will tell you if, you tell me why you want to know this."
"This could be the night you tell her how you feel and I will be here to help you express it to her." Sophia then took out a notebook and pen, prepared.
"And what if I tell you I don't like her?"
"I know you like her Finn. And she likes you." She said. "Now tell me! How do you feel?"
"When I first saw her...She looked scared and not safe, and seeing those brown eyes sad I don't know it just hit me, 'I needed to take care of this girl, no matter what.' Anyway, she trusted me even though after what she had been through she trusted me, a stranger. When we got on a bus, there was something about her and it wasn't just about her being pretty I don't know! Her eyes? Her body language? But when she began talking, it was like music to my ears when she said my name it was like my favourite song was playing repeat and I wanted to hear her voice all the time. I took her to my music studio thingy and I opened up to her about music, she didn't look bored at all even though it could have been thirty minutes of ranting about music. I loved the way she looked so interested she looked cute. When I took her home, I didn't want to loose contact so, I asked for her number and she gave it to possibly a killer. I smiled so damn much throughout the week but I was scared to text her just in case she would have regretted the choice of giving her number away and never texted me again. Then my dad happened and I had to make the hardest decision I could have made at the time. To leave my friend, Caleb and to leave Millie even though I had only talked to her a few times at that point. I ran away then, she looked for me. You know how that ended and now, we're pretty close."
"And what are your feelings, what is it you like about her?"
"She's really sweet, really, really sweet and she's so sensitive. She can be funny and I love her smile, sometimes I wish I could just take photos of her and keep them. I love that she's weird, weirdly. And she can be out going. Feelings..Feelings..It's a nice fuzzy feeling. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I text her or I get a text from her. And things like just to smell her to when I  the chance, to hug her, to spend time with her, to have a small talk with her, those little things matter so much when it comes to her. Being with her keeps me alive and I know it sounds weird but, she is like nicotine, I'm addicted and I can't stop now." He wiped away his eyes quickly before a tear could spill out and Sophia would see. "You do know I need to get ready?" He said getting up heading to his room.
"Okay you get changed and I'll stay out here." So as told, he started to get ready, it didn't take very long. "Okay so maybe, you should make a love song? You said her voice is like music to your ears, you could use that!" Then, Finn opened his door since he was ready.
"Help me then, please." So, Sophia helped. They wrote down some ideas for lyrics and they rehearsed and sang and wrote, it was a long process but, it came out good. Finn was now going to get an Über, to and go to the park where he was going to be picked up. He texted Millie he was on his way and he was excited and they talked until Finn was going to get off. Finn arrived at the park and he waited for a red truck like Millie instructed, he wasn't really expecting anything extreme to happen but...
Soon, a red truck arrived and Finn walked up to the truck since it was waiting there for awhile. A young girl, Sadie rolled down the window and greeted Finn then, the passengers car door opened. A familiar face appeared out the dark and Finn saw his friend he was longing for. Caleb McLaughlin. Sadie didn't know Caleb had any relation to Finn so she was honestly shocked when she saw them hug. They both got into the car and had a conversation they hadn't had in awhile.
"Man...I'm sorry I left you like that, I just couldn't tell anybody I had went."
"Okay please, what happened I was so worried." So Finn filled him in.
"My father and I had a fight and I took my phone and went to LA where my other friend Jack was staying. He let me in and yeah."
"Okay, okay but YOUR Millie's date?"
"Y-yeah. I made her not tell you. But anyway we're great friends and I'm planning to ask her out tonight-" Sadie stopped the breaks hard after hearing that.
"Your WHAT?!"
"Okay my friend Sophia is helping me ask Millie out so yeah."
"Good luck bro!"
"So are you guys a thing?" He pointed and Caleb blushed.
"Yes we are, she was there when I had nobody." He said. "I quit drinking and smoking for her, it was hard but I wanted to stay with her."
"I love you too Caleb!" Sadie said.
"Ugh get a room!"
Soon, they arrived at the school and Millie was waiting outside for them and Grace had gone in. Unexpectedly she ran to Finn and hugged him which Finn couldn't and wouldn't refuse to.
"It might not be the best party and not maybe not many people will be there but, at least I have you here." Millie said. They entered the school, which wasn't flooded too much anymore and more like freshly mopped. They entered the hall and it was surprisingly packed, a bunch of people were there dancing eating drinking talking sitting.
"Wow, this place is packed!"
"Yeah! Let's dance!" Then Millie took Finns hand to where other people were dancing. The music that was playing was mostly 90s music or early 2000s but it was still fun to dance to, especially since Finn was flicking his curls about and singing to the music all while dancing with Millie hand in hand. Millie was smiling and laughing the whole way through which made Finn happier, they were doing twirls and doing shimmies here and there. People started to record them since they looked so cute, happy and funny so, they were trending the whole night. Nearer the party was starting to slow down, Millie was starting to talk to more people and other things. She bumped into Grace who was with somebody his face looked so familiar but she couldn't quite get recognise him.
"Millie! This is Jacob!" He let out his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Millie." He took her hand and kissed it, Millie felt very uncomfortable then so she snatched her hand away. He walked away saying something about using the toilet.
"He's such a gentleman isn't he?" Grace asked.
"I don't know. I get a weird vibe, very weird and creepy one. I don't think you should trust him."
"What? No he isn't. Just because I get a chance with a cute boy Millie doesn't mean you have to mess it up!" She shouted.
"What? I never said that I just said he's cree-"
"Just forget it! It's obvious you don't like him." Then she walked away. Millie was only saying what she thought, Grace had never acted like this so she was confused and confused, she walked outside into the halls and sat down. The door opened and Finn came out and sat next to her.
"You're missing your own party you know! Come back in-" then he saw Millie was upset. "What happened? I don't want to see you sad on your graduation day." He smiled.
"No it's just...Grace, she went with this boy, Jacob. I get the creeps for him and I told Grace. She shouted at me, saying I was jealous or something when clearly I have...." she stopped.
"Well maybe she was just being defensive. I'm guessing she hasn't had a boyfriend and here's her chance and getting your opinions about him which are some what bad, she doesn't know how to act, if you know what I mean."
"Maybe." She sighed.
"Hey, I don't want your night to be ruined because of others, maybe I'll know how to cheer you up." He said, "You just need to come with me." He smiled. Millie took his hand and they walked outside into the streets taking off their masks. "It was so hot in there!"
"Well what would she expect from a bunch of sweaty teens?" They laughed.
"I'm not sure?" He laughed. "Why did you choose me to go to the party with you?" She stopped.
"You were a boy. I was a girl. I asked, you accepted."
"Okay cool. And why didn't you ask any boy in any of your classes that you knew?"
"Most of them are jerks or creeps. They'll do anything for sex. It doesn't mean your still a jerk though."
"Hey!" He tickled her neck. "Well if I chose you to go to prom or a party it would be because, you're a great person." They arrived at a park, lit up in candles.
"Finn...?" She pointed but Finn led her into the park.
"Millie, I.. I want to tell you something." He stood in the love shaped circle with Millie in. "Millie, I may not get to see you as often as I like and I wish I could wake up to your smile everyday, and I may not be able to hold you in my arms yet every night but deep inside my heart, I truly know you are the one that I love and I can't let you go." Millie began to smile. "I wrote a song, inspired by you and it's only a few lyrics," He chuckled. "So bear with me."
Then he picked up a guitar, purposely left on a bench.

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