Boxing Day

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love you all

A few shots of celebratory firewhiskey and a lot of stumbling up stairs later, Draco and Harry finally made it to the room they would share for the night.

It consisted of a wardrobe and two single beds, one of which wouldn't be used.

Harry, who was far less drunk, lay Draco down in the bed and turned to his wardrobe. He slipped off his shoes and clothes, changing into grey trackies.

He then made his way over to Draco and helped the shivering boy do the same.

He reached for the nearest jumper, which just happened to be one of his favourites. It was one that he had stole from Remus years ago, after finding out it had been his fathers. He remembered wearing it for days on end over the summer, even though it was like a large blanket on him and increased the stifling heat tenfold.

He held it in his hands for a moment fiddling with the worn out sleeves and collar and tucking away lose ends before carefuly lifting it to his nose as he had done many time before, searching for any scent of his father.

When Draco shivered again he helped the boy sit up and slipped the navy fleece over his blonde locks, allowing it to fall to his upper thighs.

Then he attempted to pull a pair of trackies on the boy, which was a lot harder considering Draco's stubborn, inertia.

"Still cold," Draco shook, wrapping his arms around himself.

Harry chuckled, having grown up in a cupboard under the stairs he was rather accustomed to the draughty feeling of a house, although, obviously the rich boy from Malfoy Manor was not.

Anyhow he pulled his wand from his waistband and put up some heating wards around the room, causing Draco to sign contently.

He also slipped a pair of socks over the boys feet.

"Oww," Draco murmured, pulling his foot away as Harry tried to put the second sock on.

"What," Harry frowned, still holding the sock in one hand.

"Hurts, bludger boom," He mumbled, scrunching up his face into a small frown.

Harry carefully took his right shin and extended his leg, softly running his fingers over the bruised skin of Draco's ankle.

Draco's nose twitched and his eyebrows stichted together as Harry spoke a simple healing charm.

"Better," The raven haired boy asked dotingly.

Draco nodded and Harry placed a soft kiss on the pale, untouched flesh of his ankle before pulling the sock on and crawling up the bed to slip under the covers next to him.

Harry threw an arm over Draco but the blonde boy only huffed and pushed it off, curling in on himself.

"What now," Harry sighed tiredly as he pushed himself up on his elbows.

"You ignored me," Draco slurred, from where his eyes were still shut.

"When," Harry spoke in exasperation.

"You and your golden trio," Draco snapped although his voice was a mere incoherent mumble.

Harry paused for a moment, "Well i'm sorry."

Draco still didn't speak so Harry leaned over and placed his lips just below the blond's hair, speaking just above his ear, "Really super duper sorry."

Draco eventualy rolled over and curled up onto Harry's bare chest, with nothing but a tired yawn.

Harry smirked and shook his head as he fixed up the covers before slowly drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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