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"I'll never stop loving you

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"I'll never stop loving you."

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"What are you doing here?" I say after he continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression on his face for a couple of minutes in silence.

"I heard what today was, I just wanted to see if you were okay." He said covering up his face with less emotion.

Turning my body away from him to stare out of the wide window I sigh. "I'm going to be okay..." almost inaudibly I finish. "Someday."

He stared at me for a couple of moments seeming to be debating something before eventually taking a seat on the bed beside me.

"Please get off my bed and go home Klaus." I said rolling my puffy eyes still not facing him. I couldn't deal with him today of all days.

He ignores my comment and begins to speak, "You know Stefan was always the Hero type. Sacrificing himself for everyone around him, he fit that role so perfectly and we were complete opposites."

As he continues to speak about him I slowly turn my body around towards him and look up with a soft smile.

Him and Stefan definitely were complete opposites. Sometimes I think that's what led me to Stefan in the first place, after trusting someone so 'bad' and getting my heart broken Stefan was caring and kind and always considered me before doing anything. He felt like a breath of fresh air after drowning for years after Klaus had left.

But then he spoke up again, ruining the whole thing.

"You know besides being a rippah and the whole hero hair thing, that was a bit cliche." He says laughing once he sees my unamused face. "Kidding, kidding." With his hands raised in mock surrender.

"If he's watching, I bet my life he's wishing he could strangle you." I said staring out into the open space of the bedroom, Deep in thought. He's probably cursing up a storm very unamused with that comment. He hated being referred as 'hero hair'.

What would he think of me right now?

Would he be proud? What would we be doing if he was still alive?

"You know I may not have been around while you guys were together but if I actually knew Stefan like I think I did then I know he loved you with all of himself and he wouldn't want to see you so upset." He says genuinely, surprising me a bit. Although he was mostly this caring and gentle with me when we were together but that was many years ago.

"Sometimes I don't know what to feel. Sometimes I get so angry that he had to be so selfless. And I think 'why couldn't he have just stayed with me, be selfish for once, let someone else save the day. He promised that we had forever." I say with a few tears slipping out of my eyes.

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