Back To School

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I cbf to edit it so comment any mistakes and i'll fix them! thanks

Sirius and Remus had come to the decision that the boys would be staying at the Weasleys until school started again, while they went back to help the order locate missing children.

Harry and Draco of course had much to say about this, seeing as they felt obliged to help, and the debate dragged on for hours until the two adults snapped and dissaperated without another word.

Harry spent the rest of the day sulking in his and Draco's shared room while the blonde boy sat in the chair by the snowy window, leaning eagerly over his sketchbook.

Days passed slowly after that, although they were filled with freezing games of quidditch, cuddles by the fireplace and quick kisses, leaving the Weasleys rather confused, not that they ever questioned it.

No one, even Hermione, who had come to visit, raised a brow when the two drunken boys kissed passionately as the clock struck midnight on New Years, barely even acknowledging the Weasley twins rather extravagant firework show.

It just seemed to blend into the normality of their everyday life, as though the two boy's affection had been there all along. It wasn't spoken about or questioned, just accepted.

Preparations for school then slowly increased as the holidays drew to a close. Trunks were packed and multiple impromptu trips to diagonal alley, to replace missing belongings and restock potions ingredients, took place.

The day of the train was also quite a scene as last-minute items were picked up and there was a rush to dissaperate to the station.

Harry only finally relaxed when he was sat in the train compartment, his knee bumping against Draco's. He yawned torpidly and rested his head on Draco's shoulder, fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck. Slowly the voices of the odd group they were sharing the compartment with faded off into distant murmurs and he fell into his own dream world.

Draco smiled as he felt Harry's breathing even out, the poor boy needed some rest.
"Pansy hush, would you," He hissed at the black haired girl as she argued with Ron, over who knows what, while Hermione and Blaise watched in amusement.

"Im sorry but this red-haired idiot-," Pansy continued.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong with redheads Parkinson," Ginny raised a brow from where she had opened the compartment door, tailed by Luna and Neville.

Pansy's jaw dropped and she glanced at Ginny seemingly lost for words, "I- uh."

Draco snickered as Luna stepped past Ginny, "What Gins meant was, could we join you, the free compartments are filled with Wrackspurts."

"Of course," Hermione spoke at the same time as Blaise, "What in the bleeding name of Merlin are Wrackspurts."

"They live inside people's heads, making things all funny," Luna explained as she sat down, next to Blaise, "They like to wait in dark places."

Pansy snorted, earning a slap from Ginny who had sat next to her although Luna didn't seem to notice.

"Can I paint your nails," She said lifting one of Blaise's hands to inspect.

Blaise frowned, "I urr, um yeah sure," he answered going slightly red but complying after a nod from Draco.

She giggled gleefully in delight, "Come, Hannah would love to help," She spoke, grabbing a very flustered Blaise's hand and dragging him towards the compartment door.

"Are you coming Gin," She paused.

Ginny's eyes flickered towards Pansy, "I'll stay, it's fine."

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