Chapter 2: Petty Fiancé

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[Past Life]

When we were young, Prince Erik would come to my home nearly every day to entertain me. Rather, I am going out of my way to entertain him. As if to prove his superiority, he often goes out of his way to challenge me in such things like music or painting. The Prince was not bad at really anything. It was just that he was not particularly better than me.

Still, to try everything just to beat your future wife in at least one thing...There is a level of pettiness one should reach before getting tired of it, yet it seems that Prince Erik is nowhere near that threshold.

I heard of him going to study abroad, so that may be why he is cramming in so much time with me before he leaves. I thought I would take a rest under my favorite tree.

"Milady is quite dull..."

I never thought that I would be caught in between the maids' gossiping and about me no less.

"What do you mean by that?"

"His Highness always spouts out mean words at her, but she doesn't even bat an eyelash!"

Everything Prince Erik says is opposite to his feelings, so I do not really need to respond much.

"Does that make her dull?"

"I would have cried or had at least some sort of reaction. She just takes in everything. Come to think of it, none of us have really seen her smile before."

"That would be impossible, right?"

"...I have never seen her smile either."

"She is a thoroughly trained young lady. It cannot be helped that she is excellent in whatever she does."

"It is still a bit unsettling how perfect she is. It's not like she is even human..."

Their words dug deep into my heart. I could not deny a single thing. It was all true.

"What a scary child..."

I could only curl up in one spot.

I am a dull and boring person. Am I really human?

"Arielle..." His Highness had called my name for the very first time.

I felt a burden come off of my chest when he said my name.

"...Ah, yes?"

"What's wrong?"

"You called me by my name..."

"Your name is Arielle, right?"

"Yes, I just thought that you would not use my name."

"That would be a bit strange if I were continuing down that road considering that you are my fiancée."

"You still consider me as your fiancée?"

"...I don't exactly hate you anymore, so there is no reason for us to break it off."

"I am a dull, cold, and boring person...I think that is enough for you to call it off."

"You may be a bit dull and cold sometimes," he said as he pulled me up by my hand, "but you are definitely not boring, Arielle."

I feel happy when I am with him. If only this feeling could last forever...

After that last meeting, Prince Erik and I were separated for a few years due to him going abroad for his studies. Even so, he never forgot to write to me once every while.

In his simple letters, he would ask me about my day or if I am eating well. Compared to him in person, he sounded rather sweet in his letters.

I really do not understand this person...The person I even less understand is myself. I developed a sense of longing for this person during his absence. Not seeing his face for such a long time made me lonely.

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