Vice Admiral

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Right when Gramps' fleet are starting to throw cannons at them, they managed to get away with their new ship. I was standing next to Gramps and smiled.

It's good that my fleet is under repair.
Plus, the order came to Gramps, not me.

After that, we leisurely snack on some sweets as we talked.

"You know, aside from Luffy and his crew, that other newcomer is a bit worrisome."
Gramps commented.

"Hm? Which one?"
I asked.

"Eustass Kidd. His devil fruit is strong against us, Marines use a lot of metals as weapon. Not to mention his crew is the type to create troubles with innocent people."
His face turned serious.

"Oh... I thought you were talking about the surgeon. But yeah, I agree, Eustass and his crew are dicks."
I shrugged.

"Now that you mention it... That's another worrisome rookie, his movement is hard to trace since he's using a submarine. But the threat is just him alone, his crews are not heard of. At least not yet."
Gramps commented.

"There's so many rookies emerging during Luffy's debut. I'm a little worried that he's... Clueless to it."
I sighed.

"Knowing him, he probably is."
Gramps started to laugh.

I can only sigh as I remembered how Luffy and his negative traits that might put him in more danger than he could avoid.

"Anyway, why are you still here? I thought Sengoku told you to return to HQ immediately."
I asked.

"Ah~ let that old monk alone for a while. I don't want to receive his nagging for letting Luffy escape."
He sighed.

"But where are you going once your ship is done?"
He suddenly asked.

"It should be Sabaody Archipelago next. But I'll make stops along the way."
I informed him as I chew on some sweets.

"Don't tell me he sent you to New World already?"
Gramps' stare turned into a stern one.

"He did. He told me to watch over Big Mom and Kaido's movement in New World since they've been suspiciously silent lately. Even the fleet Kaido sent to drown mine isn't filled with strong people from his crew. They're mostly rookies."
I shrugged.

He's not liking this.

"But why don't you just go through the old Mary Goeis? I know Sengoku wouldn't mind giving your fleet a new dozen of ships on the other side of Red Line."

"Nah, it's a waste of resources. Moreover, I want to visit Fishman Island. It's been a while since I last meet Shirahoshi."

"Okay then, but take a lot of stops along the way, okay! You have to! Promise me!"
He said as he gave his pinky.

I chuckled.

"Who does pinky swear anymore, gramps? I'm not a child anymore."
But I interwined my pinky with his and made it a promise.


The day after that, Gramps finally left after knowing that my ship is done. So we sailed at the same time to a different route.

"Let's get going."
I said to my fleet.

Then they rose the speed as we went our way. The first island on the log pose is Canary Island, a fall island. We're doing a small meeting as we go.

"How many days till we arrive?"
I asked my navigator.

"Since it's the farthest like you requested, around ten days or so."
He informed.

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