To Build A Home

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There was a knock at Draco's door, "Come in."

Mark pushed the door open and peaked his head around, "Can I sit down."

"Yeah sure," Draco answered curiously as he put down his book, doggy marking the page first.

It had been a couple days since Harry and Draco's reconciliation and he had barely left Draco's room, he'd basically moved in. That was until Sirius offered a 'supervised' swim at the beach and he couldn't help but accept, leaving Draco alone.

Not that Draco didn't enjoy Harry's company but sometimes the badgering and constant need of attention could get slightly annoying and when he wasn't talking or singing off key he was practicing his magic or more or less how to control it without breaking Draco's nose instead of a glass vase.

The boys had come to the conclusion that it was about ten times harder performing hexes without a wand considering the amount of determination you have to put into it for it to work effectively and doing that left him asleep for the rest of the day. Although he was getting better at small spells that were making him prominently lazier. Not that Draco could blame him, even he hated being cooped up in here and he had spent most of his summer's in his room when he was at Hogwarts so he couldn't imagine how hard it would be for Harry, especially without contact with any of his friends.

Mark took a seat on the edge of the bed and smiled softly, "So how are you."

"I'm... ok," Draco responded, intertwining his fingers.

"And how's this Harry boy," Mark smirked, moving so he could sit a bit more comfortably.

Draco blushed, "Well he's just Harry."

"Are we planning on marrying this boy, like, do we really like him."

"Are you planning on marrying my mum," Draco smirked changing the subject.

"You're a cheeky kid aren't you, but of course, only if you are okay with it. It would make me your step father after all," Mark answered.

"Father," Draco murmured, "Lucius isn't even a father to me so it would make you my father and yes i'm ok with it."

Mark grinned, "Well that's great, isn't it little one, and now back to Harry," He said, moving again to lean back against the headboard and throwing his arm over Draco's shoulders.

"Well he's Harry Potter isn't he," Draco spoke softly.

"Oh yes we all know Harry Potter, but what about your Harry," Mark chuckled.

"Well, my Harry is just Harry Potter," Draco stated plainly.

"No, see look at it this way, to some Harry is an enemy and an evil person at that and-"

"Harry isn't evil at all, how could anyone think that," Draco cut in aggressively.

"I haven't finished have I, now listen, to others he's the boy who saved the world, who's happy and brave and to some others he's a mutual acquaintance but you get to see all of him, every side of him even the ones that are hidden, because you love him," Mark explained and Draco raised an eyebrow in interest.

"I guess," he responded unsurely.

"See sometimes we get so caught up in the aspect of love and the feelings and safety it gives us, that we forget the actual person we are meant to be loving and then it's one sided and slowly fades into nothingness," he explained.

"That sounds like something Dumbledore would say," Draco murmured, dropping his gaze to fingers as he wrung them together.

"I suppose it does, maybe I picked it up from him after studying under him for a couple years." Mark sighed.

"You studied under him?" Draco questioned.

"Yeah a couple years back, I never went to Hogwarts because of my furry little problem, but my mother taught me as much magic as she could, so when I met Remus he took me
to Dumbledore and I learnt everything I know now from him," Mark stared off at the window, deep in thought, "He offered me a position at Hogwarts before he died, Moony was considering taking a break to spend some more time with Siri and Dumbledore asked me if I wanted to work as a Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher for a while. I dunno if the position still stands now that he's passed."

Draco looked up at him so their eyes met, "I'm sure it does, if you ask McGonagall she could never turn you down, you seem like you'd be a great teacher."

Mark smiled and ruffled Draco's hair, "You're a good kid, after everything you've been through you came out a wonderful person."

Draco beamed, and in that moment he wanted to wrap his arms around him and never let go, he wanted to make up for all the years he had lost to an evil beast of a father but alas he didn't and instead he said, "Thank you."

"Well it's true, just make sure to check up on Harry alright, don't let what you two have go to waste," he spoke again.

Draco nodded and picked up his book.

"Oh what are you reading." Mark asked curiously, and Draco handed him the book reading out the title, "The Laws of Love and Life Itself."

"May I," Mark asked, flicking open the book to the first page.

Draco nodded again and Marks eyes dropped to the page.

"Love is the doorway to life itself and is easy to seek but to allow ourselves to open our hearts to love is a skill that takes great wisdom and courage. Love is incorruptible, innocent and plain, it lay's before us, empty and pure, filled without jealousy or desire and only when we let ourselfs go and accept our own flaws can love fill our hearts and take them away. Love is beyond belief for it needs no proof of its value. If we learned to love wholeheartedly, continuously and without payment, then we would know it's true value and worth, without need for definition, because there is no definition for love, for you find love in a person and a soul and no where else."

He glanced at Draco who was looking down once again, "It's beautiful."

Draco nodded and opened his mouth to speak but closed it again.

"Well i'll leave you be," Mark said softly, give Draco's hand a quick squeeze before handing him the book and leaving the room closing the door behind him.

Draco sighed and laid down, hugging the book to his chest.

"Draco, Draco, look at what I found at the beach," Harry yelled, pouncing through the door with a handful of shells.

Draco couldn't resist chuckling as he sat up again and Harry jumped onto the bed, holding out his cupped hands, "I'm gonna make you a necklace," Harry grinned.

Draco leaned forward and kissed him on the lips softly, "I'm sure i'll love it, now go shower you smell salty and you're getting sand on the bed.

malfoylovesharry made me this beautiful fan art and i'm in awe of it, i love it so much, if anyone wants to make fan art feel free but I would love to see it. Also i'm considering of changing the name of this fanfic to something to do with love because it is becoming a huge part of this fanfic and the letters aren't that prominent anymore (any ideas).

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