But She Breathes

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'Parts of this chapter might be slightly horrific involving young children so if that would upset you please skip'

A few wailing cries were heard as the door opened, "No, no please."

Draco felt frozen to the spot as he gagged again, the air was too thick with stench that it made it hard to breath at all and when he did he was still so desperate for oxygen it seemed futile.

A group of small children were huddled in one corner, almost burying into the stone wall, house elves among them.

They must of ranged from the ages of 2 to 6 and they seemed to be around a dozen, almost half of what there should have been.

Harry stepped past him his eyes trailing to the other wall and his knees almost gave way at the sight.

Piles of rotting corpses, small ones, some fresh and others as though they had been lying in filth for weeks.

He stood, glued to the spot, staring at the lifeless bodies.

"Harry there's nothing we can do, we need to help who we can," Draco whispered softly, feeling sick himself as he took the other boys hand.

The living children were closer together now, a few watching the boys in pure fear and many others with their hands over their eyes or ears.

Harry took a deep breath and squatted down, "We don't want to hurt you, we're here to help."

A few whimpers were heard and many other drew their knees into there chests or held the younger children closer.

"I promise, the bad mans gone, we can take you home to your family's," Harry continued waddling closer as slowly as possible.

A few opened their eyes.

"You're safe now, it's all going to be alright."

In some the shimmering fear turned to a soft curiosity and they watched him closely but as Harry got a better view his stomach clenched.

Their eyes were deep and sunk back into their skulls, surrounded by dark bruises. Pale skin clung to starving bone tightly and was decorated with fresh scars and dirt.

Then a flurry of footsteps and voices on the stairs and the children shrunk back, some beginning to cry and wail again.

Harry spun around to look at Draco but the taller boy had already read his mind and was on his feet, running towards the main door.

Draco pushed it open and stepped outside, letting the door close halfway and keeping it ajar with his foot.

"Shut up," he snapped at the ministry officials and order members who were coming up the stairs, wands drawn.

Everyone froze, staring at Draco, "Mr Malfoy, what are you doing this is important buisness and you need to move," One of the upper men from the ministry yelled.

"For Merlins sake be quiet and listen to me," Draco hissed with such anger in his voice that even Sirius seemed shocked and slightly scared.

"There are two dozen children in the room behind me, half of which are dead and the other half being scared and petrified out of their minds, so unless you want to make the job any harder I would suggest listening to me and shutting up," He continued now that he had everyone's full attention.

Everyone stared at him for a moment in utter silence.


Harry turned his head as McGonagall, Remus and Sienna followed Draco into the room, letting out gasps of pure shock.

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