Have A Biscuit Potter

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Draco escorted Harry back up to hospital wing and helped him into his bed.

"Hazza," Sirius voice boomed through the wooden doors as Sirius and Remus entered.

Sirius headed straight for Harry, pulling the boy into his arms.

"Can we have a moment with him," Remus asked Draco quietly.

The blonde boy hesitated slightly, before sighing and leaving the room.

"Hey Haz," Remus smiled sitting on the edge of the bed.

Harry smiled at him over Sirius's shoulder.

"Wow you look a lot better, someone cheered you up," Remus smirked pushing Harry's hair off his forehead to feel his temperature.

Harry shrugged and gently pushed Sirius off him so he could sit up.

"How are you feeling," Sirius asked rubbing Harry's arm.

"It kinda hurts to breath but other than that i'm fine,"

"No not like that, we have potions to fix that, what's going on up here," he tapped the side of Harry's head gently.

Harry dropped his vision to the bedsheets, "I don't know, I was being stupid,"

"It's not stupid to hurt and it's not stupid to ask for help," Sirius smiled, placing two fingers under Harry's chin and lifting his head so they were making eye contact.

Harry felt a sob began to catch in his throat and he flung himself forword into Sirius arms.

"I'm sorry," He cried.

Sirius glanced at Remus, his breaking heart reflecting in his pupils, "You have nothing to be sorry about, it's all gonna be ok, alright bud,"

Harry just cried.


Harry was excused from lessons for the next week, and with a lot of begging and bargaining, so was Draco.

The two boys spent most of their time in the Gryffindor dorm, Harry reading a potions book, trying desperately to catch up, and Draco drawing Harry, unbeknownst to the smaller boy.

"Why do I have to read this again, can't you just give me your notes," Harry complained looking over at Draco.

He set down his pencil, which he insisted on using to draw, because a quill 'wasn't made for drawing', and raised his eyebrows at Harry, "You have to study, just using my notes won't help you,"

Harry groaned and flopped backwards onto the bed.

"If you keep putting it off, you're gonna get nowhere," Draco lectured.

"If YoU KEeP PuTtInG It OFf YoU'rE GonNa GeT nOwHeRE," Harry mocked.

Draco kicked him, "Well maybe for once you should listen to me,"

"Sorry Wolfboy," Harry muttered.

"Don't call me that, I told you not to," Draco snapped.

"Wolfboy, Wolfboy, Wolfboy," Harry teased standing up and resting his head on Draco's shoulder, so his hot breath fawned over the boys neck.

It Started With Letters - Drarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें