The Order Of The Pheonix

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I don't like mentioning political matters in my writing but I feel the need to say that I stand with every black person in America and worldwide, please sign petitions and donate if you can because we are all equal #BLM

Three days later Harry sat in a large hall, his foot tapping the ground, eyes tracing the details around him.

It was a rather large place with colourful stained glass windows, depicting moving mermaids and centaurs, and murals etched into the wooden walls. It reminded Harry of some sort of church and he had come to the conclusion that maybe in the muggle world, it was. There were large rows of seats on either side, leading up to a podium at the front and a fireplace at the back which was permanently green with the amount of wizards flowing through it.

Talking about wizards, they were everywhere, Harry sat in the back row with Draco on his left, although the blonde boy's body was turned away from Harry and towards his mother instead. On his right sat Sirius, rather quietly, a hand over his stomach.

Harry recognised a couple teachers and adults milling about but apart from that it was a blur of faces. He did notice Remus though, standing near the front, talking and welcoming a large group of men and woman.

Draco's eyes were also watching the large group talking to Remus, only he knew exactly what they were, he had smelled it as soon as they entered. Werewolf's, Remus's werewolf's. He could also tell by the scars lacing their arms and face and the fact that some of them glanced over at him to share a smile, which he returned with a curt nod.

There were a large series of cracks from the corner, drawing everyone's attention to see a group of at least eight aurors that had apparated in. Draco recognised Kingsley, Arthur Weasley and the short man from many nights ago. He could feel Harry tense beside him and felt the urge to comfort him but instead he took a deep breath and joined in on his mother's conversation.

Not that it lasted much longer since after a scramble for seats, the noise died down and Remus took a stand at the front.

"Welcome to the meeting of the order of phoenix," He began to which a murmur of greetings went through the crowd, "We have all gathered today on very, unfortunate but necessary circumstances and I think it would be best to start by paying our respects. Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore was the most wise worded and powerful wizard I have ever known, who brought together an army of magical people from anywhere and everywhere to fight a form of evil. It's in our hands, every single one of us, to stop this and to fight for equality, because we are all one and the same, our blood changes nothing, we are all humans with beating hearts and love to give. We should not be judged on the amount of magic in our blood but the amount of kindness in it. This is why we're fighting, and why we need to continue because our war isn't over yet."

A cheer went up in the crowd, wands were raised in the air, bright lights shining from the tip.

After a moment more someone cleared their throat and the noise died down.

Harry saw Remus sit down beside Sirius, and Sienna approach the podium.

"Now our spirits are high I would like to share plans that have been discussed. Firstly a safe house, the Christmas break is approaching and all we can expect are more attacks, especially on certain members who we cannot risk loosing after such a big loss already," Her eyes flitterted over the back row where most of the closer order members were sitting, along with Harry and Draco, "They'll move just before the Hogwarts term ends and stay until we can figure out a plan without sitting and waiting for more deaths, we need a plan or any sort of lead."

She continued talking taking suggestions from other members, most of which sounded stupid anyway.

"Who's going to this safehouse thing," Harry asked Sirius quietly, who turned to look at him.

He held eye contact for a long moment before shrugging and turning back to the front, Harry opened his mouth to protest but Sirius lifted a finger and held it to his lips.

With a huff he turned back as well.

The aurors spoke for a while about a couple raids they made, catching a few death eaters but finding none of the children. They also had a couple new leads they would investigate over the next week or so and a ton more missing children but that was about it.

Everyone seemed rather defeated as they left a few hours later and the energy in the room was completely gone when only the closer order members were left.

The sat, spread out across a couple benches, Draco was lounging across a whole row, talking to Sienna, who was sitting on the backrest with her feet on the bench, while the other adults cleaned up.

Harry was walking around, inspecting the moving windows when his name was called and he moved back over to the group.

"Right we need to talk about the safehouse," Remus started, "We found a place up in Costa Rica which belongs to the Potter's, Sirius has been up there a couple times and i've been there once, it's rather nice honestly."

"Wait it belongs to me," Harry cut in, looking up in interest at the sound of his last name.

"It belonged to Charlus, I guess maybe it does, no one ever really thought about it," Sirius muttered, "James and I lived there for a while but no ones been there since he-," he stopped himself and looked down, fiddling with his hands.

"Right," Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well we can leave just before Christmas break." Remus spoke up.

"Um what do you mean we," Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Well Siri, Cissa, Draco, you and I will be staying permanently for a while and Sie, Anna and a couple others will come and go-."

"No, i'm not going, i'm not just gonna go hide away," Harry snapped, crossing his arms, causing Draco to mutter something about being insolent and roll his eyes.

"Well maybe you should think on it, we still have at least a week," Sirius said, sharing a look with Remus."

Harry didn't answer but stood up and made his way towards the floo, Sienna hurried after him and handed him the powder.

"Dumbledores office." The words were repeated twice, once by Harry and then by Sienna.

The rest of the room went silent for a moment, "He's going no matter what," Draco hugged before leaving after the other two.

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