Give Us A Spin

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"I look stupid Harry, this is stupid," Ron snapped as he stood in his dress robes staring into the mirror.

Harry sat on the bed, his hair still wet and a towel around his waist, "Honestly Ron you're fine, it looks better than fourth year."

Ron spun round to face Harry, "That's not much of a compliment," He hissed.

"Can you two hurry up," Ginny yelled, throwing open the door, causing the boys to jump.

Harry pulled his towel closer as she continued to yell, "Dean has been up here twice and everyone is downstairs waiting- for merlins sake Harry you're not even dressed."

She began to pull the door closed before pausing, "If you're not down in five i will come up here and dress you myself."

As soon as the door shut Harry jumped to his feet quickly pulling on his suit. He threw over his button down doing up the bottom few buttons and pulled a blue tie around his neck.

"Come on then," Ron huffed, still red in the face.

The two boys hurried down the stairs, Ron with his jacket on one arm and Harry's on the other.

"Jesus christ," Dean spluttered, tapping Seamus on the shoulder aggressively.

Seamus turned to see Harry walking down the stairs the top buttons of his shirt flowing open, a tie hanging round his neck and his still wet hair dripping water down his neck.

"Merlin Malfoy, if I wasn't stuck with this one," Seamus spoke waving Deans hand around, "I'd be stealing him from you."

Draco turned to see Harry and stood up quickly, glaring at Seamus.

He pulled Harry aside and began doing up his buttons and tying his tie, "Merlin Potter no need to put on a show."

Harry chuckled and pushed up on his toes to kiss Draco on the lips, "You look good."

Draco huffed and linked his arm round Harry yanking him back over to the group.

Harry moved to get Rons attention but his friend was staring at something else entirely. Hermione was walking slowly down the stairs with Luna at her side but it wasn't Lunas bright green and purple dress adorned with tissue paper birds that had everyone's attention. Instead it was Hermione, a white silk dress hanging off her sleek figure and her hair is soft curls.

"Bloody hell," Ron muttered wringing his hands together as he watched.

Hermione kept her head down although her face, now bright red, was quite obvious.

"Oh Harry," She spoke turning the attention off her as she reached the common room landing, "Why didn't you dry your hair."

She murmured a spell that dried his hair turning it into a fully ball that Draco began to try and style into something respectable.

The noise rose again, mainly made up of compliments of Hermiones dress and Harry threw his head back to watch Draco play with his hair.

"Stop moving your head Harry," Draco snapped as he repositioned Harry's head and tried to flatten down his hair slightly.

"Dray your wasting your time, i've tried to fix my hair for eighteen years and no ones being able to do it yet," Harry laughed as Draco huffed in annoyance and gave up.

"Can we please go, all the foods going to be gone if we don't get down there soon," Ron groaned.

"Ronald stop complaining," Hermione muttered under her breath slapping his hand softly.

"But Mione," Ron shot back with wide eyes.

Hermione held eye contact with him for a while before ceding, "Alright fine," she said turning towards everyone, "Come on let's all get down to the great hall."

And so the large mixed group of eighth years bundled along through the corridors they knew back to front. Laughter echoed off the old stone walls as the group moved pass.

Ginny grasped Lunas hand a little tighter as she joked with Seamus and Luna just watched her girlfriend with a whimsical smile.

They headed into the soft glow of music that fluttered through the great hall doors and as they headed through the yellow light the hall became visible and they stopped in their tracks.

You could feel the magic bouncing off the walls as snow trickle down from the ceiling and candles bobbed around midair. Even the birds on Luna's dress care to life and began to fly around her head causing her to giggle effervescently.

"Come on keep moving through," McGonagall ushered them on, looking teary eyed at the sight of the 8th years.

Most students seemed to have already arrived and were dancing (or more like shuffling around awkwardly) on the dance floor.

"Come on let's dance," Harry grabbed at Draco's hand.

"There's a lot of people here Haz," Draco muttered nervously.

Harry have him a look that seemed to say, 'and?' as he continued to pull Draco onto the dance floor.

Draco kept his eyes on Harry's feet as the whispers began and he focused only on the feeling on Harry's hand on his waist as they danced.

Harry pulled Draco closer as they twirled around, completely mesmerising the rest of the students (and teachers).

"Come on Malfoy, give me a spin," Harry chuckled as he spun Draco around.

Draco went red in the face, "Harry everyone's staring."

"Let them stare," Harry smirked as he began to sing to the slow song rather offbeat.

"Ah yes, LET THE GAYS DANCE," Sirius sung loudly as he entered with Remus, pulling him onto the dance floor.

The hall was grinning from ear to ear now as Ginny, Luna, Dean. Seamus, Pansy, Astoria and a few other couples joined the dance floor.

Even Dumbledores portrait had tears glistening on his cheeks as the song continued into the night.

As it drew to a close, applause erupted and a drum beat began from the band as they continued into their next song.

Harry took a bow before pulling Draco off the floor, "I'm thirsty."

Harry twirled around merrily as he made his way over to the punch, Draco watching him with a smile as Pansy followed.

"That was cute," She sang with Astoria at her side.

"Oh shut it," he huffed, "you cant talk you were dancing with Astoria, when you told me you didn't have a date."

Pansy laughed grabbing the blonde girls hand, "She asked me last minute and how could I say no."

"What about Blaise," Draco asked.

"He'll find someone eventually," Pansy spoke softly, "Anyway let's make this party a little more exciting," she grinned pulling out a flask.

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