I Saw You In A Dream

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Sorry my writing has been kinda bad recently cause i'm going through a lot of stuff and have been very unmotivated but i want to get chapters out as much as possible so i'm trying my best but sorry if it's not as good as the rest

"'No you're lying," Draco screamed at his mother, tears spilling from his arms as he hugged the grey jumper closer to his chest.

"Draco honey," Narcissa sniffled, her eyes numb and watery.

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP," Draco yelled, falling to his knees and sobbing in pure agony.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut tighter as he listened to Draco sobbing in the next room.

His heart rippled at the lack of anything he could do, he wanted to make the pain go away but knew his body wouldn't let him until Draco was ok.

"Harry," Sirius spoke softly, entering the room.

Harry looked up before glancing back down at the floor.

"You did a good job yesterday," He spoke softly, closing the door and sitting down next to Harry.

Harry hummed in response and kept his eyes on the ground wincing every time one of Draco's cried pierced through the walls.

"We're still trying to find out where the children are being kept, we have reason to believe they're still alive," Sirius informed him.

"Haven't you looked everywhere, only Lucius would know where they are," Harry muttered negatively.

"They think a couple weeks with dementors would help Lucius... open up," Sirius scoffed and then sighed , "But we are going back to Hogwarts tomorrow, we don't think staying here is helping Cissa or Fangs."

"Does he know," Harry asked, glancing at the wall that connected his room to Draco's.

"Not yet but no one has been able to talk to him," Sirius ran a hand through his hair, "You should try, to comfort him I mean, I think he needs it."

Harry hesitated before nodding with a sigh and slowly leaving his room, approaching Draco's door.

He paused, last time he had tried to comfort Draco he had been yelled at.

With a deep breath be pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was dark apart from the soft waning sun seeping under the closed curtains.

Draco's sobs paused momentarily and were replaced by a harsh voice, "Go away."

Harry paused for a second before continuing forward, the door shutting behind him.

Draco felt the weight shift on his bed and he bit his lip, holding back a sob as his lower lip trembled.

There was movement beside him and an arm slipped around his waist pulling him closer.

"Draco," He felt Harry's warm breath by his ear and he squeezed his eyes shut as tears crept through them.

"I'm right here," Harry spoke softly, as Draco moved into his side slightly, desperately trying not to cry.

"Please leave," Draco chocked but Harry just hugged him tight.

"It's ok to cry," Harry whispered placing a kiss atop the boys messy, blonde curls.

And so Draco began to shake, sadness devouring him as he started to cry into Harry's chest.

Harry waited until his breathing steadied before moving slightly and letting sleep overtake him.

He was woken two times that night, the first must of been only an hour after he fell asleep.

He sat up to find Draco, sitting on the end of the bed, shaking with sobs as he buried his head into the grey jumper.

"Draco," He whispered through the dark, moving over towards him and taking his hand.

Draco turned to look at Harry before squeezing his eyes shut and turning away, "Bad dream," he muttered.

Harry sighed and held Draco in his arms once again.

The second time was closer to morning as the sun was just rising, casting the sky in an misty orange light.

"Harry," Draco panicked, shaking the boy next to him.

Harry woke suddenly and glanced at Draco sleepily, although he fully woke rather quickly at the fear on Draco's face.

"Hey, what's wrong," he frowned, as a Draco snuggled into his side and clutched at his top.

"I keep seeing him die," Draco's voice shook as he sniffled and then hiccuped.

"He's ok, he's watching you alright, he's with my mum and dad," Harry smiled softly, running his hand through Draco's hair.

Draco rubbed at his eyes, "I can't stop seeing it Ry."

Harry pulled him under one arm and using his other picked up the book on the bedside table.

Draco's eyes widened at the sight of it and he grinned through teary eyes.

Harry flipped open the book to the page they had reached last time and grabbed for his glasses.

"Wait Harry," Draco started, "I just wanna say sorry for yelling, I love you."

Harry grinned, "Love you more blondie."

They read for hours, snuggled together under the blankets.

It wasn't until Remus knocked on the door that they finally put the book down.

"Come in," Harry called out, rubbing his eyes.

The door cracked open and Remus stuck his head through, eyeing the two cuddled up in bed.

"What," Harry asked and Remus chuckled before stepping into the room fully.

"We're going to head back soon, i'm leaving with Cissa and Sirius and Alastor will accompany you two," he informed them.

"Oh.. right," Draco sighed, dropping his eyes back to the hem of Harry's sleeve.

Remus frowned apologetically and sat down on the end of the bed, "You two don't have to finish you're exams, you know. The ministry said you would get your predicted grades instead which from what i've heard are pretty brilliant."

"Really," Harry's eyebrows shot up excitedly.

Draco just hummed and Remus's frowned deepened.

"Don't you wanna get back to the Great Hall, with all the feasts and Dumbledore's long speeche-," Remus tried and yet again failed.

"Ah sorry Harry it's hard to remember that's he's really gone sometim-."

"No it's fine," Harry stated but his voice was slightly somber and Draco took his hand under the covers.

"REMUS," Sirius called out, "SHE'S READY."

"Saved by the bell," Remus murmured thankfully, standing up, "Well I'll see you boys tomorrow, be safe," he added.

And with that Remus left the room and Draco stood up, "I'm gonna shower," he muttered, heading into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Harry sighed and picked up his string and shells, trying to take his mind off everything.

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