St Mungos

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I really wanna get this finished cause I have so many good fanfic ideas but I have so so much more to write arghhhh, also anyone interested in a sequel or should I end it with like a happy ending??

Minerva McGonagll rushed into the small room in St Mungo's, her vision blurry with tears.

Her heart clenched at the sight before and she immediately felt arms slip round her waist and someone pull her close.

"Thank you, oh thank you so much Minnie," Remus sobbed, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Minerva placed a motherly kiss on top his head returned the hug before pulling away to approach Sirius.

He lay on his back on a white hospital bed, eyes closed peacefully, his face was pale and his breaths shallow. The covers were pulled down to his waist, revealing his bandaged stomach, blood slowly sweeping through. One hand was being clenched by Sienna, who was sitting in an armchair, eyes squeezed shut tight. The other was hanging limp off the right side of the bed, were Remus must of been sitting.

She placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs and collapsed into a chair, taking deep breaths to try and compose herself.

Remus had also sat back down and taken Sirius hand again. There was an unspoken sadness in the air as the three of them sat there for hours on end, watching as the sun started to rise, orange light throwing itself into the room.

A nurse came around with plates of toast and jelly and a copy of the daily prophet, yet no one could bring themselves to eat.

Remus was the first to break the silence, "This is my fault."

McGonagll looked up, glancing once at Sienna who was asleep and then back at Remus, "None of us could a' predicted this Mr Lupin, it was vera tragic an' unexpected," She said managing a slight smile, her accent coming through thicker with her sadness.

"It wasn't, I should never let him be with me when i'm like that, and I should of sensed Greyback and protected him, but I couldn't and if I wasn't a bloody werewolf, Dumbledore would still be here because I could of protected him as well." Remus raised his voice, subconsciously squeezing Sirius hand.

Minerva visibly winced at Dumbledores name and took a deep breath, "We didn't know what was going to happen tonight, we didn't know they were going to attack and the only people we can blame are Lucius and anyone who helped him."

"No but I-," Remus began until he was cut of by Sienna.

"Guys, he- he moved," She sat upright her eyes never once leaving Sirius.

Remus shot back around and sure enough he felt it, at first it could of been a slight change it wind but it got stronger and soon Sirius Black was squeezing his hand.

"Siri, Sirius, Love, can you hear me," Remus stammered leaving forward to use his spare hand to brush away Sirius's hair.

Sirius groaned slightly his brow furrowing, "Rem," he murmured his voice dry and crackly.

"Yes, yes it's me," Remus couldn't stop the tears of joy from spilling from his eyes.

"James," Sirius croaked again, his eyes fighting to open.

Everyone in the room paused, stitched hearts threatening to be open.

"Prongs isn't here Siri," Sienna spoke stiffly, now holding Sirius hand in both of hers.

Slowly Sirius eyes opened and he glanced around taking in his surroundings, his eyes met Remus's and he frowned, "Who are you."

The silence left in the room could of shattered glass, Remus felt chills run down his spine, his eyes glazed over and he suddenly thought he was going to faint.

It Started With Letters - DrarryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang