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Harry walked to defense his hands shaking with pure white anger.

It was so hot that his head seemed on fire, his eyes burning red.

He took a second to take a breath, before entering the classroom quietly.

Everyone was working in groups so he slipped quietly up to the front.

"There you are Harry," Lupin said over the noise of the classroom.

He met Lupin's eye.

"What happened," Remus whispered.

"Snape," Harry grumbled, the word sour on his tongue

"Do you want to go for a walk with Sirius or something," Remus asked quietly.

Harry nodded his head pounding with leftover adrenaline. Remus called over to Sirius who was sitting at the back of the class in an armchair with a book, looking rather out of place.

"Can you take Harry for a walk," He asked giving Sirius a poignant look.

Sirius raised a brow and nodded towards the door, Harry followed.

Harry turned around to smile goodbye to Lupin but instead he caught Draco's curious gaze. They made eye contact and Draco dropped his head, hastily turning back to his group. Harry took a deep breath and followed Sirius out the door, closing it behind him.

As soon as they had left the classroom Harry collapsed against the wall. Sirius paused, still frowning.

"Hey. hey, what's up," he questioned as Harry trembled.

"Snape. Had the fucking balls to talk about Lily."

Sirius chuckled, "Course he did, what a wanker."

He pulled Harry into his chest, wrapping his arms around the boy who was now almost taller than him.

"You're dad would have thrown a fit if he heard, rolling in his grave he is," Sirius joked, though his voice was heavy with memories.

Ones Harry would never know.

The sudden urge to cry, grabbed at his throat. He shook it off with a shaky breath.

Someone coughed behind then and they both turned around. Draco stood awkwardly outside the classroom door.

"Sorry I was going to the bathroom and I um," He muttered.

"Then go to the bathroom," Sirius raised his eyebrows gesturing for the boy to keep moving.

"Harry are you okay-," Draco tried to ask but Sirius cut him off.

"Keep moving Malfoy," he hissed and Draco scurried off towards the bathroom.

Sirius turned back to face Harry, "Since when did he care about you and call you Harry," he chuckled

Harry just shrugged failing to hide his blush, "Aww does Hazza have a crush," he teased.

"Shove off, Draco's a git," He sulked and Sirius pulled him under his arm as the continued to walk down the hallway.

They were walking towards the entrance hall when Harry spotted McGonagall, Dumbledore and Snape talking in front of them.

Harry turned around, "We should go this way," He muttered hastily and Sirius looked up to see what had scared Harry off.

He laughed when he saw the teachers and he wrapped Harry under his arm dragging him forward.

"Afternoon you three," Sirius called out still holding tightly onto a squirming Harry.

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