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Harry watched as a large grey owl swoop through one of the slightly open windows as students waltzed below on the dance floor.

He was sitting on the floor, a paper cup of spiked punch in his hand, as he lent back on Draco's legs.

"What you staring at," Draco hummed in the smaller boys ear, leaning forward and placing his hands on Harry's head.

Harry pointed a lazy hand up at the owl that was now fluttering down towards McGonagall, who was sitting at the head table.

Both boys watched as she frowned and grabbed  a letter that the owl was holding, hastily opening it and skimming her eyes across the page.

"What the fuck," Harry whispered as the woman shoved the letter in her robes and turned to Sirius looking rather shaken.

Draco was then standing to his feet, dragging Harry along with him as the three adults walked down from the head table and across the hall towards the doors.

"Come on," Draco hissed, pulling Harry along over towards the others.

"Sirius," The boys chorused as they followed the adults out into the deserted hallway leaving the music and buzz of the party behind.

Sirius spun around still walking backwards, "Now is not the time, either of you, this is order stuff."

"Sorry if you didn't notice but we are in the order," Harry snapped, grabbing Sirius by the arm and drawing the whole group to a stop.

"Mr Potter," McGonagll almost yelled spinning around, "This is a life or death matter."

"One that we should be a part of," Draco cut in, "since we are part of the order."

"For goodness sake we need to move," Remus ordered, "Boys walk with us," he spoke much to McGonagall and Sirius's complaints.

"No Sirius they are not too young and we need as many hands as we can get, now move," He responded as Sirius pestered him.

Harry and Draco shared a successful smile as they followed after.

Remus began to talk as they basically jogged through the empty halls, "The children have been located at Malfoy Manor, at least two dozen of them."

"Wait the missing kids, you found them," Draco sputtered almost tripping over his own feet.

"Yes don't interrupt me, they are being held in Malfoy Manor, in the house elf quarters which the dumb ministry officials didn't think of checking weeks ago."

They turned into McGonagall's office and the woman shoved a handful of green powder into everyone's hand.

"We don't have much time and i don't know many details myself so be careful, we don't know what has been set up, there could spells and wards set up, potentially deadly so keep close," Remus spoke fast, "Sirius and Mcgonagall will head there first," he added as the two teachers took their turn to step into the fireplace and speak 'Malfoy Manor'.

"Ok you two next, Harry first, just wait on the other side for me."

Harry stepped tenderly into the fireplace, still in his suit, before giving Draco a tender smile and disappearing a burst of green.

Draco quickly stepped forward but felt a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to go back you know, to the Manor, everyone would understand if you didn't come, it might not be the best thing for you at this tim-," Remus began softly, his pace slowed.

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