One Red Envelope

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Harry stormed towards the great hall, anger pulsing through his veins. He had managed to score himself two detention with Snape in one lesson and he wouldn't even be taking potions if it wasn't for Remus forcing him to, because apparently he 'wasn't taking enough classes'.

He threw open the doors to reveal the four tables where most students were already sitting down, eating dinner. He was so flustered he didn't notice the thousands of eyes tracking him intently until Ron tapped his arm.

"What," he muttered finally looking up, mostly every student in the hall was staring at him, whispers floating between them like bees.

He suddenly felt extremely self-conscious "What have I done now," He groaned with consternation, trying to ignore everyone.

"You haven't done anything but look," He said excitedly handing Harry a red envelope with his name printed on the front.

"But post doesn't come today and it never comes at dinner time," He stated looking quizzically at the letter.

"I know, that's why everyone wants to know what is," Hermione chirped from the other side of Harry.

"Go on open it then," Ron said encouragingly as Harry ripped open the envelope and pulled out a piece of parchment.

Harry started reading the letter, in a voice quiet enough so that only his friends could hear him,

"To Harry, 
it feels weird writing this since I know you will never read it but I have to get my feelings out of my head. It's so stupid because I know you're never going to like me back but every time I see your green eyes my heart stops and I act like a bitch. I really need to get my feelings in check because nothing is ever going to happen between us I'm just being an idiot.

Your Secret Lover,"

Harry's breath caught in his throat and a bright blush rose from from the back of his neck to the tips of his ears while he read. He heard Hermione's effervescent giggle from beside him and he turned to glare at her.

"What, it's cute," She laughed holding her hands up in surrender.

"No it's not, it's probably some dumb prank," Harry stated redirecting his glare to the letter.

"What's the golden trio talking about today," a snide voice snarled from behind Harry, who spun around to see a smirking Draco Malfoy.

"Nothing that concerns you Malfoy," Harry started but Draco had already ripped the letter from his hand.

Harry jumped up and tried to grab it but Draco was quite a bit taller and stronger than him.

He sneered as he started reading the letter, "To Harry, It feels weird writing this," Draco said before his voice trailed off and he froze allowing the smaller boy to rip the letter back from of his hands and push it deep inside his pockets.

"What the hell," Draco muttered still frozen to the spot before Harry shoved him and he stumbled backwards.

"Draco you fucking git," He yelled as Draco came back to his senses and shoved Harry back,  tackling him to the floor, both boys throwing punches. Harry kicked Draco in the stomach which only seemed to encourage the blonde boy more.

"Mr Malfoy, Mr Potter," A calm voice said loudly and both boys shoved off each other and scrambled to their feet.

Dumbledore stood in front of them with Snape and McGonagall standing behind him, all three of them were staring at the now bloody faced boys.

"My office please," The headmaster ordered but Draco turned on his heels and ran from the hall as fast as he could ignoring the yells from the teachers behind him.

He didn't stop running till he reached the corridor leading to the Slytherin dormitories where Pansy and Blaise stood waiting for him.

"Pansy you git," he yelled running up to her and shoving her up against the wall, "What the hell were you thinking, you sent him the fucking letter,"

The girl just giggled as though not at all threatened by the boy twice her size holding her against a wall, " Don't worry Dray it doesn't have your name on it and it's nearly Valentine's Day,"

"It's the fucking middle of September," He spat, loosening his grip slightly when he noticed her flinch.

"Oh calm down he's never going to know it's from you," She snickered.

Draco let go off her and turned away, "I need fresh air," He growled.

"Draco wait," Pansy ordered and the boy sighed, turning around to see her wand in his face.

He jumped back but she just flicked her wrist and his nose shot back into place making him wince.

"Thanks Pans but I'm still pissed at you," He huffed before walking off towards the entrance hall.


Draco sat on the slightly wet grass watching the sun set over the smooth lake. The water reflected the orange and pink sky sending shimmers of light across its surface.

He sighed as he sat cradling his hand which was still swollen from the earlier events. He couldn't help but hope Harry was okay and he hated himself for attacking him. He thought maybe it would help but apparently nothing could.

He'd been pretending to hate Potter since second year and as his feelings grew stronger so did his insults. He hated his green eyes that watched so curiously, psychoanalysing anything they could and his messy black hair, that hung in soft curls around his face. The way his tan skin curved seamlessly from neck to shoulder. 

Draco groaned dropping his head to his knees and running his hands through his hair. Unwanted, bitter tears slipped from his eyes and his bruised heart throbbed desperately in his chest.

"Draco," a serene voice said from behind him. Draco quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks and glanced around to see Dumbledore standing behind him with a sad smile. Draco was slightly surprised that the the teacher had addressed him by his first name and he sat watching as the man walked closer.

"May I," The teacher asked gesturing to the ground next to Draco. He nodded in response and turned his attention to the grass as the Dumbledore sat down next to him.

"It's a nice night," Dumbledore reported and Draco nodded again in response hiding his face as he felt tears prick his eyes.

Why the hell was he crying, it's just a stupid crush he thought to himself as he subtly wiped his eyes.

"It's okay to have feelings Draco, it's okay to fall in love," The teacher comforted him as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I don't love anyone, Malfoy's don't have feelings," Draco sneered flinching at his own tone.

"Ahh how we all wish we didn't have feelings, it would make lives a lot easier now wouldn't it," The professor replied calmly as he stared off into the darkening sky.

"I'm sorry sir, I shouldn't of hit him I just," Draco stuttered quietly.

"Now I should reprimand you Draco but I think you've already learnt your lesson," The Professor beamed, "Why don't we get you some rest and get that hand fixed," He said giving the boy's shoulder a squeeze and standing.

Draco followed and the pair walked back to the infirmary in silence.

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