Midnight Visitors

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"Draco," a voice split the icy darkness.

The blonde boy didn't move, he remained staring at the plain white ceiling hoping his visitor would believe that he was asleep.

However, to his dismay the person took a seat in the chair next to his bed.

Draco let the silence devour him before curiosity took over and he turned his head to see Albus Dumbledore sitting in the chair and watching him intently.

"I presumed you where awake and just ignoring my presence, it seems that I was correct," The man spoke softly.

"Sorry sir," Draco responded with a croaky voice.

Dumbledore smiled, "Please don't call me sir, it makes me sound rather old, don't you think,"

"Sorry, umm," Draco stuttered pushing himself up on his elbows, "Professor Dumbledore,"

The man let out a laugh that sounded more like a sigh.

"Am I in trouble," Draco questioned sheepishly after a moment of silence.

"And why would you be in trouble," The man raised his eyebrows and even through the darkness Draco could see a sort of mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Well because of what I said to Harry, I thought that he would have told Snape after he cursed me," Draco hastily muttered keeping his eyes fixated on the striped bedsheets.

"That would come as very intriguing news to me as don't believe anyone has been punished for the incident in Severus's classroom," The teacher answered and Draco's cheeks flushed red, "However I do have my own way of finding out out what's going on in my school, there are eyes and ears everyone,"

Draco's face was burning red at the thought of Dumbledore having eyes's everywhere in the school. He hoped that the darkness would cover his face but a sliver of moonlight shot through the window at that very moment illuminating the hospital wing with an eerie glow.

The teacher chucked at the boys red face.

"Why are you here if you aren't going to punish me," Draco muttered.

"I usually spent my nights keeping watch on the students in the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey can get some well deserved rest, it also gives me some time to ponder and clean the dust from my mind," Dumbledore answered wistfully.

Draco nodded and turned so his back was towards the old man.

"I might go make a cup of tea and if while i'm gone you slip out of bed and go make amends with someone who may be walking through the entrance hall at this very moment," The teacher began and Draco turned back around slightly intrigued at where this was going, "Well I think i shan't notice," he finished standing up and walking into one of the back rooms.

Draco watched him close the door before slipping out of bed and placing his feet on the cold floor.

He didn't really know who he was looking for or where he was going but he let his feet take him towards the entrance hall.

He arrived in the empty, entrance hall and looked around disappointedly.

"Oh that bloody blithering old man," He snapped quietly and was turning around to leave when he heard footsteps.

At first the thought of Filch crossed his mind and he froze scanning the room for a place to hide.

The footsteps came closer but Draco was frozen to the spot preparing for his fate of a detention.

When the figure came into view he gasped silently and his heart thumped loudly in his chest.

Harry walked through the entrance hall with a handful of chocolate frogs.

Draco coughed and Harry froze turning to look directly at Draco.

A scowl lit up the raven haired boys face and he thought for a second about reaching for his wand.

"Please Harry just let me speak," Draco said quickly and quietly moving forward towards the boy.

Harry arched an eyebrow and crossed him arms, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm sorry, really sorry, I never should of said that. It was honestly vile even for me and I don't know what I was thinking," Draco began, pouring his heart out through his mouth.

Harry's face softened slightly but kept a defensive stance.

"You don't have to forgive me or anything but I really want you to know how sorry I am. I mean i'm gay myself and I just don't know why I would ever think to say something like that," he stumbled over his words not focusing on what he was saying.

Harry eyebrows shot up again, "Did you just come out,"

Draco's eyes widened, he realised Harry probably didn't know about his sexuality considering he was so oblivious.

"Don't worry I forgive you, I think my hex was punishment enough," Harry laughed quietly, partly because of the boys reddening face.

"Thanks," Draco said quietly as a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

He stared up at Harry's eyes and for the first time noticed how close they were standing.

Before he knew what was happening Harry leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, before turning and walking towards the the common room.

Just before disappearing from view he stopped and turned back to face Draco who was still standing there dumbfounded.

"Have a chocolate frog," Harry smirked throwing a chocolate down the hallways back at Draco who caught it in his hand.

After Harry had rounded the corner he lifted up his empty hand and pressed it against the skin that Harry had kissed.

His stomach seemed to float with butterfly's and he smiled crazily.

A pair of yellow eyes appeared out of the darkness and Mrs Norris let out a hiss.

Draco jumped with wide eyes and bolted back to the hospital wing before Filch could show up.

It didn't take him long to get back and he ran to his bed pulling the covers up over him.

He placed the chocolate frog on his beside table just before the door opened and Dumbledore entered with a cup of tea.

He eyed the chocolate frog on Draco's beside table, "Chocolate really does make the world go round,"

Draco nodded sheepishly and the teacher smiled before taking a seat in an arm chair and sipping his tea.

Draco turned over and closed his eyes sighing with relief at that fact that he had no classes with the Gryffindors tomorrow.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly, or so he thought.

This is so badly written, It's like 3am so i'm sorry but I hope you like it

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