One More Wolf

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Sirius bounded through the forest in his dog form, sniffing out the trace of the silver wolf.

He finally spotted Dragon in a clearing surrounded by trees. Sirius slowed down and masked his scent to hide himself. The wolf was sitting on the edge of a small lake, tilting his head at the reflection of himself. He splashed the water with his paw disrupting the glossy surface and disguising the sound of Sirius steps as he edged closer.

Cautiously Sirius transformed into his human form and drew his wand, pointing it directly at the wolf.

"Draco," he asked breaking the serene silence of the woods.

The wolf spun around and edged backwards tilting his head.

"Change back now," Sirius ordered with his tone growing stronger.

The wolf whimpered and edge back again so he back legs where submerged into the muddy water of the lake.

"NOW," Sirius yelled tightening his grip on his wand and the wolf's eyes grew wide but he finally bowed his head in submission.

In a blur of light a cowering boy stood in the place of the silvery blonde wolf.

Sirius stepped forward, grabbed the boy by the arm and dragged him towards the school.

They walked in an angry silence apart from the occasional whimper from Draco when Sirius's grip got too tight.

Draco's panic increased as he was led him through an unknown corridor and towards a room he had never seen before.

Sirius approached a door and knocked hastily still holding onto Draco. The boy watched as the doorknob twisted and started to open.

With bated breath he hoped that it wasn't McGonagall on the other side. Luckily the person who opened the door happened to be Lupin.

He looked down at the scared Draco in confusion and then back at Sirius who was fuming with anger.

He stepped out of the doorway to let them enter and took a seat in one of the air chairs in the room, watching the scene unfold before him.

Sirius let go of Draco who stumbled forwards into the center of the room, rubbing his bruised arm.

He heard Sirius lock the door with magic and mutter a silencing spell. Draco's heart was thumping in his chest, what if they where going to murder him.

Don't be stupid Draco, he thought to himself trying to calm his worries. He reached into his pocket to hold onto his wand for safety before realising that Sirius had taken it from him on the walk to the castle.

Sirius took a seat next to Lupin and gestured for Draco to sit down on the couch across from them.

He glanced around as he walked towards the couch. He was in a decently large room with a fireplace, a couch and a couple armchairs. There was also a small kitchen in corner and a couple other doors which he assumed lead to different rooms.

He sat down on the edge of the couch fiddling with his hoodie and looking down at his feet.

"May I ask what on merlins beard is going on," Lupin chuckled.

"Show him," Sirius growled to Draco making the boy wince.

He looked up with pleading eyes at Sirius but the man glared back and Draco slowly stood up shaking from head to toe.

He took a deep breath before turning back into a silver blonde wolf.

Lupin gasped and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

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