I'll Hold You

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Harry didn't see Draco again until breakfast the next morning.

He was in an abysmal mood when we entered the great hall, mulling over Draco's behaviour, scouring his mind for a way to help.

Pansy, Blaise and Draco were sitting at the Gryffindor table with Hermione when Ron and him entered. They took their seats, Harry across from Draco, Ron to his right and then Hermione.

Draco stared down at the empty table in front of him, he couldn't bring himself to eat. His mind too wrapped up in thoughts of his father, out there again, causing harm.

A plate was suddenly slid in front of him and he looked up to see Harry smiling at him. It was a sweet but futile attempt and Draco quickly averted his eyes back this plate and picked up his fork, playing with the food on his plate lazily. He rested his head in on hand and lifted a sausage to his lips before dropping it back to his plate. He put his fork down and closed his eyes, trying desperately to escape his own head.

There was a soft tapping on the table in front of him, he already knew who it was and he had to force himself to open his eyes and look up.

"You gotta eat, love," Harry whispered saccharinely across the table.

Draco ceded and looked down at the food again, his stomach churning. Slowly he picked up his fork and placed a sausage in his mouth, chewing on the sickly food. Harry watched him closely until he swallowed and a soft smile played on the raven boys lips. It dropped however when Draco suddenly stood up and ran from the hall.

"Where's he going," Pansy asked, bemused, but Harry but he had already stood up and followed after Draco.

He followed him to the bathrooms where Draco knelt down in front of a toilet and threw up. Harry hurried forward again and knelt beside him, rubbing circles on his back with one hand and using the other to pull his blonde curls away from his face.

"Shh, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he hummed as Draco shook, his hands gripping the edge of the toilet seat. He let out a soft whimper before wretching again.

He shook for a moment longer and then stilled, his hands relaxing slightly, knuckles loosening.

"Colloportus," Harry spoke quietly pointing his wand at the bathroom door before turning back to Draco.

The blonde boy finally moved away from the toilet and collapsed against the cold wall beside him.

Harry moved closer to him and cleaned his mouth with toilet paper before taking the shivering boy under his arm, "What's going on Draco," he asked solemnly.

Draco paused for a moment before answering, "he's out there again."

Harry pushed, "Who."

"Lucius," Draco words dripped angrily and he  drew a ragged breath, "he's meant to be locked up but he's out there, hurting people and he's going to hurt me and everyone I love."

Harry's heart shook and his grip on Draco tightened, "He won't hurt you, i'm here and the aurors are here and so is Dumbledore and Sirius and Remus,"

Draco pulled away from Harry and scrambled to his feet, "No, they don't get it, they won't help me, I'm Draco Malfoy," he scoffed wryly before continuing, "He could be out there doing anything, he's already destroying family's, you heard Mark talk about that little girl and all the missing kids,"

Harry grabbed onto Draco's hand and gently tugged him back down to the ground, "We don't know that has anything to do with Lucius, there are tons of new age death eaters still out there,"

"Probably led by my father," Draco spat aggressively, "I need to know what's going on Ry, you just don't get it,"

For some reason the words hit Harry like a whip across the face, he wanted to get it, he wanted to help and make it ok, he wished to all the gods he knew that he could take away all of Draco's pain and bear it himself. Maybe that is what spurred on his burst of sudden determination, "Then i'll find out, i'll get it out of Mark or anyone, I'll find out what's going on and we can forget about all of this,"

Draco nodded weakly although the worry coursing though his body never slowed.

"We'll make sure Lucius is put back where he belongs, alright," Harry rubbed Draco's back.

The blonde boy went to nod in response but another wave of nervous nausea took over his body and he learnt forward to the toilet again, emptying his stomach.

hope you're all enjoying this, if anyone has any feedback or idea feel free to comment and i'll take it into consideration. We're so close to 10k reads and i'm honestly shocked, i did not except this to do so well, so thanks everyone so much!

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