Potions Partners

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Harry placed his books on his desk in potions and turned around to look for Hermione.

"Mione," he called out to her tapping the desk beside him.

"Sorry Hazza I told Pansy I'd sit with her," She giggled sitting down next to Pansy.

He turned to Ron but he was talking to Blaise. "Ron since when were you friends with the Slytherins," he yelled and Ron looked up.

"Sorry mate, I would sit with you but Mione is forcing me to sit with this wanker," He exclaimed jokingly and Harry dropped his head to the desk.

It was first period on a Monday and he had double potions, which he now he had to spend alone.

Snape entered the classroom and the chatter immediately stopped as he stepped up to the front.

"I see there has been a change in seating," He muttered icily, "Well anyway let's get on with the lesson,"

The classroom door opened, interrupting him and Draco walked into the classroom, "Sorry I'm late sir," he murmured turning towards his normal desk, only to find his seat occupied by a grinning Hermione Granger.

"Pansy what the hell," he groaned and both the girls giggled.

"Mr Malfoy please take a seat," Snape ordered.

"I would but Grangers in my seat," Draco spoke through gritted teeth.

"Then sit next to Mr Potter," The teacher snapped, "Now," he yelled when Draco didn't move.

Draco groaned and slammed his books down on the desk next to Harry.

"Right so today we are going to be creating the Draught of Living Peace," Snape started explaining, "Mr Potter since you seem so interested in this lesson why don't you explain to the class what this potion does,"

Harry lifted his head from the desk, "Dunno Sir," He snapped before dropping his head again.

"Alright well then 20 points from Gryffindor," Snape warned, "Mr Malfoy do you want to do a better job than Potter,"

Draco shrugged and didn't answer.

"5 points from Slytherin. Can anyone tell me what the potion does," Snape scoffed.

Hermione raised her hand and Snape gestured for her speak.

"The Draught of Living Peace is a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation although a simple mistake can cause the drinker to fall into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep," Hermione explained.

"Yes Mrs Granger, now I know you made this in your fifth year but it may be coming up in your N.E.W.T.S so this is good revision which is why I recommend you pay attention," He snapped, slamming his hand down on Harry's desk.

"The instructions are on page 45 so get started," He directed and everyone began opening books.

"Don't think about talking to me Malfoy," Harry grumbled.

"I wasn't planning on it Potter," Draco muttered as he stormed off to collect their ingredients.

He was setting up the cauldron when Snape approached Harry. Draco perked up his ears but didn't turn around, so they didn't know he was listening.

"Harry, how are you feeling," he heard Snape say in a soft voice. Harry didn't answer and the teacher sighed.

"May I have a word outside," Snape asked placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I'll pass," Harry snapped knocking the teachers hand off him. Draco's eyebrows rose but he didn't look up.

Snape didn't say anything but walked back up to the front of his class and sat at his desk.

"Are you going to help me Harry," Draco sighed while crushing moonstone.

Harry looked up and raised his eyebrows, "You just called me Harry," he smirked and Draco froze.

"Do you have a problem with it," he grumbled hiding his red face.

"No I don't Draco," He sniggered and laid his head back down on the desk leaving Draco to work on their potion alone.

"What do you plan on doing when this potion comes up on the N.E.W.T.S and you don't know what to do because you weren't paying attention," Draco asked Harry as he stirred the potion.

"What happened to not talking to me," Harry mumbled and Draco sighed turning back to the work.

The rest of the lesson passed fairly quickly and Harry was getting ready to leave with the others when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

He tried to stand up but the person tightened their grip and he sighed.

Draco looked at Harry and then his eyes wandered up to Snape who was holding him into his seat. He scampered off quickly closing the classroom door behind him.

Snape finally released his grip when Draco left the room and he pulled a chair in front of Harry who dropped his head to the desk.

"I have another class to get to," He said with his voice muffled by the desk.

"I'll give you a note to take to explain why you are late," Snape shot back and Harry groaned.

"You can't keep me here because you want the inside scoop on the golden boy," The raven haired boy spat.

"I'm keeping you here because you weren't paying attention," Severus started before allowing his voice to soften, "You have a support system that isn't me," He explained and Harry ran his hands through his hair.

Harry muttered something into his hands.

"No one fought for you, we fought for the greater good, there's no need to feel so guilty about it," The teacher asked calmly.

"Oh screw off you know nothing about me, or my feelings,"

"Of course I know how you feel, how much do you think I miss your mother," He questioned.

Harry shoved his chair backwards, standing up, "What right do you have to even think about her."

"Harry me and Lily love eachother and-."

"No she loved my father you delusional piece of-."

"I would not finish that sentence if I was you, i'm you're teacher." Snape hissed.

Harry glared at him and turned on his heel leaving in a flurry

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