Two Red Envelopes

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Harry felt someone tap his shoulder softly and he opened his eyes to see Hermione kneeling in front of him.

"Hey Harry, do you want me to bring you back some breakfast," she asked quietly.

Harry stretched his arms above his head and nodded.

"Ok well if you need anything, just come find me," she added and left the room arm in arm with Ron.

Last night he had come back to find Hermione studying alone in the common room. Harry had told her everything that happened, excluding the wolf, and she had urged him to tell Dumbledore about Theo but he just wanted to stay as far away as possible from everyone for the next couple days.

He yawned and sat up on the common room couch where he had fallen asleep the night before. There was no one around on the sunny Saturday morning so he headed up to his dorm to grab some parchment and a quill.

He sat on the floor next to his bed with a piece of parchment in front of him and started writing.

To my secret lover, no that's weird he thought scrunching you the paper and throwing it towards the bin.

To the girl who has a crush on me, nope that sounds conceited he thought again throwing the paper towards the bin.

He continued like this until he heard Ron and Hermione calling him from the common room. He sighed, picking up his stuff and grumbling down the stairs.

"Anything interesting happen at breakfast," he asked biting into a slice of toast Hermione had brought him.

"Actually yeah," Ron chirped up, "Theo came in to sit with the Slytherins but Malfoy told him to piss off and when he didn't Malfoy attacked him and broke his nose."

"The hell, did he get in trouble," Harry asked trying to hide the panic in his voice.

"Nah because all the Slytherin had his back and told the teachers that Theo had dared Malfoy to, so Theo got in trouble," Ron answered smirking.

"Oh and also McGonagall came up to me with Snape and they asked where you were and if you were okay," Hermione told him.

"What you say," He questioned with a furrowed brow.

"This is the best bit," Ron beamed proudly basically jumping in his seat, "she turned around and told them that it's none of their business."

"Good on you Mione," Harry smiled and Hermione blushed slightly.

"What have you been doing?" Hermione asked, changing the subject.

Harry blushed a darker red than Hermione and looked down fumbling with the parchment in his hands.

"Oh my god you were writing a letter back weren't you," Hermione shouted excitedly.

"Maybe," he muttered quietly, "well I mean I tried but I just don't know what to say,"

"Please let me help you write it, pleaseee," Hermione begged.

"Fine," Harry gave in and Hermione jumped with glee into the seat next to him.


"Draco, Draco, DRACO," Pansy squealed as she burst through the door where Draco was reading peacefully on his bed.

"What Pans," He groaned marking his page and putting his book down.

She threw a letter at him and he grabbed it and flipped it over. On the front in large text was a name, Harry Potter.

"HE WROTE BACK," She squeaked as she ran to sit next to him, "open it, open it,"

Draco stared hesitantly at the letter, "I dunno maybe I should just leave it," he muttered.

"Oh for fuck's sake you drama queen," She moaned grabbing the letter and ripping it open.

He snatched it back and began to read it.

"Can you at least read it out loud no one else is here," she pleaded and Draco sighed but agreed.

"To my secret admirer or whoever you are,
I know there's a high chance that this is probably some sort of prank and if it is, it's really not funny.

Anyway, I just want to say I really appreciate the letter and you're probably a really nice person. I would compliment you back but I don't know who you are so could you give me a couple of clues because I don't have the sort of brains that Hermione has.

Oh, by the way, Hermione is helping me write this letter because I didn't know what to say so that's why it took me forever to reply

Best Wishes, From Harry,"  he read while Pansy basically fell out of the bed in excitement.

"Write one back right now," she ordered but Draco shook his head.

"Then I'm going to seem too needy, he took at least a couple days to write back," Draco argued.

"Draco that's because he was in detention, we all know that." Pansy shot back rolling her eyes.

"Fine, fine but I want to write it alone," He grumbled and Pansy sighed but left the room, closing the door behind her.

She skipped out of the Slytherin common room and ran all the way to the library where she burst through the doors and ran to one of the tables.

"Mione, he sent a letter back," she panted.

Hermione looked up and smiled when she saw Pansy, "I know, I had to help him write it, they're so cute," she beamed.

"Honestly I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come up with the idea of sending Harry one of Draco's letters," Pansy muttered sitting down.

"They would both be single and sad if we hadn't become friends," Hermione laughed.

"I know right, they're so pathetic," Pansy giggled.

"Oh also I was thinking, I want Blaise to meet Ron and it could be good for Harry and Draco to spend time in the same room so what if we have a small party in the room of requirement on Friday night," Hermione suggested.

"You are a fucking genius Hermione Granger," Pansy grinned.

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