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Chapter Two

Draco was shaken awake early the next morning by Madam Pomfrey. She had forced him to stay overnight in the hospital wing even though he had no serious injuries.

He growled and rolled over only to be shaken again. Slowly he opened his eyes open and stretched his arms out above his head.

"Come on now, get a move on," Madam Pomfrey said as she bustled around the hospital wing. Draco groaned and sat up in bed, he swung his legs around and slipped on his shoes.

After grabbing the rest of his belongings he grumbled a goodbye and headed out of the infirmary.

He slipped on his robes from yesterday over his the white shirt he had slept in and tried his best to tame his hair with his hands as he got closer to the great hall.

He spotted Pansy and Blaise already eating when he entered and he headed over to them, sitting down next to them.

"How you feeling mate, you look rough," Blaise asked referring to the dark shadows under his eyes and his messy hair.

Draco once again grumbled in response and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Draco are you wearing robes from yesterday because that's vile," Pansy said turning up her nose.

"I am and I don't give two fucks about it," He growled causing his two friends to exchange worried glances behind his back.

He ignored them and looked up to see a pair of green eyes staring at him across the hall. He shot a glare back and Harry winced looking away.

The green eyed boy turned his attention back to his cereal which he was stirring, aimlessly with his spoon.

"Guys I think Malfoy's plotting something," he said quietly to Ron and Hermione who stopped talking and glanced at Draco.

"Mate, he looks half dead" Ron said furrowing his brow at Harry.

"Yeah Harry, Ron's right you need to stop obsessing over Malfoy and relax," Hermione added.

"I'm not obsessed with that ugly git," Harry started to argue but was interrupted as Dean as Seamus sat down.

"You figured out who sent you that letter yet," Seamus asked Harry intently but Harry just shook his head.

"You gonna send one back," Dean questioned and Harry raised his eyebrows, he hadn't even thought about the letter, let alone writing one back.

"I don't know what I would write plus it was probably a joke," Harry shrugged.

"Oh come on Harry, a letter like that wasn't a joke," Dean said seriously.

"Yeah you can something like, to my secret lover, you probably have beautiful eyes so if you wanna shag come to the Gryffindor common rooms,"  Seamus said loudly causing most of the students in the hall to burst out into laughter. Harry smacked Seamus round the head and flushed red when he felt the stares of the teachers on him.

"Can we go now," Harry muttered, his face was bright red and he wanted to get away from the laughing students as soon as possible.

"Yeah come on we don't want to be late for potions anyway," Hermione said standing up and dragging Ron along with her, who was still stuffing toast into his mouth.

Unfortunately for Harry potions didn't go too well either. As usual, Neville's cauldron exploded leaving the most of the Gryffindors covered in ugly red warts but for once Harry, Hermione, and Ron's seats at the back of the classroom had paid off.

"Alright settle down," Snape's icy voice bellowed out over the screams, "If you were hit by Longbottom's pathetic excuse of a potion follow me. Malfoy you're in charge don't break anything," he ordered as he swiftly followed the other students out of the door.

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