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Harry opened his mouth to argue but Draco turned around and slammed him into the wall.

"Get the fuck off of me," Harry yelled but Draco tightened his grip.

"What the fuck was that about Potter," Draco spat ignoring Harry's complaints.

"It was a joke, calm down," Harry whimpered turning his head away from Draco's but the blonde boy placed his spare hand under Harry's chin pushing it so they were eye to eye.

"It was a really funny joke," Draco whispered letting his hot breath brush agaisnt Harry's neck.

"You're really going to pay for it later," He growled as he moved closer to the boy so that their lips where inches from touching.

Draco let his eyes rake over Harry's body and the smaller boy whimpered again squirming in Draco's grip.

"What are you two up to," An icy grueling voice echoed in the empty hallway.

Draco let go of Harry and the boy crumpled to the floor trying to regain himself as Snape raised his eyebrows at Draco who glared at the teacher before storming off towards McGonagall's office.

"You're the biggest git," Harry panted as he finally caught up with Draco.

"Watch it or I'll tighten my grip on you're neck next time," Draco spat not looking down.

"Cute threat Dragon," Harry teased.

"Don't call me that," Draco hissed finally turning to look at Harry.

Harry didn't answer but chuckled at how easily he could wind up the taller boy. Draco shot him a glare and knocked on McGonagall's door.

"Come in," She said sternly and both boys entered as she looked up.

"Well I certainly didn't expect you to show up together although I'm glad to see you dressed up," she muttered surveying Harry in his trackies and hoodie.

"You're welcome Professor," Harry chuckled as he sat down and kicked his feet up on her desk.

"Feet down Harry," she said with her patience already growing thin.

Harry rolled his eyes but moved his feet to the floor glancing at Draco who was sitting and scowling at Harry.

"Did you both bring your essays that you were meant to finish last lesson," she questioned and both the boy nodded handing her their pieces of parchment.

She unfolded Harry's that had been crumpled in his pocket and briefly scanned it with her eyes. "When I ask you to write the essay for homework that does not mean get Miss Granger to do it for you," she scolded and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Anyway tonight you will be writing me another essay since you both could use the practice" she continued and both the boys groaned.

"You are going to be writing an essay about who you are," she added and boys stopped complaining and looked at her like she was crazy.

"What," Draco said bluntly with raised eyebrows.

"As I said before you will be writing an essay about yourself," She repeated.

"I'd rather write about turning teacups into rats," Harry muttered as he took the parchment and quill she handed him.

She ignored him and flicked her wands causing a desk with two chairs to appear at the back of her office and she gestured for both boys to sit down.

Harry stared down at his parchment trying to think of what to write, he glanced at Draco who was staring aimlessly out of the window. The sight of him made Harry's heart flutter and he couldn't draw his eyes away.

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