Chapter 30: Painted Memories P.3

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[Past Life]

I felt my body being shaken from being carried around. When I opened my eyes, I saw Garett's face. I was being carried by Garett.


"Arielle, you are awake..."

There was an expression of urgency on his face.

"...Are we still on the run from pursuers?" I asked as I held my head.

"...Yeah. We need to find a place to hide from."

The pain from my head was increasing.


He touched my head gently.

"You are bleeding so much!"

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm fine! We should find a place to hide soon. Do not mind me and continue at your speed."

Garett found us a hunter's shack to hide in. He placed me down against the wall and lit some firewood in the fire pit.

We were safe for now, but things were not looking so good for us. Garett was slightly injured and must be exhausted from carrying me around. Even the condition of his sword was not looking too good...

From the amount of shadows I saw before, I remembered seeing at least six shadows. No matter how skilled Garett might be, I doubt that he could protect me and himself from six assailants.

My head continued throbbing, making me lose consciousness here and there repeatedly.

I opened my eyes again from a daze and saw Garett stripping from his clothes. More than the fact that his top half was bare, I noticed how he had a small mole near his left shoulder blade.



I am really sleepy right now...

I felt myself being encased in a very warm state. When I opened my eyes again, I saw that I was laying on top of what seemed like someone's bare chest. It was Garett's chest. He seemed to be asleep as well.

I seemed rather confused as to why I was there and suddenly noticed that I was nearly completely nude.I felt like panicking, but I felt the need to find my clothes as the first order of business. I collected my clothes that were resting by the fireplace and quickly dressed myself.

"...Why was I undressed?"

I saw that my injuries were properly dressed and covered up.

"Are you up?" Garett said as he sat up.

"Y-Yes," I said as I looked away from him.

I was unable to look him in the eye due to his toned body being right in front of me.

"How is your head?"

"Much better..."

"You had a fever and the fire was not enough...I am sorry about earlier."

"You only did what you had to," I said as I looked back at him.

The bandage over his arm started unraveling. I quickly went to his side and began helping him dress his wound properly.

"Thank you..."

"I should be thanking you. You saved me earlier."

"I haven't saved you yet. We are still on the run from Marquis Pillar's son and his men...The mercenaries are most likely from the Balik Empire."

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