Chapter 11: Fated to Meet

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My etiquette classes began once again and three days a week with a private tutor at my aunt Bernadette's home as requested of my parents. Lady Bernadette would always appear before the library to take me to her home. I thought it was a bit odd since I would never call her. I accepted her kind gesture for three days so far. It was only until I asked Maura for a map that I found out that it was a mere fifteen-minute walk from the library to her house.

When I questioned Lady Bernadette about it, she quickly admitted that she had been escorting me from and to with a detour to make it seem like the distance was further than I thought all because she was worried about me walking outside by myself.

The tendency I have to surround myself with people that adore me to a fault has still not changed...

I began walking from Lady Bernadette's home to the Exurbia Library after my lessons. It was a good chance for me to get familiar with the nearby shops and scenery.

Nariel is a truly beautiful country with its unique architecture and emphasis on greenery plants all around. It is said that the architectural designs of most buildings and roads are based off of the picture records from Asmaria.

Everyone in this country is a fanatic about a lost country other than me.

Still, the nostalgia I feel from seeing this country as if I had been here before. In my first life, I never even stepped out of Arundel even once before...

"Welcome back, Arielle," Maura said as she greeted me after I changed into my uniform.

"Good afternoon, Maura," I told her.

"Garett said that you have been doing well in remembering the library sections. You will be placing the books back," she said as she pointed towards a large stack of books. "You will be fine since it is all sorted by section. You will be in one aisle for the most part."

Carrying all these by hand...There should be at least seventy books.

"Where is Garett? I have not seen him all day."

"Garett attends Nariel Preparatory five days a week. He will be here later in the afternoon."

If I remember right, Nariel royalty and the young Prince Erik currently go there.

"I see."

"I thought that you might attend there as well."

"No, I will be attending the Royal Academy within Arundel in a few years..."

"That's still going to be about five years from now...How making some friends? That's what school is all about."


I only had Charlotte who I considered a true friend. If I were to look back on my first life and second life, I only remembered classmates' names and faces and only exchanged a few pleasantries. Other than Charlotte, I never felt a really strong connection between anyone.

I thought it was enough to only have one person understand me and only one person who could love me as a woman.

"More importantly, have you ever really lived for yourself?"


"You have lived your life as a Duke's Daughter for how long? All these etiquette and socializing classes were done with the intent of serving your husband, am I right? You requested to come over here of your own will, but still have not changed your way of pleasing your parents. What about yourself? What have you done to make yourself happy? Do you really not have any desires?"

There was only one time that I ever asked for something. Erik denied me of it, and my heart ended up being broken because I lost something very important that day...

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